

【作者】 胡雪梅

【导师】 陈小林;

【作者基本信息】 四川大学 , 设计艺术, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 本文主要论述T恤从最初下层劳工的短袖圆领衫经过一百多年的发展变化,已发展成为不分性别,不分等级、国家和民族,在全世界范围内广泛流行的一种服饰种类;同时T恤更是成为现代社会运用最广泛,最有效最直观,最方便,也是进入度最低,最自由的视觉传播方式。分别从T恤随着社会进程以及新思想和新精神的流行而产生的历史、T恤以及T恤上的图形所反映的文化内涵、现代T恤图形的分类等方面展开论述。虽然今天人们对T恤已非常熟悉也非常习惯,甚至有时熟悉得忘了它的存在,但不可否认的是随着休闲生活方式的广泛流行,T恤已不仅仅停留在服装层面,它已深入人们的生活,改变或传达人们对理想的追求,更是形成了体系庞大的“T恤文化”。在今天已做为休闲时尚代言的T恤已完全改变了最初的内衣定位,成功的作为一种内衣外穿的典范,同时它也创造了神奇的移动媒介,可以说T恤设计是一个界于广告设计与服装设计的领域。T恤以及它上面的图形,更是向人们传递着不同时代的思想精华,不同个性的表达,不同团体的独特面貌。同时它也是积时尚和大众的代言,T恤的图形表达已远远超过了T恤做为服装的基本功能,它已成为一种无声的语言,同时也形成了独特的语言模式。T恤上的图形的不同的表达方式也传达着不同的人群不同的思想情感。在今天艺术各学科之问界限越来越模糊,人们对艺术的追求也不再受专业的限制,T恤艺术创意已经成为现代专业平面设计师甚至业余设计爱好者玩味设计,享受设计的载体。本文还阐述了现代T恤设计在图形创意风格,图案表现形式等方面的创作方法,并针对大众提出了关于T恤制作工艺以及制作要点等方面的具体方法和面料工艺等方面的限制。最后对T恤作为从服装到视觉传播的大众媒介的独特性进行总结,T恤不仅是一种服装,一种媒介,更是人类历史进程的记载。T恤的变与不变都是对时代观念淋漓尽致的最好展现。同时T恤将随着人类的发展进程永远存在下去。

【Abstract】 The research is trying to find the culture root of T-shirt , which has been developed one hundred years. At the beginning, T-shirt was a blue collar uniform, now it becomes non-sexual, non-class differences, globlize, all race and nationality popular dress. At the same time. T-shirt became a symbolize of social value and personality value. Up to now, people has familiar with T-shirt, but people maybe ignored the important culture meaning of T-shirt. It has became a part of our life and we also give lot of culture meaning to T-shirt. T-shirt culture express some attitude of people.Now, some super-star in ad give T-shirt culture total different meaning, thus, it isn’t underwear any more, at the contradictory , it became a popular garment . It’s also a amazing communication medium, we could give it a new type of definition that T-shirt design involve of ad area and fashion design area. T-shirt and the image represented express different epic conception ,personality value, different understanding of community.T-shirt also stand for popular culture, fashion trend, image used on T-shirt has profound meaning . T-shirt .culture symbolize meaning beyond what it arose. It display many different facets. It is not only a kind of style of garment but also a mute communication language-a unique language style. Different image represented on T-shirt stand for different mind among mass groups.Art has very close relationship with other area, people search for inter-discipline design aesthetic . The creative designer find out plenty of way to created their own style. They enjoy what they designed and find lot of fun among the process.The research discussed modern T-shirt design style, express way of image, and give the rules of T-shirt produce and manufacture . Especially, give the detail of how to find suitable fabric.Basis on what have mentioned above, T-shirt is not only a garment, a medium, but also the memory of humanity history . The trend swiftly change in T-shirt imply the different aesthetic change of people. And these kind of change would along with the history of human being.

【关键词】 T恤视觉传达图形创意
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 四川大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 05期
  • 【分类号】J523.5
  • 【下载频次】484

