

On the Macro-protection of Public Interest to Intellectual Property by Anti-unfair Competition Law

【作者】 王烨君

【导师】 徐士英;

【作者基本信息】 华东政法学院 , 法律, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 根据大陆法系对法的划分,保护“公益”的法律是“公法”,保护“私益”的法律是“私法”。知识产权法主要侧重私法角度对知识产权进行保护,而反不正当竞争法则侧重公法角度对知识产权进行保护。但是知识产权法保护的“私益”与反不正当竞争法保护的“公益”往往互相依存,这使得两法之间存在着共同的价值取向而表现出趋同性。这决定了反不正当竞争法作为公法,对知识产权这一私权利进行保护的必然性。知识产权经过历史演进,已由一项“特许权”发展成为一项“私权”,以鼓励创新。但知识产权法以单行法为主的立法模式及其对权利本身的关注,使这种“私益”性保护本身存在着一定的局限性。这一局限性表现为:缺乏对新型知识产权的全面保护,缺乏知识产权权利之间的协调,以及不利于对社会整体利益的兼顾。反不正当竞争法站在社会整体利益的高度,旨在维护公平竞争的秩序及诚实信用的商业道德伦理。在知识产权领域,其法律规范的相对不确定性为知识产权的全面保护提供了广阔的空间;其引入诚实信用原则对行为正当性进行价值判断,更有利于知识产权权利间的协调;作为公法,其立足社会整体利益,更有利于正确引导知识产权领域的竞争。我国的反不正当竞争法主要从禁止仿冒行为、解决知识产权权利间的冲突以及保护商业秘密三方面入手,对知识产权实施保护。然而,我国的反不正当竞争法对知识产权的“公益”性保护,并未得以充分发挥。借鉴国外立法和国际公约的相关规定,建议从三方面入手完善反不正当竞争法对知识产权的保护。首先建议明确对未注册商标的保护。其次建议增加一般条款,打破对不正当竞争行为界定的局限性,以便更好地解决知识产权权利间的冲突。再次,需拓宽反不正当竞争法的适用范围,使之适用于没有竞争关系的情形,同时对主体也不宜限定于“经营者”的范围,将更多新型知识产权纳入保护范围。通过对知识产权法和反不正当竞争法的全面考察,我们得出结论:反不正当竞争法对知识产权的公益性保护,并非停留在兜底保护的层次,其更重要的意义在于,立足社会整体利益对知识产权制度进行必要调整和修正。它与知识产权法相辅相承,引导知识产权领域的竞争向着健康和谐的方向发展。

【Abstract】 According to the classification of law by Continental Law System, the law protecting public interest is called Public Law, and the law protecting private interest is called Private Law. Intellectual law mainly protects intellectual property from the view of Private Law, while anti-unfair competition law protects intellectual property mainly from the view of Public Law. Since the private interest protected by intellectual law and the public interest protected by anti-unfair competition law usually rely on each other, which decides that these two laws have the common value orientation, these two laws represent something with intercommunity. As a result, it is inevitable that anti-unfair competition law as a public law protect the private right of intellectual property.During historic evolvement, intellectual law has been developed into a Private Right from a Privilege to encourage innovation. However, the legislation module of separate law and its focus on the right itself of intellectual property decides its limitation on the protection of private interest. These limitations are its lack of complete protection of new patterns of intellectual property, lack of coordination among various kinds of intellectual property, and insufficient attention to social macro interest.While the anti-unfair competition law stands on the high level of social macro interest with the aim to maintain fair competition system and commercial ethics of honesty and fairness. In the field of intellectual property, its comparative uncertainty broadens the space of completely protection of intellectual property. Its introduction of the principle of honesty and fairness as its standards to judge the justness of behavior is in favor of coordination among intellectual property. As a public law, its focus on the social macro interest will provide right guidance to the competition in the field of intellectual property. Anti-unfair competition law of our country provides intellectual property protection in the three aspects as prohibition against imitation, resolving conflict among intellectual property and protection of secret information.However, anti-unfair competition law in our country has much to be improved to exert its macro-protection on public interest of intellectual property. Comparing the legislation of foreign countries and international treaties, we need to improve our anti-unfair competition legislation in the following three aspects to protect intellectual property properly. At first, it is strongly recommended to stipulate definitely in this law about the unregistered trademark. Secondly, we suggest to add general terms to break the limitation of unfair competition definition in order to solve the conflict among intellectual properties. Finally, it is suggested to broaden the application scope of anti-unfair competition law, which means competition relationship shall not become the application premise of this law, and subject governed by this law shall not limited to business operators, to involve more new patterns of intellectual properties into the protection.After complete study of both intellectual property law and anti-unfair competition law, we can get the conclusion that anti-unfair competition law provides not only supplementary protection of intellectual property. It is more significant that the anti-unfair competition law provides necessary adjustment and rectification on the base of social macro interest. With the assistance of intellectual property law, anti-unfair competition law will guide the competition in the field of intellectual property into a more healthy and harmonious direction.

  • 【分类号】D912.29;D913
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】459

