

Study on Communication System Using Multi-serial Bus Technique Based on AT91M40800

【作者】 阎显勇

【导师】 宋建成;

【作者基本信息】 太原理工大学 , 电力电子与电力传动, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 随着煤矿监测监控系统的普及应用,矿井安全生产管理效率和水平大大提高,但是由于煤矿监测监控系统技术标准不统一、通讯接口和协议种类繁多,造成了国内外各厂商系统和设备间通讯无法兼容的现象。对具体项目做针对性改进是大多数厂商所采用的方法。虽然这种方法可以解决用户的燃眉之急,但是,也给系统带来了可维护性差、升级困难等问题。因此,研制一种能增强网络兼容性的设备是我国煤矿监测监控系统发展的当务之急。针对上述问题,本文提出了通过多串口系统增强系统兼容性的解决办法,并在调研分析国内外煤矿监测监控系统网络结构、接口规范、通讯协议的基础上,规划设计了多串口系统的硬件和软件方案。通过对多串口系统的硬件和软件测试,结果表明:系统的各项性能指标均达到了设计要求,解决了监测监控系统可维护性差、升级困难等问题,增强了监控系统的兼容性。本文的主要研究内容如下:多串口系统扩展了以太网、CAN网和RS-485等物理接口。本文通过比较DSP控制器与ARM控制器的性能,最终选用ATMEL公司的以ARM为内核的AT91M40800微控制器作为多串口系统的主处理器,并详细介绍了其内部资源和使用方法;通过比较RTL8019AS、CS8900和DM9000控制器,确定使用具有较高稳定性和易操作性的RTL8019AS作为以太网控制器,并设计了以太网接口电路;由于AT91M40800没有集成SPI、I2C等高速串口,因此本文选择了有较多成熟资源的SJAl000作为CAN总线控制器,并设计了CANBUS接口电路;在此基础上扩展并设计了RS-485接口,增加了红外遥控功能,增强了煤矿井下环境的人机交互性能。多串口系统的软件设计主要包括各接口驱动程序的设计、任务的调度与管理以及各种应用软件的设计等。为了增强多串口系统的可靠性和抗干扰性能,本文通过比较μClinux与μC/OS-Ⅱ的性能,确定并移植了占用空间少、执行效率高、实时性能优良的μC/OS-Ⅱ操作系统。根据IEEE802.3规范,在修改uIP协议栈的基础上,嵌入了精简结构的TCP/IP协议。依据103规范设计并实现了103主站协议,完成了103协议与Modbus协议的相互转换。设计并编写了以太网驱动程序、CAN网驱动程序、RS-485驱动程序以及显示和遥控驱动程序。本文对多串口总线系统进行了系统调试,内容包括微控制器内核以及外围接口器件的硬件电路调试,μC/OS-Ⅱ操作系统和各种协议软件调试。结果表明:多串口系统硬件性能稳定,软件运行可靠,达到了设计要求。

【Abstract】 With the popularization and application of coal mine monitor and control system, management level and efficiency of safety production in the coal mine have greatly risen. However, because of the non-unified technical norms and various interfaces and protocols, it is unable to be compatible to communicate directly between systems and devices from the different manufacturers. And then, in order to meet users’ different requirements, the manufacturers pertinently improve the concrete project. Although these measures could solve the matter of great urgency, the problems that it is hard to maintain and difficult to promot have also been brought. So, it is quite urgent for the coal mine enterprises to develop a kind of equipment which is able to strengthen network compatibility.To solve the problem described above, the solution to strengthen system compatibility by multi-serial system has been put forward in this thesis, and the hardware and software schemes of the multi-serial system have been designed on the basis of analyzing the network structures, interface norms and communication agreements of the domestic and oversea monitor and control systems of coal mine. It has been shown by the tests of the hardware and software that: the performances of the multi-serial system have equally accorded with the design requirements, which has perfectly solved the problems that it is hard to maintain and difficult to promotion, meanwhile the compatibility of the monitor and control system has been strengthened. The main works have been done as follows:The multi-serial system has expanded several physics interfaces such as Ethernet, CAN and RS-485. After comparing DSP controller with ARM controller, the AT91M40800 microcontroller with ARM as the core has finally been selected as the host processor of multi-serial system. At the same time, the inside resources and usages have been introduced in detail. By comparing RTL8019AS, CS8900 with DM9000 controller, the RTL8019AS which is easy in operation and high in stability has been used as Ethernet controller, and the circuit of Ethernet interface has been designed. Because the AT91M40800 microcontroller is not integrated the serial interface at high speed such as SPI, I~2C, the SJA1000 with more mature applications as the CANBUS controller has been chosen, and the interface circuit for the CANBUS has been designed. The interface of RS-485 has been expanded and designed, and the infrared remote control has been added, which has strengthened the performances of the human-computer interaction in the pit at coal mine.The software designs of the multi-serial system mainly include tasks such as the designs of each interface drivers and various application softwares. To strengthen dependability and anti-interference performance of the multi-serial system, theμC/OS-II operating system taking up less space and with higher execution efficiency and good real-time performance has been confirmed and transplanted by comparingμClinux withμC/OS-II OS. According to IEEE802.3 norm, on the basis of revising uIP protocol stack, TCP/IP agreement with simplified structure has been embedded. According to 103 norm, the protocol of 103 master station has been designed and realized, and the mutual conversion of 103 protocol and Modbus protocol has been completed. Ethernet driver, CAN network driver, RS-485 driver as well as display and remote control driver have been designed and compiled.The system debugs of the multi-serial system is carried on. The contents include the hardware debugs of microcontroller’s kernel and the peripheral interface and software tests toμC/OS-II OS and various protocols. It has been shown by the tests that the hardware performance of the multi-serial system is steady, the software is reliable, and the designing requirements have been satisfied.

  • 【分类号】TP277
  • 【下载频次】225

