

On the Legal Crises of the Pre-sale of Commodity House to Purchasers and the Solutions

【作者】 万华栋

【导师】 王建平;

【作者基本信息】 四川大学 , 民商法, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 商品房预售是指房地产开发企业将正在建设中的商品房预先出售给买受人,并由买受人支付定金或者房价款的行为。自1994年《城市商品房预售管理办法》确立了我国的商品房预售制度以来,商品房预售制度为我国房地产行业的发展起到了积极的促进作用。然而,随着时间的经过,由于商品房预售制度本身的一些瑕疵未得到及时矫正及相关配套规定的缺失和滞后,商品房预售制度的弊端逐渐暴露,也使得其越来越受到人们的争议。2005年8月15日,中国人民银行公布的《2004年中国房地产金融报告》引发了关于我国是否应该取消商品房预售制度的争论。除导言和结论外,本文主要分为四大部分。第一部分是关于是否应取消商品房预售制度的争议及对商品房预售制度的前景分析。作者通过分析,认为商品房预售制度在短期内不会被立即取消,但目前的商品房预售制度存在的种种弊端使买受人购买预售商品房面临很大的法律风险,因而当前的商品房预售制度亟待深层次的改革和完善。第二部分是对买受人在商品房预售中常见的法律风险的分析。作者以商品房预售中的买受人为视角,对其在购买预售商品房过程中可能遇到的如虚假广告、定金陷阱、恶性欺诈、格式条款、不按期交房、商品房的面积差异、质量问题等法律风险进行了分析。第三部分是对商品房预售中买受人法律风险产生的原因进行探究。在上一部分对法律风险进行分析后,作者开始探究这些法律风险产生的原因,进而得出结论,主要有:商品房预售中买卖双方的信息不对称、商品房预售中买卖双方经济实力的不对称、对开发商的监管不力、对商品房预售款的监管不力和商品房预售登记制度的缺陷等。第四部分是关于买受人防范商品房预售中法律风险的对策。根据对法律风险的成因分析,作者对如何降低和化解这些法律风险提出了相关的对策和解决方案,包括规范商品房预售广告、建立和完善房地产信息披露制度、对商品房预售合同中格式条款予以规制、对商品房交付时风险的规制、加强对商品房预售款的监管以及建立商品房预告登记制度等,以期对买受人防范商品房预售中的法律风险有所帮助。

【Abstract】 The pre-sale of commodity house refers to the act that the real estate development enterprises sell the houses under construction to purchasers and the purchasers pay the earnest money or the prices of the houses. The pre-sale system of commodity house has played an important role in the process of the development of China’s real estate market since this system was established in 1994 by the Measures for the Management of Pre-sale of Urban Commodity Houses. However, as time goes by, the flaws and the lack of relating regulations for the system caused quite a few problems, which resulted in the controversy on maintaining this system. A debate on whether the pre-sale system of commodity house should be abolished has been initiated by the 2004 Financial Report of China Real Estate published by the People’s Bank of China on August 15th 2005.This article contains four parts, besides introduction and conclusion. The first part is on the debate of whether the pre-sale system of commodity house should be abolished, and the author gives his opinion on this issue. Through analyzing, the author believes that the pre-sale system of commodity house is unlikely to be abolished in the near future. However, the defects in the pre-sale system cause a lot of legal crises, particularly to the purchasers. Thus, the present pre-sale system needs to be improved and consummated.The second part is on the analysis of the legal crises which the purchasers may encounter during the process of buying the pre-sale commodity house. This part is focused on the purchasers of the pre-sale system; and here the author analyzes the main and severe crises which the purchasers most frequently encounter in the pre-sale of commodity house, such as false advertisement, earnest money trap, fraud, standard contract, delivery delay, quality problems and so on.The third part is on the analysis on the reasons for the crises, in this part the author inquiries into the deep reasons for the legal crises, for example, the unbalance of the information and economic status for the parties in the pre-sale of commodity house, the lack of supervision on the real estate development enterprises and income from the pre-sale of commodity house, and the flaws of the registration of the pre-sale of commodity house and so on.The fourth part is on the methods of controlling and reducing the crises, and here the author tries to reach his own conclusion and put forward the possible solutions, including regulating the advertisement of the pre-sale of commodity house, establishing the real estate information disclosure system, strengthening the supervision on the income from the pre-sale, consummating the advance registration system of the pre-sale commodity house and so on. And the author hopes the solutions would be helpful to the purchasers whom encounter and assume the legal crises in the process of the pre-sale of commodity house.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 四川大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 05期
  • 【分类号】D922.29;D923.6
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】895

