

Women’s Relation in Women Text in the 1990’s Modern Literature

【作者】 李响

【导师】 干天全;

【作者基本信息】 四川大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 女性写作发展到90年代,已逐渐告别了个别女作家的孤独尝试和前卫诗人的探索,成为能够与90年代其他文学现象平分秋色的一种文学潮流。一些女作家将母性历史置于历史的前台,书写母系血脉传承,使之不再是人类文化场域中不可言说的缺失。一些女性作家关注女性自己的成长经验和性别体验,尝试对精神世界的深度开掘,在划定的语言禁区中试图开辟出自己独特的空间,书写自己的私人经验和心理的压抑,女性经验的自我解读和自我剖析覆盖了小说、诗歌、散文各种文体。在这些创作中,女作家以自己独特的视点,以日常生活的经验,建构着由女性主体构成的历史。作品在相当高的程度上涉及女性生存、女性境遇,其丰富的内涵并非从性别的角度所能阐释和概括。但是女性文学在显现空前繁荣的同时,也呈现出繁荣背后文学成就的尺度混乱。女性作家在女性文本里营造出性别上的二元对立气氛,或显或隐地总把男性预设为男性中心主义者,置于所有女性的对立面;为了突破被遮蔽的状态,并最终走向新的自我救赎,用活在极端欲望的文字,以相当前卫的姿态夸大了对身体经验的描述,超出了精神自守和灵魂瞭望的视线。通过对大量90年代女性文本的解读,笔者试图通过女性文本中女性关系这一细小的方面,研究女性主体彼此之间的关系,借助于双重的女性话题,去除男女对立的影响,破除审美定势进入作品,在冷静客观的审视过程中发现隐藏的真实。并根据母女关系、姐妹情谊、同性之爱三种不同形态的女性关系状况对不同文本进行梳理,进而阐释女性关系中既独立又相互交融的特点,体现出女性文学演进的广度和深度,构成了一个拥有丰富质感的女性个体经验世界与情感世界。同时笔者发现这些不同形态的女性关系在文本中大多走向一种无法挽救、破碎的结局:主动与男性世界告别的母亲把所有感情投向女儿,女儿在这份令人窒息的爱中用疲惫的生命终生服情感之役;女性在对男性彻底失望之后,宣告“男人别敲门”,转向同性世界去寻求安慰与寄托,而这艘仅由女性搭载的方舟最终也以划向无穷无尽的孤独而收场。我认为造成这种破碎结局的原因是,女性文学还远远没有摆脱自身对男权话语优势地位的迷恋,这种现象是以一种异化的方式存在的,女性为了摆脱“第二性”的屈辱地位,一些作品不惜全盘否定男性存在的必要。女性写作到了“母亲史”的时间中,父亲就被从时间中驱逐了出去。在姐妹情谊的故事中,男性大多是卑鄙、自私、怯懦、虚伪、不负责任的。这在当前也许是一种无奈的存在,但是如果女性文学的最终目的,只是为了与男性抢夺话语空间的霸权地位,在拒绝男权的同时制造了另一种话语权威,在追求女性价值的同时却否定了女性生命所与生俱来的丰富和深邃,也将历史、社会、文化等人类共同的生命意识和生命潜能拒之门外,从而落入灵魂的乌托邦中,那么这本身就是一个悲剧。女性文学发展到今天,局限于性别二元对立、性别权利的关系,或是对自我身体、欲望放大式的描写来消解男权话语制造的神话,都远远不够。更需要对女性主体的复杂性做深入的探讨,通过多元的女性视野表现女性面对世界的内心反映和感受,以及女性生命的丰富和深邃。女性文本、女性写作不应展现出一种教条式的理念,而是一种在黑夜中寻找的姿态,一种平等对话的态度,一种对狭义女性书写的超越,一种“新的话语场地的开辟”。女性作家把她们面对世界时独有的感受、意识、经验通过文学作品带入公共的文化空间,破除二元对立,不应在强调性别话语的写作场域把男性一味放逐,唯有这样才能给人们带来深刻的思想和审美的愉悦,也唯有这样寻求彼岸的女性才能真正地把握自己期许的生活,不再迷失,不再艰难、孤独的徒步前行,让生活沦于神秘和宿命。

【Abstract】 In the 1990’s, women literature has developed from individual attempts and exploration made by very few women writers and precursory poets into a literal trend that can counterbalance other literal phenomena. Some women writers highlight maternal history in the history of human development by recording maternal genealogy, making it no longer an unnamable vacancy in human culture. Meanwhile, other women writers show great concern for women’s experience and identity, making attempts to explore spiritual world. They try to pioneer their own special space in confined forbidden zone of language by writing their own personal experience and spiritual distress. The analysis and exploration of women’s experience is embodied in many literary styles, including novel, poetry, prose and so on.Although women literature is in the state of unprecedented prosperity, there still exists chaos. Women writers tend to create a binary opposite between men and women by preannouncing men as male chauvinists in opposite to all women. In order to break through the shadow that always restricts women, so that they could eventually tend towards self-salvage, those women writers exaggerate description of physical experience by using extreme words, which exceed the vision of spiritual automorphism and soul view.By analyzing a number of women’s texts in the 1990’s, the author tries to make research on women’s relation from the aspect of women’s relation in women’s text. In addition, the author tries to wrap out the influence of traditional opposite between men and women by the way of dual topic of women, and search for the hidden truth after a long gaze by getting rid of aesthetic stereotype. The author sorts out different texts according to three different women’s relation, including relation between mother and daughter, sisters and affection of the same sex. These relations have their own characteristics and at the same time overlap each other. They constitute an abundant world full of women’s individual experience and feelings. However, in the texts these relations eventually are put in a fragmentized state that can not be changed easily.In my opinion, as women literature has developed to the state of today, it is far from enough to stick to binary opposite between men and women and priority held by men. It is also not enough to make attempts to wrap out the legend created by words usage of male chauvinist through the way of exaggerated description of body. What we need to do is to carry out deep analysis of women’s complexity by expressing women’s reaction and feelings in the face of the world as well as their lives’ abundance and profundity from various women’s perspectives. Women text and women’s writing should not contain doctrines. On the contrary, they should be endowed with search in the darkness, attitude of equal conversation, transcendence above narrow women’s text and exploration in new language field. Women writers bring their special feelings and ideology to public culture by the way of literary works, only by doing so can people get more enlightenment of thought and phenomena.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 四川大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 05期
  • 【分类号】I207.25
  • 【下载频次】302

