

Discussion on the Value of Orientation in City Operation

【作者】 罗丹萍

【导师】 张觉文;

【作者基本信息】 四川大学 , 行政管理, 2007, 硕士


【摘要】 中国是一座有着5000年文明的古国,历史留下的文化遗产是中国历史源远流长和生生不息的重要见证,是中华文明光辉灿烂的重要载体。文化遗产的价值是由文化价值和经济价值共同构成的,并且其文化价值是其本质价值,经济价值是在市场经济背景下的衍生物,其产生的根本目的是为了满足人民群众日益增长的精神文化需求。但是,当前的地方政府在城市经营中,对文化遗产经营的价值取向却出现了一系列的误区,要么是完全漠视文化遗产的价值,对城市的经营还处于对城市土地经营的较低层次上;要么是只看到了文化遗产的经济价值而忽视了文化遗产最根本的文化价值,对文化遗产“索求”无度,将文化遗产看作地方经济增长的赚钱机器;要么是只注重物质文化遗产的价值,忽视非物质文化遗产价值,等等。面对这些显然不科学的价值取向,笔者从两个大的方面分析了原因:一是意识形态上的,包括地方政府在城市经营中对文化遗产的价值观的缺失和偏颇,对城市经营理论本身的片面的认识,片面的认为城市经营追求的只是短期的经济利益,还有长期以来以经济为导向的政绩观的影响以及对文化事业和文化产业的区分不清。地方政府的意识形态上的认识,就直接影响了对文化遗产保护、利用、传承、经营的态度,影响了一系列政策措施的出台。另一方面,在管理体系和法律法规上,由于长期以来的痼疾,使得对文化遗产的行政管理体制还存在着重复或者缺位,针对文化遗产保护的法律法规的建设仍然不健全,多原则性规定少可操作性的具体法律制度,使得地方政府对文化遗产的利用有很大的自由裁量权,对地方政府在文化建设中的行为从管理体系和法律制度上都缺乏实质性的约束,文化遗产得不到有效的保护,文化遗产的经济价值被不断过度开发,文化遗产的价值被不断不科学的利用。所以,笔者针对上述原因分析,也从两个大的方面探讨性的提出了解决的措施。一是在思想上正面加强,培养地方政府正确的文化价值观,同时在公务员的考录、考绩、提拔等各个方面都加入对文化遗产价值认识和文化遗产保护绩效的考核。二是从体制规范上进行约束,在文化遗产的管理体系上,向国外借鉴学习,建立一套适宜我国文化遗产管理的体系,并且在法律法规上完善对文化遗产的保护范围、细化法律制度,约束官员的自由裁量权,并且充分发挥公众参与,监督政府依法管理文化遗产。

【Abstract】 China enjoys a civilization of five thousand years and those great sites of remains are the precious legacies and concrete proofs of the whole nation. Beneath those culture heritage, it lies the very essence of Chinese civilization .The value of cultural heritage is defined both by culture and market. While culture value of remains is the value of its own, its marketing value is derived under the circumstance of marketing economy whose main target is for the well-being of mankind. However, taking a close scrutiny at the ways local government run the culture legacy industry, it won’t take a lot to find the underlying flaws. Some of the local bureaus appear to ignore the potential value and market of those remains. Some of them ignore the history value of those remains and take the remains only as the money-making machine. Being confronted with those unbalanced attitude, the paper analyzes cause of phenomenon in two sides: On the one side, the analysis is mainly focused on ideology which includes the flaws of the attitude held by local bureaus towards cultural remains; Due to the shortcoming in marketing system, they simply pursue the temp profit which dropped a big influence on the long-held criteria for governing performance. Because of unsound system and recognition of local industry of remains, very respects of the industry come up short in some way. And the problems in maintenance ,utilization ,inheriting, operation have put a lot negative effects on the implement of related policy .On the other side, when comes to the point in managing system and juristically bills , because of the long-existing problems, we are in great short of administrative regulating system ,laws aimed specifically at cultural remains. A bunch of unpractical dogmas give the locals too much room to run the business without being monitored by clearly-clarified standard and regulation. A great deal of damages [like over-exploration, unscientifically-research and so on] have done to those precious and valuable ancient sites. Secondly, improvement and correction in regulation is suggested and recommended. It is wise to conglomerate the pros and cons of the experience in managing system both from domestic and abroad to set up a more possible and reasonable system to manage out local culture legacy industry. Meanwhile, by clarify the range of related cultural laws, the power of local bureaus, and the monitoring right given to the public to a more specific extent, a more well-designed and functional managing system will appear in our local cultural legacy sites.Based on the analysis above, author put up a feasible solution. First, we should establish a systematic training program to enrich our local leaders with the scientific attitude and recognition towards remains. And add the knowledge test in to qualification evaluation of our local administrative staff. Second, in order to set up a functional system for Chinese legacy culture, it is necessary to learn the experience from other countries and create a managing system for legacy sites especially for china. In the meantime, you should bring law system into our regulation, and improve the current role that the law takes in the system. For instance, rephrase related clause in certain regulation, limits the power of certain position’s authorization and call upon the public to anticipate and monitor the bureau’s performance. Secondly, in order to set up a functional system for Chinese legacy culture, it is necessary to learn the experience from other countries and create a managing system for legacy sites especially for China. In the meantime, you should bring law system into our regulation, limits the power of certain position’s authorization and call upon the public to anticipate and monitor the bureaus performance.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 四川大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 05期
  • 【分类号】G122
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】497

