

On the Legal System of Withdrawing of Criminal Public Prosecution

【作者】 黄晓渝

【导师】 左卫民;

【作者基本信息】 四川大学 , 法律, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 公诉案件的撤诉制度是刑事公诉变更制度中的一项重要内容,同样也是检察机关自由裁量权的一种体现。本文从我国公诉案件撤回起诉制度在立法上与司法上的矛盾冲突谈起,追溯我国公诉案件撤回起诉制度的立法沿革,解析我国公诉案件撤回起诉制度在立法上与司法程序上存在的缺陷与不足,审视我国公、检、法三机关的关系,考察我国撤回公诉制度之司法审查的合理性,研究我国撤回公诉制度的范围、效力及其后果,结合现况,参照英美法系与大陆法系在撤回公诉制度上之先进立法例,从人权保障等刑事诉讼理念提出我国公诉撤回制度在立法与司法上之改革完善的建言。本文共分为三章第一章通过介绍我国刑事公诉案件撤回起诉制度之立法沿革,分析了我国刑事公诉案件撤回起诉制度在立法与司法上存在的矛盾冲突,指出我国刑事公诉案件撤回起诉制度在立法上存在的问题与不足。第二章通过介绍我国刑事公诉案件撤回起诉制度的现行规定,找出并解析我国公诉案件撤回起诉制度在司法程序上存在的缺陷与不足。第三章在分析介绍大陆法系与英美法系立法先例的基础对我国公诉案件撤回起诉制度在立法与司法上提出改革完善的建言。

【Abstract】 To withdraw the criminal prosecution is an important part of the alteration system of criminal public prosecution. This system is also a reflection about the discretion of procuratorial organs. This article will begin from the conflicts about the legislative and judicial, analyze the concept、the nature and the basis of this system by recourting the legislative evolution in order to elaborate the practical significance and to prove the reasonable of this system. Then this article will integrate the status, relative differences about this system between the common law and the civil law systems, examine the relationship among China’s public security, procuratorate and the Court, inspect the reasonableness about judicial review, explore the reasons, the scope and the effect about this system in order to point out the deficiencies and the reform proposals.This paper is divided into three chapters. Chapter one will analyze the conflicts between the legislative and the judicial about this system by introducing the China’s legislative history about the system of withdraw of the public prosecution. Then to point out the deficiencies on legislative about this system. Chapter tow will find out and analyze the weaknesses and inadequacies about this system on the judicial proceedings by introducing the existing system. Chapter three will point out the deficiencies and the reform proposals to the system of criminal prosecution on the basis of analysis of the legislative precedents of the civil law and the common law.

【关键词】 公诉撤回立法缺陷司法缺陷改革完善
【Key words】 Indictment withdrawnShortcomingsReform
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 四川大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 05期
  • 【分类号】D925.2
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】465

