

The Design of Management Information System of Geo-Thermal Water Based on ComGIS

【作者】 王国芳

【导师】 乔玉良;

【作者基本信息】 太原理工大学 , 地图制图学与地理信息工程, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 目前,山西地下热水资源勘查开发及管理工作虽然取得了一定的成效,但仍存在如下亟待解决的问题。一是地下热水资源勘测评价程度低,不适应开发的需要;二是现行法律法规及配套措施不完善,部分地区的管理体制不健全,不适应地下热水资源的管理;三是部分地区重开采轻回灌,超采严重,引发环境问题;四是地下热水资源开发和综合利用水平低,浪费现象严重。以上问题的存在,直接影响地下热水资源的保护、开发利用和管理工作的有序开展。如何促进地下热水开发沿着又好又快的方向发展,是目前政府管理部门需高度重视的一件大事。为此,本系统进行了基于GIS组件式地下热水管理信息系统的开发研究。随着地理信息系统、计算机技术的飞速发展,组件、数据库技术已逐渐融入传统的地理信息系统行业中。组件式软件技术作为当今软件技术的潮流之一,为软件开发方法提出了一个全新的概念。组件式GIS把地理信息的功能适当地抽象,便于以组件形式供开发者使用,不仅为各种GIS应用系统的革新和完善提供了契机,而且为传统GIS面临的多种问题提供了全新的解决思路。因此,利用组件式GIS技术和数据库技术建立的地下热水管理信息系统,具有许多传统GIS工具无法比拟的优点,它能够满足城市规划部门、设计部门和管理部门的需要。本文在介绍了地理信息系统的基本理论、发展和开发趋势的基础上,详细阐述了组件式GIS的构成、特点及组件技术的演变和组件式GIS二次开发技术的原理、特点,分析了组件式GIS开发的优势,着重介绍了ESRI公司MapObjects组件的特点和体系结构,并深入探讨了以Visual Basic为软件平台,应用MapObjects组件,结合“应用红外遥感技术寻找地下热水研究”项目中的地理信息系统的研制,探索了MapObjects下ComGIS的二次开发方式和实现过程,该系统界面友好、操作便捷,为相关系统的研究与开发提供了一套可借鉴的方法和思路。

【Abstract】 At present,the geo-thermal water resources in shanxi province is abundant. Exploiture and management of the geo-thermal water resources of shanxi obtain active effect, but still existing some problems need resolveing.Firstly,The degree of the evaluation and perambulation in the geo-thermal water resources is low,which doesn’t adapt to the need of exploiture.Secondly, current laws and measures are not perfect, the management system of parts of regions is not agreeable, which doesn’t adapt to the management of the geo-thermal water resources.Thirdly,parts of regions mine heavy and infuse lightly,severity exploitation, causing the environment problem.Fourthly, the level of exploiture and synthesize use in geo-thermal water resources is low,resulting in the serious waste phenomenon.The existence of these problems, affect directly the development in the protection, exploitation and use,and management work of the subterranean heat resources in order.How to promote the geo-thermal water resources exploiture along with good and quick direction development, it is the government should regard as an important event.Therefor, this system carried on according to exhibition and research of the management information system of Geo-thermal Water in Shanxi Province Based on Component.With the development of the GIS and computer technology ,the Com technology and the database technology has already melted into the traditional GIS profession gradually .As a software technique, COM Technical put forward a new concept for the software. The ComGIS not only apply the innovation of the system for various GIS but also provide the new methods. Therefore, this system making use of the ComGIS and database technology have many advantages.It can satisfy the demand of the city planning section, the design section and management section.This thesis firstly introduce the basic concept, development of the GIS and the development trends and then elaborate the composing, characteristics, evolvement of ComGIS and principleetc,charavteristics of Secondary Developing of ComGIS .It analyze the advantage of the ComGIS development. emphatically introduce the characteristics and the system structures of MapObjects of the ESRI company,Taking the Visual Basic as the software terrace, application MapObjects, combining" applying infrared remote sensing technology technique to look for the geo-thermal water research",The thesis explore the way and process of the ComGIS develop,The system has interface amity, convenient operation and provide a set of method and the way of thinking for the research and development of the related system.

  • 【分类号】P208;P314
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】171

