

A Study of English Sports News from the Perspective of Systemic-Functional Grammar

【作者】 王琳

【导师】 赵安源;

【作者基本信息】 太原理工大学 , 外国语言学及应用语言学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 体育是社会文明的标志。随着经济的全球化,体育已成为人类社会文化生活不可缺少的组成部分,愈来愈引起社会的广泛关注。每天人们都可以从不同媒体获得体育新闻。关于体育的网络新闻更是不计其数。因此体育新闻在人们的生活中非常重要,并因其语场、语式和语旨有其独特的特征。许多研究者都对体育新闻从不同角度进行了研究,但对其语言特点方面的研究仍不太完善,缺乏系统而全面的研究。本文以韩礼德系统功能语法理论中的概念功能、人际功能和语篇功能为理论基础,尝试分析了英语体育新闻特定的语言表达方式,以及它们是如何来反映特定的情景语境的。本文首先对系统功能语法进行了简单回顾,并介绍了其中的相关理论,包括元功能理论以及语域理论。然后以此为理论基础,对十五篇英语体育新闻从及物性系统、语气系统、主位系统以及衔接等方面进行了详细分析,并讨论了所发现的语言特征是如何与语域的三个变项——语场、语式、语旨相对应的。本文通过研究发现:在英语体育新闻中,及物系统主要由物质过程体现,关系过程和心理过程有一定量的使用,言语过程偶有出现。这说明英语体育新闻主要用来描述体育事件,提供相关信息和背景。英语体育新闻语气上大量使用陈述句、情态动词、情态附加语和褒贬词语,使英语体育新闻的风格倾向于非正式,从而增强与读者间的亲近感:多使用过去时态来报道已发生的事件,有时使用现在时态来增加报道的及时性、新鲜感和真实感。将来时态很少出现。英语体育新闻主位系统上多使用简单主位,多重主位主要是“语篇主位+话题主位”类型;无标记性主位多于有标记性主位;简单线形式和主位同一式是主要使用的主述位推进模式;多使用照应、逻辑连接语、复现和同现等衔接手段:主位/述位结构和衔接手段互相交织在一起共同完成构建书面语篇的任务。本文的发现表明,情景语境与语言表达方式之间存在着紧密的联系。对英语体育新闻报道的语言特征进行的分析有助于对英语体育新闻报道的语言选择及其所实现的功能进行有效的理解。希望本文的分析能对体育新闻报道的欣赏和写作有一定的帮助。

【Abstract】 Sports are the sign of social civilization. With the globalization of economy and the development of communicative technology, sports become an indispensable part of our social and cultural life and have been attracting more and more attention. Every day people can get sports news from different media around them, such as newspaper, TV and internet. The sporls section often makes up one quarter of some daily newspapers. Many newspapers bear spoils edition, and millions upon millions of online news are about sports each year. Thus, sports news occupies a very important place in our daily life and has its unique features due to its field, mode and tenor of discourse. Sports news is a genre mostly studied by researchers from various angles because it has lively language and special syntax and other distinct features. But a systemic and comprehensive analysis of its linguistic features has not been well attempted.Guided by M.A.K.Halliday’s Systemic-Functional Grammar, especially based on his three Metafunctions—Ideational Function, Interpersonal Function and Textual Function, the thesis has attempted to analyze sports news reporting in fifteen actual examples to find out their specific lexico-grammatical features and how the lexico-grammatical features realize its context of situation.A general review on Systemic-Functional Grammar is firstly presented which is the major theoretical framework for the whole thesis. Relevant theories including Metafunctions and Register are also presented as they are important in the explanation of the relationship betv/een language and the context of situation. Then, based on the analytical framework of Systemic-Functional Grammar, the thesis analyzes the fifteen authentic sports news reportings in the Transitivity system, the Mood system, the Theme-Rheme system and Cohesion. Finally, a discussion on how the lexico-grammatical features realize the three variables of the register, i.e. field, tenor and mode is carried out.The analysis of Transitivity system reveals the realization of the field of sports news is through the different processes selected in the texts. In sports news, material processes appear most frequently; relational and mental processes are sometimes used; verbal processes are infrequently used; existential and behavioral processes rarely appear, which shows the central function of sports news is mainly to report sports events and supply relevant information and background. The analysis of Mood system unveils the realization of tenor of sports news is mainly through the choice of full declarative mood and the choice of modality expressions. Full declarative are the major mood type, while interrogative, imperative and exclamative are rarely used. There are also plenty of modality expressions such as modal verbs, modal adjuncts and appraisable words in sports news which makes the interpersonal distance between the participants become less and an intimate atmosphere between friends has been created. Past tense is mainly used to report the events happening in the past, and present tense is sometimes used to increase timeliness, freshness and immediacy of the report. Future tense rarely appears. The analysis of Theme-Rheme system manifests the realization of mode of sports news is mainly through the use of theme and the use of constant theme pattern and linear pattern. Most sports news adopts simple themes, and multiple themes are mainly the textual & topical type. Unmarked themes are used much more than marked themes. Constant theme pattern and linear pattern are mainly used. The analysis of Cohesion presents in sports news, reference and conjunction are frequently used, and reiteration and collocation appear frequently, which also realizes the mode of sports news as a written text. Theme-rheme patterns and cohesive devices are adopted together to organize the text of sports news.The findings of this thesis indicate the Systemic-Functional approach to the study of sports news is powerful in that the relationship between situational context and linguistic realizations can be exploited thoroughly and expressed clearly. The analysis on this news sub-style helps to understand the choice of news language and the function it realizes, which leads to a better comprehension and a thorough grasp of the news characters. It is hoped that the present study will contribute to the better understanding and writing of sports news reporting.

【关键词】 系统功能语法体育新闻语域
【Key words】 Systemic-Functional Grammarsports newsregister
  • 【分类号】H314
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】766

