

The Research of Shanxi Pre-Modern Hiher School Building

【作者】 王秀静

【导师】 王瑛;

【作者基本信息】 太原理工大学 , 建筑技术科学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 随着西方文化的入侵,几千年的中国传统封建的教育模式受到冲击,高等学校在原书院基础上发展起来,从此学校建筑不断改革、扩充。在中外建筑文化碰撞的形势下,中国近代学校出现了各种形态的中西交汇的建筑形式。近代山西高等学校建筑作为中国近代学校的组成部分,在传播发展的过程中,不可避免的受到当时当地的社会历史背景、教育程度、人文特点以及传统文化等各方面的影响,形成独特的建筑形式。在中西文化相互碰撞、交融的过程中,山西高等学校建筑受到怎样影响,影响程度如何,这对于中国近代建筑的研究具有重要意义。本文以山西近代高等学校为研究对象,从建筑历史与理论的角度通过对相关材料进行查阅、整理及分析;以山西近代高等教育的发展历程为背景资料,对近代高等学校建筑按照沿用、改建、扩建旧建筑、创建新建筑进行分类,梳理其发展变化的基本脉络;用典型实例阐述学校建筑基本特征。论文根据办学原因、特点分析了山西大学、省立教育学院两所高等学校的校园建设情况、建筑特征及其产生该建筑特点的原因;又以省立川至医学专科学校为例,分析了两个不同历史时期校园建筑状况,说明山西部分近代高等学校校园建设是处于不断发展、壮大之中的;此外从建筑选址与布局、建筑风格、建筑技术手段等方面对山西近代教会高等学校与公、私立高等学校两种不同类型的学校做了对比,从而进一步阐述了在这两类学校建筑方面的异同,揭示了山西近代高等学校建筑本土化特色。最后在结束语中总结归纳全文,讨论山西省近代高等学校建筑的基本特点。近代山西受当时中国基本形势影响,建筑中出现了不少与中国传统建筑风格迥异的西洋式建筑。山西近代高等学校建筑也是如此,并同时表现出山西特有的地方性和本土化特色,这是本文关注的另一重要问题。山西近代高等学校的研究揭示了中西建筑文化在山西碰撞和融合过程,为研究山西地区中西方建筑文化的交流提供了参考。另外,通过总结与分析现有资料,对山西近代高等学校建筑状况做基础性的汇总,以期对今后近代学校建筑的研究有所帮助。

【Abstract】 Along with the western cultural invading, the educational pattern of the Chinese traditional feudalism lasts for thousands of years gets impact and higher school develops on the foundation of traditional academy. Since then, school buildings are reformed and expanded constantly. Under the situation of Chinese and foreign building cultural collision, Chinese pre-modern school has arisen the combination of Chinese and western building styles. Pre-modem Shanxi higher school building is one part of Chinese pre-modern school buildings. In the course of spread and development, the unavoidable influence that gets each aspect such as local social historical background, educational level, humanity characteristic and traditional culture form. The influences on shanxi higher school building and the degree have the important significance on the research for Chinese pre-modern building has important meaning in the cultural course of Chinese and Western of colliding and blending mutually.This paper fouses on the pre-modern higher school in Shanxi, and looks up and arrangs for related material and analyzes in the angle of building history and theory; It classifies according to the sustained use, alter, extensioning old building, founding new building, and combs its basic changes and developments on the basis of the background information of Shanxi pre-modern higher education developing course; It elaborates the fundamental feature of school building with typical examples. The paper analyses the building feature and produces its stylistic reasons of Shanxi University and Province Upright Pedagogy based on the reason of two higher schools that running a school and the characteristic; Such as Province Chuanzhi Medical Training School, it has analysed the campus buildings in two different historical periods, explained that Shanxi partially pre-modern higher school campus construction is to be in unceasing development and enlangement; Considering the building optional location and the aspects such as layout, style and technical means for Shanxi pre-modern higher church school and public and private higher school, it makes contrast school of two different types and elaborates the similarities and differences in the aspect of this two kinds of school building further and reveales Shanxi pre-modern higher school localization characteristic. Finally it summarizes the text, and discusses the basic characteristic of Shanxi pre-modern higher school building.Pre-modern Shanxi gets the influence of Chinese basic situation at that time. Shanxi pre-modern building has arisen a lot of Western type style building that difference Chinese traditional building styles. Shanxi pre-modern higher school building is also such, at the same time shows the region with peculiar Shanxi with localization characteristic.it is another important problem that this paper pays attention to.The research on Shanxi pre-modern higher school reveals the building culture of Chinese and Western the course of collision and mixing together in Shanxi, offers the refer to study Chinese and Western cultural in Shanxi. It hopes to help for researching the modern school building in the future through summarizing and analysing existing information and the collection of basic condition of Shanxi pre-modern higher school.

  • 【分类号】TU244.3;TU-092
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】344

