

Our Country Adult Guards Defect and Legislation of the System to Improve and Study

【作者】 彭琼

【导师】 赵小平;

【作者基本信息】 四川大学 , 法律, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 监护制度是一项重要的民事制度。而成年人监护始终是监护制度的一个重要组成部分。它对于保护行为能力欠缺的成年人的合法权益有着重要意义。随着人权思想的兴起,国外成年人监护制度正进行这一场新的变革。现代成年人监护制度已经从最初管理式的监护方式发展成为现在的保护本人并尊重本人自我决定的协助照顾方式。修改成年人监护制度以适应身心障碍者生活的正常化及尊重其自我决定权已成为一种时代趋势。而我国的成年人监护制度主要见于民法通则,篇幅很少。由于立法体例本身及立法时社会生活条件及认识水平的局限,关于监护的法规过于原则,有关成年人监护的内容更是简单粗糙至今尚未形成完整体系。随着时代发展和社会结构的变化,原有的成人监护制度已远远不能适应社会发展的需要,实践中出现的许多问题更凸显出立法的滞后性和不完善性。随着我国高龄化社会的到来以及维护身心障碍者人权观念的深入人心,成年人监护制度的改革已势在必行,关注他们的生存状况,维护他们的基本人权,取得私权保护与社会稳定的平衡就成为本文的写作目的。近年来,世界诸国纷纷修改调整本国的成年人监护法律。本文在通过对日、德、法等国家成年人监护制度改革的介绍和分析的基础上,针对我国成年人监护的立法现状,结合我国实际,对我国的成年人监护制度的完善提出立法建议。本文包括四个部分:第一部分:成年人监护的概念及意义。通过对成年人监护概念的阐述和对现实生活中新情况新问题的分析,指出建立和完善成年人监护制度对于最大限度地保护被监护成年人的合法权益,充分尊重被监护人的个人意愿,维护社会伦理道德和家庭秩序,维护交易安全意义重大。第二部分:国外成年人监护制度的改革与发展。从德、法、日等国对成年人监护制度的改革中,可以看到,现代监护制度从最初管理式的监护方式发展成为现在的保护本人并尊重本人自我决定的协助照顾方式,在立法理念、监护内容、监护方式等方面都有重大进步。第三部分:我国现行成年人监护制度的主要内容及缺陷。在回顾我国成年人监护制度发展的历史基础上并结合国外成人监护制度的改革,讨论了我国现行成人监护制度的缺陷。提出我国成人监护制度存在立法理念、实体方面,程序方面三大不足。第四部分:我国成年人监护制度完善之建议。提出首先(1)要在法律观念上进行改革,树立起“保护成年人本人意愿,尊重本人决定的权利”思想;(2)在实体方面,应对监护对象重新定义;扩大我国成年人监护制度的适用范围;引入意定监护制度:细化监护人种类建立多级监护制度;监护人权利、义务和责任事由的规定要具体化;改进监护机关的设置;设立专门的监护监督机构;(3)程序方面,设立成年人监护开始、变更、与消灭程序;明确监护人选定程序,取消监护诉讼中的指定前置程序。

【Abstract】 The guardianship system is an important civil system. It has the vital significance regarding the protection the behavioral capable of defective adults’ legitimate rights and interests. With the thoughts of human right arising, the overseas adult guardianship system is carrying on a new transformation. The modern adult guardianship system, which already from original administrant guardianship way developing into protecting oneself and respecting oneself own decision, which be called assistant consideration way at present. Revising the adult guardianship system that adapting the impediment life with body and mind into normalization , and to respect its self-decision-making power become some kind of tendency.But our country’s adult guardianship system which found in the general provisions of the civil law mainly and the length are few. Because legislation style and the time of legislation condition and the level of understanding limited, the content of guardianship laws and regulations too principle, the concerned adult guardianship content is simple rough and did not forms the complete system until now. With the time developing and the social structure changing, the original adult guardianship system has not been able to meet the social development need by far. In the practice, many questions to appear and highlight the rough content and imperfect system in the legislation. Along with the older age society coming and the idea of protecting impediment people’ s rights deep into the hearts of the people, the adult guardianship system needs reform already imperatively, paying attentions to their survival condition, maintaining their basic human rights, obtaining the private right protection and the social stability balance becomes this article’ s goal.In recent years, many countries revised and adjusted their adult guardianship law. This article want to puts forward the proposal about our country’ s adult guardianship legislation system based on the introduction and analysis of the adult guardianship system reform of the Japan、France、Germany according to the reality.This article including four parts:The first part: Adult guardianship concept and significance. Through the elaboration of adult guardianship concept and the analysis of real life in new situation, pointed out it is important to establish and perfect the adult guardianship system regarding to protect the adult guardianship legitimate rights and interests in maximum limit, respecting the guardian’ s individual wish fully, maintaining the social ethics and the family order, maintaining transaction security.The second part: Overseas adult guardianship system reform and development. We can see the progress about modern guardianship system from original administrant guardianship way developing into protecting oneself and respecting oneself own decision in the idea of legislation、the content of guardianship、the way of guardianship from the adult guardianship system reform of Japan、France、Germany and so on. The third part: The main content and flaw of adult guardianship system in our country at present. Reviewing our country adult guardianship system development on the historical foundation and unifies the reform of overseas adult guardianship system, discussing the flaw of our country present adult guardianship system, proposing three main flaws in legislation idea、the entity aspect、the procedure aspect of our country adult guardianship system .The fourth part: The suggestion of our country adult guardianship system consummation. It proposed :(1) It must carrys on the reform in the legal idea, sets up "protects the adult wish, respects right which myself decided" thought; (2) In the entity aspects, it should redefine the guardianship object; Expands the applicable scope of our country adult guardianship system; Introduces the guardianship system subject: Refines guardian types and establishes multistage guardianship system; The guardian right, the voluntary and the responsibility matter stipulation must make concrete; Improves the establishment of guardianship institution; Sets up the special guardianship cognizant agency; (3) in the procedure aspect, sets up to start, the change, and the elimination procedure of the adult guardianship; Defines the procedure of the designating guardian, cancels the procedure in the guardianship lawsuit .

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 四川大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 05期
  • 【分类号】D923
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】651

