

Shallow Hegemony Checks Chinese Effect in Terms of USA Culture

【作者】 邵洵

【导师】 胡宗山;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 国际关系, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 冷战结束后,伴随着信息技术革命和经济全球化的深入,世界各国和地区之间越来越倾向于相互依存、相互合作,这就使得影响国际权力斗争的因素呈现出日趋多元化的特点,而且国际权力斗争趋向于由高级政治向低级政治倾斜。国际权力斗争的多元化带来了权力资源在各领域间互换的困难,政治资源、经济资源、军事资源之间的转换成本大大提高,因此各国不得不面临着权力的转移—从传统的硬权力转向无形的、较少强制性和危险性的、低成本而又高效能的以文化为主要内容的软权力。文化已成为国际政治中无形的软权力中的一个主要方面,争夺文化的主导地位构成了当今国际政治中的一个独特的景观。伴随着改革开放的浪潮,中国和世界各国和地区之间在政治、经济、文化等各个方面的交流日益频繁和密切,面对美国软权力的影响,必然会给中国的发展带来新的机遇和挑战。美国一直试图凭借自身强大的经济、军事实力和媒介优势,通过文化输出、文化渗透、文化侵略或文化殖民等手段,加强美国文化在全球的影响力,最终实现全球文化霸权。中国不可避免的受到美国文化霸权的影响。特别是21世纪以来,美国越来越重视以文化作为外交手段,对于推进其获得全球霸权的重要。本文分析了美国文化霸权的由来,以及美国推行文化霸权对中国造成的消极影响并试图提出相应的应对策略以确保中国的文化安全,实现中国的顺利发展。近年来,中美两国的关系相对稳定,两国人民之间的交流也日益加深,但由于中美双方在文化背景上的差异,国家利益的不同诉求以及意识形态方面的影响,文化斗争在两国关系发展中还长期存在。中国是一个社会主义国家,也是世界上最大的发展中国家,伴随着中国经济的增长,中国在国际关系中的地位不断提高,越来越成为美国实施文化霸权的重要目标。面对美国霸权文化的严峻挑战,我们要深入研究和了解美国文化霸权,站在国家和人民利益的高度,积极应对,制定出合理、可行性的文化战略,确保中国的国家利益和人民利益不受侵犯。本文总共由四个部分构成。第一部分阐述了美国霸权文化和软实力的基本理论,系统地分析美国霸权文化的基本内涵。第二部分着重介绍了美国文化霸权产生的历史背景和现实条件,从而深入剖析文化霸权的实质内涵。第三个部分重点分析了美国文化霸权对中国政治、经济、文化产业与安全方面的影响,并简要分析了中美文化斗争长期性的原因。第四部分主要是根据以上分析,就如何应对美国霸权文化对中国的影响,维护国家安全和人民利益方面给出了初步的应对策略。

【Abstract】 After the Cold War, along with the Deepings of the revolutionary of information and technology, as well as the economic globalization, countries and regions around the world increasingly prefer to interdependent and cooperation. In result some factors, which have an impact on the international power-struggle, show out a characteristics of diversity. Meanwhile, this power-struggle inclines towards junior political from senior political. Since the diversity has brought amount of exchanging difficulties of power-resources between areas, the exchanging cost of political resources, economic resources, and military resources will enhance detrimentally. As a result, each countryhas had to face the reality of power-transfer--from the traditional "hard power" to theinvisible, less mandatory and dangerous, low-cost and efficient "soft power" characterized in culture. Culture has become a main aspect of invisible "soft power" in international politics. So it is unavoidably a unique landscape that every country struggle for the dominant position in culture. Along with the wave of reform, China has taken on increasingly frequent and close communications between other countries and regions. In front of "soft power" of America, all of these will bring China with new opportunities and challenges.Based on the strong strength of economic, military, and the advantageous media, America all is trying to booster American culture’ impact and finally realize its culture hegemony globally, through cultural output, cultural infiltration, cultural aggression or colonial culture, and so on. China has no way to avoid the impact of this cultural hegemony. Especially since the 21 century, America more and more emphasizes the role of cultural diplomacy for global hegemony. This paper analyzes the origins of cultural hegemony of America, and its negative impact on China. It has attempted to figure out corresponding Measures, to assure our cultural safety and developing smoothly.Although Sino-US relations has become relatively stable, and exchanges more deep in recent years, the cultural struggle between the two countries will exist in the long run, in the light of the difference of cultural background, national interests, and ideology. China, a socialist country and the world’s largest developing country, along with the highly developing economic, is forced to become an important target of America’ hegemony policy. Under this condition, in order to protect national and people’s interest from violation, we must thoroughly study American cultural hegemony, then develop a reasonable and feasible cultural strategy.This paper consists of four parts. The first part talks about the basic theory of soft power of America, and then systematically analysis the basic connotation of American cultural hegemony. The second part focused on the historical background and current conditions of American cultural hegemony, then an in-depth analysis to the real connotation of cultural hegemony. In the third part, the paper mainly states the impacts on Chinese political, economic, cultural industry and security, and then explains the long-term struggle of Sino-US culture. Based on the above analysis, The fourth part rises up a preliminary strategy to safeguard national security and the people’s interests in view of American cultural hegemony.

  • 【分类号】G171.2
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】1459

