

Discussion on Perfecting the Claim Mechanism for HIV Infected Patients Through Blood Transfusion or Using the Blood Products

【作者】 陈奇伟

【导师】 周伟;

【作者基本信息】 四川大学 , 宪法与行政法学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 我国关于输血或使用血液制品感染艾滋病患者的维权研究,大都将这些患者列入艾滋病患者的整体之内或者将其与输血或使用血液制品感染病毒性肝炎患者共同作为一个整体进行研究。虽然输血或使用血液制品感染艾滋病与其他途径感染艾滋病以及输血或使用血液制品感染病毒性肝炎在感染途径、致病原因、病发后果等医学特征上极为相似,但这三者各自的法律关系存在较大的不同。与后两者相比,输血或使用血液制品感染艾滋病患者在感染艾滋病后,不但要承受生命提前终结的巨大痛苦和煎熬,往往还需要通过索赔才能维持花费巨大的治疗。由于我国法律在输血或使用血液制品感染艾滋病导致赔偿方面缺少明确的规定,而且人民法院在司法实践中对这一类型案件也没有形成一致的共识,致使输血或使用血液制品感染艾滋病患者的索赔之路困难重重。本文以输血或使用血液制品感染艾滋病患者的索赔机制为研究对象,采取比较法、实证分析等方法对我国输血或使用血液制品感染艾滋病患者的索赔机制的现状和完善途径进行分析。本文分为引言、正文和结语三部分。引言部分,简要的介绍本论文研究的对象,研究的方法,研究的意义,阐明输血或使用血液制品感染艾滋病患者的现状及完善索赔机制的必要性。正文部分包括四章。第一章从艾滋病的医学界定、国内外输血或使用血液制品感染艾滋病典型事件回顾、对输血或使用血液制品感染艾滋病的特性分析这几个方面对输血或使用血液制品感染艾滋病进行基本概述,以阐述输血或使用血液制品感染艾滋病患者索赔的正当性。第二章是对中外输血或使用血液制品感染艾滋病患者的索赔机制进行对比分析,阐述各自的特点和所依据的理论。第三章是对我国输血或使用血液制品感染艾滋病患者的索赔涉及的主要法律问题进行分析,并提出相应的观点。第四章是对完善我国输血或使用血液制品感染艾滋病患者的索赔机制提出构想,着重阐述笔者的观点。结语部分,笔者强调完善输血或使用血液制品感染艾滋病患者的索赔机制的意义,并对我国输血或使用血液制品感染艾滋病患者的索赔机制的发展提出期待。

【Abstract】 In China, most of the research on the rights which concern the AIDS patients who were infected through blood transfusion or using the blood products, or regarding the HIV infected patients as part of the whole AIDS patients or part of the overall who were infected through blood transfusion or using the blood products including the hepatitis patients .Although there are a lot of common grounds among in medicine features , the ways of infection, the cause and the consequences of the disease, among HIV patients through blood transfusion or using the blood products、other HIV patients and HBV patients through blood transfusion or using the blood products, it is very different in the legal relationships. Compared with the latter two, the AIDS patients infected through blood transfusion or using the blood products not only have to bear the tremendous pain and suffering, but also maintain costly treatment by claiming for compensation. Because of the absence of specific provisions about compensation caused by blood transfusion or using the blood products and non-consensus in judicial practice, it is too difficult for the AIDS patients infected through blood transfusion or using the blood products to claim for compensation.Based on the claim mechanism for the AIDS patients infected through blood transfusion or using the blood products, author analyzed and perfected the legislation about claim mechanism in the way of comparing and positivism.There are three parts in this article: introduction、principal part and conclusion.The introduction recommends the status of AIDS patients infected through blood transfusion or using the blood products and the necessity of perfecting claim mechanism.The principal part includes four chapters. Chapter 1 outlines the basic status of HIV infection through blood transfusion or using the blood products and explicates the justification of claim mechanism in several aspects as below: the medical definition of AIDS, typical cases of HIV infection through blood transfusion or using the blood products in and abroad and the characteristics of HIV infection through blood transfusion or using the blood products. Chapter 2 compares domestic claim mechanism for the AIDS patients infected through blood transfusion or using the blood products with the foreign one. Chapter 3 focuses on the specific issues in Chinese present claim mechanism for the AIDS patients infected through blood transfusion or using the blood products and appropriate suggestions for the issues. In Chapter 4, the author sets forth his own view; it is mainly about the structure of perfecting claim mechanism for the AIDS patients infected for blood transfusion or using the blood products.In conclusion, the author puts emphasis on the significance of perfecting claim mechanism for the AIDS patients infected through blood transfusion or using the blood products, meanwhile looks forward to the future of Chinese claim mechanism.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 四川大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 05期
  • 【分类号】D922.16
  • 【下载频次】152

