

The Study of Military News from Chinese Papery Medium

【作者】 赵文国

【导师】 侯洪;

【作者基本信息】 四川大学 , 新闻学, 2007, 硕士


【摘要】 军事新闻的有效传播对维护国家安全、形成民族凝聚力、增强民族自信心、塑造热爱和平、永不称霸的和谐中国形象具有重要的意义。然而,长期以来,对于军事新闻的研究却严重滞后。迄今为止,中国并没有形成一个独立的军事新闻学专业。军事新闻的研究大多是在新闻学、传播学、政治学等学科的框架下进行研究的。基于此,本文选择军事新闻作为研究对象。内容上本文从历时和共时两条线索进行。第一章历时梳理了中国纸质媒介的传播实践历程;第二章从共时的角度,结合个案分析,对中国纸质媒介军事新闻报道的载体、内容、特点、不足等方面进行了探讨;第三章,以传播理论为指导,对中国军事新闻的国际化传播环境、价值、不足进行分析。在理论上,这些研究既致力于为军事新闻这一未来的独立学科构建基础性、总体性认识框架,开拓国际传播、军事新闻、新闻传播史、媒介生态学、媒介比较学等理论研究领域的新视点;也充分结合纸质媒介军事新闻实践,力求对“立足军队,面向社会,放眼世界”的军事新闻事业起到相应的总结和指导作用,帮助军事新闻实践更好地适应时势,更有益地发挥作为“软力量”的功用,来弘扬军事文化、处理国际政治关系、巩固国家安全和国际地位、维护世界和平等;实践层面,文章力求为业界提供现阶段纸质媒介军事新闻报道的全貌,既有业界取得的成就,也有正在解决、或者并没有意识到的问题,特别是对于军事新闻在国际化传播过程中的一些问题,本文提供了一些有意义的实践探索。在方法上,本文采用多种方法相结合来分析探讨问题,第一章中以时间为序的纵向梳理,第二章实践总结与理论分析相结合,历史研究与逻辑辨证相结合进行分析;第三章在国际新闻传播的框架下思考中国军事新闻报道面临的困境与策略选择,全篇基本遵循的宏观立论、微观求证相结合的方式。

【Abstract】 The effective mass communication of military news play an important role in the making of national security、coherence and confidence . What’s more , it shares great meanings of a peaceloving、nonimperial China. But, the studying of military news have been badly lagged for a long time . So far , specialty military journalism have not come into being in China . The studying of military news is going almostly under journalism , communication , politics and so on . So , this thesis chooses military news as studying object.The initiating of this subject offers good opportunity for theory review and discuss which have more dimensionality and visual threshold. In chapter 1, we put the course of development of the military news report of Chinese papery medium in order. The second chapter expatiates the contents and problems of current military news report of Chinese papery medium . Chapter 3 investigates the international environment value and insufficiency of Chinese military news report.Theorotically,the study offers an new viewpoint to form a strong academic base of future subjects- special military journalism—and also broaden the landscape of Internatioanl Communication、Journalism and Communication History、Medium Ecology、Medium Comparing. When integrating with the the military news reporting activeity of Chinese papery medium ,we have a standard guide to achieve the "Basing on the army, Uniting with people and Facing the world" military medium career. It will influence a lot in the future international affairs. For us , the military medium career would function well in dealing with international security problems and maintain our status as a permanen Security Counsil. Practically, the study presents a landscape of coexisting military news reporting activeity of Chinese papery medium .Not only the achievements are mentioned ,but also some revealed, solving and unsolved problems. Particularly ,we made a discussion of the effective mass communication of military news.Methodology viewing ,we took advantage of many research tools and methods. In chapter 1, we put the course of development of the military news report in timeline. The second chapter expatiates the contents and problems of current military news repoert .Chapter 3 study the situation of military medium ,and try to make a way out .The whole thesis combines the macro-micro scopic studying tools and does the study according to a scientific way.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 四川大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 05期
  • 【分类号】E222;G219.2
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】326

