

The Study of Legal Protection of Bank’s Creditor’s Rights on Mortgage Loan with Personal Residence

【作者】 姚亚琼

【导师】 金明;

【作者基本信息】 四川大学 , 民商法学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 自我国商业银行开展住房按揭贷款业务以来,该项业务发展迅速,住房按揭贷款余额在银行各类贷款余额中所占比例逐年提高,维护银行的住房按揭贷款债权的安全已经变得越来越重要。但迄今为止,我国法学界对住房按揭的法律性质、法律关系等问题的认识并不统一,相关的法律法规不健全。其中有关银行的住房按揭贷款债权保障的制度和法律规定甚至存在着诸多的矛盾与不合理之处,导致银行的按揭债权保障面临着极大的法律风险。对于如何完善我国的按揭制度,保护银行的按揭债权方面,目前法律理论和实务界存在着照搬国外的制度和对我国已有制度进行修补两种不同选择途径的观点。笔者赞成根据我国的实践对现有按揭制度进行修补的观点。本文通过比较研究等方法,探讨如何完善按揭的相关法律制度,使之更加有利于维护银行的权益。本文由引言、正文和结语三个部分组成。引言部分简单介绍了保障银行按揭债权需要的多种手段,如经济手段、行政手段和法律手段等,和完善我国按揭制度的两种途径,从而明确了本文的具体研究范围。正文部分共分五章。第一章简要介绍了“按揭”的词源,住房按揭贷款银行债权的概念、产生过程、内容及影响其实现的法律因素等等,并指出了对住房按揭贷款银行债权提供法律保护的重要意义。第二章是有关住房按揭制度的基础理论。本章通过对我国按揭制度与传统英美法上的按揭制度的比较分析,探讨了我国按揭制度的特点,按揭的法律性质和法律关系,为住房按揭贷款银行债权的法律保护研究奠定了理论基础。第三章基于第一章对影响银行住房按揭贷款债权实现的因素的分析,阐述了现阶段保障银行按揭债权内容实现的主要法律障碍。首先是由于立法上对按揭贷款合同和购房合同的效力关系的规定不符合事实和关于主从合同关系的根本特征,导致实践中对按揭贷款合同效力认定的混乱。其次是银行抵押权的设立和实现方面存在的法律障碍的分析,指出抵押登记制度不完善和对银行抵押权的剥夺严重威胁着银行抵押权的实现。再次是开发商对于其担保责任的抗辩,有导致银行的保证债权落空的危险。第四是“假按揭”对银行住房按揭贷款安全造成的危害。在此,笔者分析了“假按揭”的现状和表现形式,并指出“假按揭”产生的原因是多方面的,但其根本原因是我国现行按揭制度本身的缺陷和社会信用的缺失,导致银行的贷前审查和贷后追踪费时费力。第四章针对上述问题提出了为保障住房按揭贷款债权安全银行可以采取的一般法律措施。包括对“假按揭”的贷前防范和贷后追讨;如何在购房合同纠纷下对银行债权进行诉讼救济;在借款人违约时,如何采取恰当的措施挽回损失;以及如何通过债权转让协议来抵消开发商在保证责任中的可能存在的抗辩权。第五章是对如何改进住房按揭贷款债权保护法律制度的缺陷的建议。指出立法上应当从新明确住房按揭贷款合同和购房合同的效力关系。在简要介绍了预告登记制度后,建议完善物权变动的预告登记制度和强制公示制度,并建议废除剥夺银行抵押权的法律规定,切实维护银行的住房按揭贷款债权的保护屏障——担保权益。最后指出,利于银行防范贷款风险,应当通过立法强制建立社会信用体系和借鉴香港实行的按揭贷款与开发商的隔离机制的经验,不让开发商直接接触按揭贷款,以保障贷款不被挪作他用,也可以有效防范“假按揭”的发生和开发商对建筑工程款的拖欠。结语部分对本文写作过程进行了归纳,指出本文不足之处和今后的努力方向。

【Abstract】 Since commercial banks began mortgage loan business with personal residence, the business has developed with high speed. The mortgage loan balance has occupied high proportion among all loan balance of commercial banks. But in the legal sphere of learning, there are different opinions about the legal nature and relationships of Chinese-style mortgage with personal residence. And the relevant legal provisions are also not perfect. These factors make great barriers for protecting legally bank’s creditor’s rights on mortgage loan with personal residence. This article will probe into how to perfect the relevant legal system and legal practice about the protection of bank’s creditor’s rights on mortgage loan with personal residence by the means of comparative research, and ect..This article is composed by three parts as following:Part one summarizes the various measures of the protection of bank’s creditor’s rights on mortgage loan with personal residence. And then limit the scope of studying of this article.Part two is the main content of this article which is composed by five chapters. The first chapter briefly introduces the word of mortgage, and the conception, processing of occurring, contents of bank’s creditor’s rights on mortgage loan with personal residence, and the factors which may affect the realization of the right. At the same time, the author points out the important meaning of the protection.The second chapter is about the theoretic analysis of the protection of bank’s creditor’s rights on mortgage loan with personal residence. In this chapter, through comparing the mortgage in China to the mortgage in Britain and America, the author limits the features, legal nature and legal relationship of mortgage in China, and confirms that the Chinese-style mortgage works very well in China. Thus, the analysis in this chapter supplies theoretic foundation for the study of the protection of bank’s creditor’s rights on mortgage loan with personal residence.The third chapter is about some main legal barriers for this protection. First, for there are improper legal provisions about the legal relationship between the contract of mortgage and the contract of house-dealing, there are different decisions about the authenticity of mortgage contract in the practice of justice. Second, there are legal barriers in the respect of setting-up and realization of mortgage because of the imperfect of property register system and improper legal provisions. Third, the counterplea about guarantee of real estate company usually makes bank’s right come to nothing. Forth, fake mortgage seriously threatens the creditor’s rights of banks. Fifth, the credit system is not perfect.The forth chapter is about some detail protective measures that banks could take in the protection of bank’s creditor’s rights on mortgage loan with personal residence due to barriers. For example, how to be on guard of fake mortgage, how to claims bank’s rights in the lawsuit between house-buyer and real estate company, and how to claims bank’s rights when the contract of mortgage being carried out unsuccessfully, and how to transform the risk to real estate companies by an agreement between bank and company.The last chapter is about some suggestions on how to perfect the legal system of the protection of bank’s creditor’s rights on mortgage loan with personal residence. In this chapter, the author points out that we should renew the legal relationship between the contract of mortgage and contrast of house-buying, should establishisolation mechanism between mortgage loan and real estate companies, should set up credit system by law, should perfect the property register system, and should get rid of the improper legal provisions which are the barriers of the realization of banks’ creditor’s rights.Part three concludes with the summary of the writing process of this article, and points out the deficiency and the future direction for further study.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 四川大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 05期
  • 【分类号】D923
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】297

