

Juristic Research on the Illegal Practices Medicine

【作者】 陈婷宇

【导师】 杨遂全;

【作者基本信息】 四川大学 , 法律, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 近年来,随着医疗卫生体制改革的不断深入,医疗市场越来越开放,国家一统的格局已经打破。社会、集体、个人多方办医院,解决了人们就医难的问题。但是,由于管理上的疏漏,一些不法分子胆大妄为,非法行医卖药,不择手段地坑人骗钱,严重扰乱了医药市场秩序,危害了人民群众的生命财产安全,败坏政府和医务人员的形象。虽然严厉打击非法行医专项整治行动取得了阶段性成果,但是目前非法行医的现象仍然普遍存在,甚至有愈演愈烈的趋势,并且不易被行政执法部门、刑事执法部门发现。待发觉时又大多造成了就诊人员伤残、死亡等严重后果,探究其原因既有历史原因,也有一系列社会原因,使非法行医得以生存的土壤。为了遏制非法行医现象,增强防范意识,切实维护人民群众健康权益,笔者在此做本文。非法行医,是指行为人未取得医生执业资格,违反国家卫生管理法规,擅自从事医疗活动,是相对于合法行医而产生的概念,只要不符合医疗卫生法律法规的许可条件而从事医疗活动的行为均属于非法行医。所以表现形式多种多样,不仅是狭义的非法行医,还包括非医疗机构或医疗机构超越服务范围,进行治疗活动,一些人员在药店非法行医利用电脑诊疗程序或保健仪器进行非法诊疗活动,医疗机构承包出租科室的行为等等。本文首先对非法行医行为的概念,现状和形成的历史和社会原因,构成要件和,揭开非法行医的面纱,对非法行医有一个较全面的认识,避免陷入其陷阱。因为目前广大群众上当受骗,主要是对非法行医的表现形式和危害认识不够,其次非法行医者必须承担一定的法律责任,刑事,行政和民事责任。本文着重分析民事侵权损害赔偿责任,从法律适用,赔偿的基本原则,归责原则和非法行医行为和损害结果之间的因果关系,举证责任,司法鉴定,赔偿标准和内容多方面进行探讨。最后鉴于日盛的社会危害,提出一些完善非法行医的监督管理措施的对策,标本兼治,探索长效监管机制,加强执法力度,严肃查处违法违规行为,制定了一整套的规章制度规范医疗行为,严厉打击非法行医违法犯罪活动,整顿医疗市场秩序,加强医疗机构管理,规范执业行为,使医疗服务市场秩序得到明显好转。以促进我国医疗卫生事业的健康发展,保障人民的生命健康安全

【Abstract】 Illegal practices medicine, refers to the conductor who doesn’t obtain doctor the disciple of a master qualifications, violates the national health management regulation, is engaged in the medical activity arbitrarily, is opposite in the concept which practices medicine legitimately produces, so long as does not conform to the health law laws and regulations permission condition, engagement in the medical activity is belong to the illegally practices medicine.In recent years, along with the health organizational reform unceasingly, the medical market is more and more open, the national pattern is already broke. The society, the collective, individual manages the hospital in every way, which solve the question of seeing a doctor. But, because the management is on the oversight, some unlawful elements are rash, illegal practices medicine and sells the medicine, resorts to all means to cheat person out of money, has harassed the medicine market order seriously, has harmed people’s life and property security, ruins the government and medical personnel’s image. Although attacked severely illegally practices medicine, the special improvement motion to yield the gradual result, but at present illegal practices medicine the phenomenon still generally existed, even had the increasingly fierce tendency, and by the administration law-enforcing departments, the criminal activity law-enforcing departments was discovered not easily. It has already resulted in the personnel’s disability, death such serious resultsInquiring into its reason, it has the historical reason, also has a series of social reason, which is the soil which illegal practices medicine can survive in. Mainly because of the concept and the manifestation understanding of illegal practices medicine is insufficient, at present the general populations are deceived. Therefore , starting with the concept of illegal practice medicine and the social harm, the forming reason, some easily confused concept comparison with illegal practices medicine, the constitution of illegal practices medicine, I make a relatively detailed analysis, in hope of having a comprehensive direct-viewing understandingNext, because the dispute of illegal practices medicine often occurs, then I make a definition of illegal practices medicine in respect of law that has a certain function in maintaining the people’s healthy rights practically. This document emphasizes to analyze the civil damage compensation responsibility.Finally in view of the fact of society harm that increasingly serious, I proposed some countermeasures for management and supervision consummation of illegal practice medicine to treat the symptoms and the causes, explore persistent effect supervising and managing mechanism, enhance law enforcement dynamics, seriously investigate illegal contrary behavior, formulate the whole set rules and regulations standard of medical service behavior, promote development of the health enterprise career, safeguards people’s life and health safety.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 四川大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 05期
  • 【分类号】D922.16
  • 【下载频次】224

