

The Narration Research on Chinese Cartoons

【作者】 潘静波

【导师】 蔡尚伟;

【作者基本信息】 四川大学 , 新闻学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 在过去将近一个世纪的发展中,中国动画片经历了辉煌,起伏,低谷,希望。在全球化的今天,如何面对外来动画片的冲击,重现国产动画片往日的辉煌,成为中国动画人不断反思、研究和反复实践的一个课题。在经历了模仿日美和沿袭经典的得失阵痛以后,无论是民间动画人还是官方组织都开始关注本土受众接受的心理需求特点,重视动画故事的创作和制作过程,力图通过对叙事理念的改变,寻找到在传统文化、本土原创与世界动画发展进程之间的契合点。那么受众接受心理是什么?动画作品叙事创作的时候的理念是什么?叙事理念为什么需要转变?理念之下的具体叙事又该如何组织和进行,才能让动画脱颖而出?现今中国动画的叙事发展方向又是什么?这些都是本研究方向和重点。笔者认为,中国动画片的叙事理念应该及时得以转变,遵循中国受众层次化的分类需求,提倡个性化叙事代替教育性叙事,同时在具体叙事上融入中国动画重“意”和重“事”两种叙事的优势。本文通过返回中国文化的原点,参照日美动画片,融合以叙事学理的研究思路,来阐释关于中国动画片的基本叙事特征,动画叙事受众研究,两种叙事的特点、发展、影响,以及对今后中国动画叙事发展起到借鉴作用。全文共分八部分,第一章绪论总体介绍了本研究的现实背景、研究现状、目的及价值;第二章是对研究方法、过程和理论背景的一个阐述;第三章是通过对历史的回顾分析中国动画的叙事理念形成及影响;第四章是对中国动画作品进行了一个分类研究,是对叙事理念和特征的一个具化案例分析;第五章从整体的角度对中国动画的叙事特征进行了一个概括;第六部分是受众研究,围绕受众心理和叙事之间的关系展开分析;第七章是对叙事发展方向的一个概括;第八章是结论。

【Abstract】 In the past of one hundred years, Chinese cartoons have experienced success, instability, trough, and hope. With the globalization, Chinese cartoon-makers have begun to face the crash from foreign counties, as to rebuild the glory of Chinese cartoon kingdom. Many cartoon-makers are indulging themselves into this giant reconstruction project, in academy and practice facets, including folk cartoon producers and official organization. They have started to focus on the psychological need of local audiences, and attach importance to the inditing and narrating process of the cartoons. So they can find the correct narrating ideas that are the junction among the traditional culture, local narrating text, and world cartoons. Then what is the audience psychology? What are cartoons’ narrating ideas? Why do the narrating ideas have to change? How to organize and improve the narration? What is the development direction of Chinese cartoon narration? All of these questions are my objects of the research. Consequently I hold that the narrating ideas should be converted into the versatile ones, and meet the diversified demand of Chinese audiences, meanwhile cartoon-makers must combine the virtues of two narration modes(artistic conception narration and story narration) together. This thesis looks backward the traditional Chinese cartoons, and compares the Japanese and the U.S.A ones by the narration theory. So it is easy to find out the characters of the Chinese narration and the important meanings for the cartoon development.This thesis includes eight chapters. The first one is introduction, which comprise the background, the purpose and the research value. The second one is consisted of the research methods, process, and theory systems. The third one analyses the reason why Chinese narration ideas come into being and the influence from the ideas. The fourth one use the detailed cases to distinguish two narration modes. The fifth chapter generalizes the characters of the Chinese narration. The sixth chapter is the audience research. The seventh one focuses on the cartoon’s narration development direction. The eighth chapter is conclusion.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 四川大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 05期
  • 【分类号】J954
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】684

