

The Improvement and System Establishment of Judicial Dissolution for China Limited Liability Company

【作者】 邓恒

【导师】 曾彤;

【作者基本信息】 四川大学 , 法律, 2007, 硕士


【摘要】 公司司法解散作为公司法上的一种制度,已经历了一个多世纪的发展并为当今世界许多国家公司法所确认,我国新《公司法》第183条也首次规定:“公司经营管理发生严重困难,继续存续会使股东利益受到重大损失,通过其他途径不能解决的,持有公司全部股东表决权百分之十以上的股东,可以请求人民法院解散公司”。但是由于新《公司法》中仅有这一个条文对公司司法解散相关问题进行了规定,这使得我国的公司司法解散制度还很不完善,或者说还称不上形成了一种制度。本文的论述基点就是通过对我国新《公司法》第183条的评析,发现其中存在的问题和不足,并结合相关国家已有的立法和司法经验,从保护股东合法权益的同时也要防止滥诉和权利腐败的角度,对我国有限责任公司司法解散制度的构建和完善提出笔者的建议。本文第一部分首先从公司解散的概念和类型入手,引出公司司法解散的基本定义,并对公司司法解散制度在世界范围内的起源和发展进行了简单阐述。同时,对公司解散的三种方式以及公司股东诉讼的两种情况进行比较分析,总结出公司司法解散的特征。在本文第二部分主要是对公司司法解散的必要性与合理性分析。该部分中,笔者从股东、公司、法院三个角度去分析公司司法解散的必要性和合理性。对于股东而言,当小股东不断遭受压迫、权利尽失、利益无法保障的时候,赋予其通过诉讼解散公司的权利是“有权利必有救济”的最好体现。对于公司而言,自治是维持公司良好运营发展的基础,当公司的自治发生偏离,无法依靠自身的力量而继续经营并为股东带来利益时,借助外力来纠正自治偏离成为必然。对于法院而言,司法的强制介入并不一定意味着对公司自治的破坏,当公司的自治超越了法律的框架后,司法就有必要介入进行规制,在司法强制与公司自治的博弈中寻找平衡点才能真正体现法之功用。本文第三部分主要是相关国家立法经验的考察借鉴,对于这部分论述,笔者主要是以公司司法解散制度中的一些具体内容和规定为纲目,分别列举了相关国家的成文法规定,并对其进行评述,特别是对一些我国可以借鉴的内容进行了重点阐述。在前文论述的基础上,本文第四部分展开了我国有限责任公司司法解散制度具体构建和完善的论述,这是本文的重心所在。笔者首先从我国现行法律规定的评析入手,提出了我国在今后的立法和司法中应坚持的原则,强调要尊重公司自治,维持公司优先原则,并对公司司法解散的诉讼性质提出了自己的看法。接着,对提起司法解散之诉的前提,即法定事由和内部救济用尽进行了阐述,提出应对法定事由进行细化、对内部救济作出具有操作性的规定。在具体的诉讼过程中,公司司法解散的诉讼当事人和管辖、调解必经程序、举证责任问题、替代性纠纷解决机制、恶意诉讼预防、诉讼保全和营业维持、判决解散后的清算等问题都是我国目前急需予以明确和完善的,笔者对于这些问题一一进行了探讨,并提出一些具体的建议。最后是结语部分,笔者在该部分对全文的论述进行了总结,并表明笔者对公司司法解散制度的研究还将继续进行下去。

【Abstract】 As a remedy measures of the company law, the Judicial Dissolution has experienced one century’s developments and been adopted in most country’s company law nowadays. Our country’s new company law first stipulates the situation of judicial dissolution. But in the new company law ,only one article refer to the Judicial Dissolution, so the system of Judicial Dissolution is not rational, or it’s not a system. In this paper , through analysing the article 183 of the new company law and finding its problems , combined with the the legislation experience abroad, the writer finally proposes the detailed assumption of the improvement and system establishment of Judicial Dissolution for China limited liability company.In first part of this paper, through expounding the concept and kind of the company dissolution, writer defined the Judicial Dissolution and expounded the origin and development of the Judicial Dissolution in the world. Besides this , writer has compared and analysed the three kinds of company dissolution, the two sutiation of the company lawsuit. At last, sum up the traits of the Judicial Dissolution.In the second part, it is chiefly to discuss the necessity and the rationality of the Judicial Dissolution. In this part, from the point of shareholders, company and court to discuss the necessity and the rationality of the Judicial Dissolution. To the shareholders, the fail of expectative benefit is the juristic base for lawsuit of company Judicial Dissolution. To the company, self-governace is the base of company’s well developed, when the self-governace is not functional and can’t to bring the shareholders benefits ,it is necessary to draw support from the outside to rectify the diverge of company self-governace.to the court, judicial compulsory intervence is not mean destroying the company self-governace, when the company self-governace break out the frame of law, the court must compulsory intervence.In the third part, learnning from the legislation experience abroad is the main content. In this part, writer enumberated some countries legislation experience,specially expounded much experience which we can learnning from.On the base of aboved-mentioned discussion, the forth part is to expounded the improvement and system establishment of Judicial Dissolution for China limited liability company, this is the maiority of paper. First,writer gives comments on the article 183 of our company law , the principles of our legislation and judicature ,the keeping development of the company fist, and the quality of the company Judicial Dissolution lawsuit. After this, many aspects are put forward, such as legal reason of Judicial Dissolution lawsuit, plaintiff qualification, defendant qualification, the limitation of dissolution system misuse, alternative remedy measures,the square after dissolution.At last, the epilogue is the summary of paper, and to express the research about the company Judicial Dissolution will be go on.

【关键词】 有限责任公司司法解散股东制度
【Key words】 limited companyJudicial Dissolutionshareholderssystem
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 四川大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 05期
  • 【分类号】D922.291.91
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】253

