

Error Analysis and Its Application in College Oral English Teaching for Non-English Majors

【作者】 陈顺利

【导师】 隋铭才;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 英语语言文学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 在第二语言习得过程中,所有的学习者都会犯错误,这是学习过程中不可避免的一部分。错误分析是用来研究和探析语言学习者在学习语言的过程中所犯错误的一种分析手段。它通过剖析第二语言习得过程的规律使得语言的教授与学习更加有效。本文以错误分析为理论基础,对非英语专业大学生在英语口语表达中出现的错误进行了实证性的研究,旨在发现各种类型的纠错策略的可接受性和有效性,进而为大学英语口语教学提供有价值的信息。对于英语为第二语言学习者的写作错误分析已经有很多的研究,但对非英语专业大学生口语表达中的错误分析研究在国内尚属少见,而且站在学生和教师两个角度,对纠错策略的可接受性和有效性的研究就更不多见。本文以山东理工大学一年级的学生口语课堂活动为语料,对他们口语活动中出现的语言错误和相应的纠错策略进行了认定,归类和量化,同时结合问卷和访谈对学生的口语错误和教师的纠错策略进行分析。结果表明:(1)教师对学生的口语纠错是有必要的,教师不能对学生的错误置之不理,放任发展。(2)同时,教师的纠错策略要考虑到学生的态度,是有可接受性的,教师不能盲目纠正学生的口语错误。(3)教师的纠错策略的效果要以学生最终的口语水平的提高来衡量,而不是仅以学生当时的感受来决定的。(4)教师的纠错策略要兼顾可接受性和有效性,来选择适当的纠错策略。

【Abstract】 No one can learn a foreign language without committing errors in the process of second language learning. Error analysis is an analytical tool that is used to identify linguistic errors learners make. This tool has been used to significantly change the teaching and learning of second language by making learners react to new linguistic phenomena and by providing useful insights about second language acquisition process. Based on the theory of Error Analysis, the research makes an empirical study on linguistic errors in non-English majors’oral English production.Little research in China has been done on the analysis of oral errors made by non-English majored college students, let alone the research of acceptability and effectiveness of error correction in the perspectives of both students and teachers, and most of the research in China has focused on the analysis of written errors made by English majored college students.This thesis deals with error correcting strategies to the different oral errors made by non-English majored sophomores in Shandong University of Technology. The students’oral errors and its corresponding correction strategies are collected to identify, categorize quantity and analyze the acceptability and effectiveness of error corrections with interview and questionnaire. The statistical analysis of the result indicates that: (1) There are necessities for teachers to correct students’oral errors. (2) Meanwhile, error corrections should be acceptable for students, which should take students’attitudes into consideration. (3) But, the effectiveness of error correction should take students’ultimate improvement in oral English as criteria, besides students’temporary feelings and attitudes. (4) Therefore, both acceptability and effectiveness should be considered in oral error correction both for students and teachers. Finally, the author put forward implications from the perspective of oral English teaching so as to better oral English teaching and learning for non-English majors and Chinese college English teachers.

  • 【分类号】H319.9
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】537

