The Strategy of SMEs Internationalization Based on the Internet
【作者】 李荣;
【导师】 肖慈方;
【作者基本信息】 四川大学 , 世界经济, 2007, 硕士
【摘要】 传统理论一直把国际经营看作资源丰富的大公司的竞技场,然而,近年日益活跃在国际舞台上的中小企业对这种传统的思维模式提出了挑战。随着信息和通讯技术的发展、市场全球化趋势的加强,加之其它促进因素,越来越多的中小企业开始向海外拓展业务。经过二十多年的改革开放,我国的一部分中国企业已经形成了“走出去”的要求,也具备了“走出去”参与国际市场竞争的良好条件,加之我国已经加入WTO,我国已经到了以“引进来”为主向“走出去”并重的新时期,急需不失时机地推进企业的国际化。我国的企业尤其是占绝大多数的中小企业是否有“走出去”的可能?“走出去”后,又该如何推进其国际化进程?国际互联网与其他任何媒体相比,具有两个根本性的特点:一是开放式标准;二是双向交互式通信。国际互联网的商业价值都是从这两个根本特点演化出来的。网络在商业上的价值也越来越被企业所重视。互联网在中小企业国际化中的运用加速了中小企业国际化进程。在这样的背景下,本文选择研究中小企业如何利用互联网实行“走出去”战略。论文由四章组成,前言首先明确了研究的背景和选题的意义,提出了论文研究的现状及方法。接着,第一章从阐述传统的中小企业国际化理论着手,分析了中小企业国际化理论的新发展,并介绍了中小企业国际化中互联网应用研究。第二章主要论述了互联网对中小企业国际化的影响及其作用。介绍了互联网在中小企业国际化中的基本应用并指出互联网的运用有利于消除中小企业进入国际市场的障碍,给中小企业开展国际化经营提供了机遇,使更多的中小企业具有了平等参与国际竞争的可能性,中小企业的资源、规模和市场知识等因素对企业国际化的制约作用逐渐缩小,企业国际化过程可能发生于企业发展的任何阶段,甚至是早期的创建阶段。第三章分析了中小企业应用互联网的现状,并从外部环境及企业自身总结了存在的问题,为中小企业更好的利用互联网进行国际化经营提供了依据。第四章从总体上研究我国中小企业应如何有效利用互联网进行国际化经营。首先阐述了政府职责,政府应从大环境上为中小企业信息化建设及有效开展电子商务提供有力保障;再从企业角度提出了中小企业利用互联网进行国际化经营的具体策略,并特别列出一小节阐明中小企业如何实施电子商务战略,最后指出互联网提供商的职责。
【Abstract】 Traditional theories regard internationalization as an arena oflarge resource-rich firms, however, SMEs’ increasingly active role inthe international field in recent years has challenged this traditionalmind set. With the tendency of a globalized market,a growing number ofSMEs has begun to operate abroad.After more than twenty year’ s economic reforms, some enterprisesin China have aspired to international business and already possessedrelated qualifications for "going abroad".Moreover, with China’ saccession to WTO, our country has already reached a new era when it shouldshift its policy focus from "attracting FDI" to "both attracting FDIand going abroad", so it possible for enterprises in China, especiallythose SMEs, which constitute the majority of Chinese companies, tooperate successfully in foreign countries? How could we promote theprocess of their internationalization?The value of World Wide Web comes from two main features of Internet:one is the open standard, and the other is two-way interaction. Base onthe prospective business opportunities of the market, business use andapplication of the Web has drawn wide attention from the commercialenterprises. Under such circumstances, this dissertation focuses on how to use the Internet to promote the internationalization of SMEs.The dissertation consists of five chapters. The first chapter beginswith an introduction of the research background and its expected value,then expounds the theoretical logic and methodology of dissertation.After a review of traditional theories of internationalization, chaptertwo analyzes the limitations of traditional theories in explaining SMEs’internationalization and the recent development of theories ofinternationalization and generalized uniform theory behind the businessuse of Internet and Web application. Chapter three emphasis the functionof the Internet. The Internet will reduce the competitive advantages ofscale economies, making it easier for SMEs to compete fair on a worldwide basis. Overall, the low cost communications provide by the internetpermits with limited capital to become global markets at any stage intheir development. Chapter four finally discusses the problems SMEs inChina have encountered in the use of internet in the process ofinternationalization, which derive from both the external environmentand the SMEs themselves. According to the current problems, the last parttries to put forward some suggestions for solving these problems andproposes Electronic Commerce strategies for SMEs in China.
- 【网络出版投稿人】 四川大学 【网络出版年期】2008年 06期
- 【分类号】F49
- 【被引频次】1
- 【下载频次】642