

Develop Local Curriculum Resource to Promote the Traditional Culture in Chaoshan Area

【作者】 邹旭明

【导师】 范先佐;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 教育管理, 2007, 硕士


【摘要】 潮汕幅员辽阔,物产丰富、气候宜爽、人杰地灵。平原面积占潮汕地区总面积的三分之二,适宜农耕的面积广,是全国侨区居海外人口最多的地方,海外侨胞的人口与潮汕地区相当,有深厚的华侨文化的积淀。汕头在1985年开始被国务院确定为全国第一批四个经济特区之一,但近十五年来,在国家经济逢勃发展的大好形式下,汕头地区的经济却出现滞后于全省,在全省21个市级市中,人均收入、人均生产总值等综合实力排行19位。这与潮汕人的传统文化意识、传统思想是有很大的关系的。“粤东崛起看汕头!”是去年省委在汕头召开的粤东会议中提出的口号,说明汕头的发展已迫在眉睫了,它的发展将辐射潮汕三市,带动整个潮汕地区的发展。结合国家新一轮课程改革的要求,对现行的课程结构进行调整,提倡开发地方课程和校本课程,地方课程的主导价值在于通过课程满足地方社会发展的现实需要,校本课程的主导价值在于通过课程展示学校的办学宗旨和特色,并把地方课程和校本课程作为对国家课程的在特定价值上的互补。因此,本文将潮汕文化置于新课程的框架下,通过认真研究潮汕传统文化中已被作为地方课程开发的现状,以课程与教学论中关于课程开发的原则和要求来指导地方课程的开发和作为校本课程进行开发。通过对潮汕传统文化中能作为课程资源的内容进行系统的介绍,如:对潮汕传统文化的历史及其演变、潮汕文化的内容、性质和特点、以及潮汕传统文化的种类等内容等的论述,把潮汕文化中关于潮汕文化的特色精神如:精耕细作、和工夫茶的“和、敬、精、乐”的和谐精神;有特色的乡音韵调:潮剧潮曲、特色的民间舞蹈:舞秧歌等健康的娱乐活动形式;老一辈海外潮人艰苦创业的精神和对家乡、亲人的深情厚毅等优良传统介绍给新一代潮人;同时也把潮汕传统文化中一些陈旧、迷信和落后思想的文化现象如:潮州话中的粗话、一些问神求卜、一夫多妾、好逸恶劳的依赖思想等进行批判和摒弃。从课程改革出发,以多角度论述如何充分发掘和开发丰富的潮汕文化作为地方课程资源,建构有地方特色的地方课程和校本课程,是有积极意义的,因为它们提供的内容是与学生在本地的社会生活相联系的乡土知识和社区经验,帮助学生理解知识的多样性,更好地获得生活经验,建立学习与发展的自信心。因此,无论从课程改革的要求出发,还是从文化承传的角度来说,有必要系统地、完整地把潮汕传统文化作为课程资源来研究和开发,把潮汕传统文化作为地方课程和校本课程进行发掘,在潮汕地区各中小学中进行推广,使潮汕文化中那些优良传统和高尚精神得到发扬光大、世代相传。通过地方课程的实施,对下一代年轻的潮汕人进行本土文明的传承与教育,使潮汕人深入了解潮汕文化的内涵,促进年轻学生的发展,提升潮汕人的文化素质,热爱自己的家乡,弘扬潮汕文化精神,既为促使汕头的崛起和大发展做好精神上的铺垫,又使潮汕人的优良传统代代相传。

【Abstract】 Chaoshan, the name oriented from Chaozhou city and Shantou city,including Jieyang city, covers a large area of plains,near two-third of the land occupation. There are rich natural resources such as:agriculture,fishery, forest, husbandry and other products like handicrafts and ceramics, and so on,because of its comfortable weather for living and farming.Up to now, many outstanding people have been well-known as their profound contribution to the state,from homeland and abroad, especially some famous overseas Chinese.So Chaoshan has a deep accumulation of traditional culture.Shantou city, the representative city of Chaoshan area was represented with the title of Special Economic Zone as other cities,but in the recent 15 years,its economic development has lagged behind the other 20 cities in Guangdong province,compared no matter by its GDP or NDP, listed number 19, while the whole country achieved greatly in all the fields.lt’s probably relative to the Chaoshan people’s backward consciousness of some of the traditional cultures,such as superstion,focusing on the benefits ahead in trade and dishonesty."Shantou’s development symbols the eastern area of Guangdong Province!" advocated by the Eastern Guangdong Economic Conference last year.This symbols the emergent requirement on Shantou’s economic development.Because of Shantou’s rapid achievement will have great effect on the other three cities and thus enhance the development of the whole Chaoshan area.By the requirement of national curriculum reform:it adjusts the now-being curriculum structure and advocate the basic schooling to develop its typical local curriculum and school-based curriculum with the purpose of meeting the need of the development of local society and showing the typical schooling education and aims,and as a supplement of national curriculum. So in the view of the new curriculum,under the guidance of the principles of curriculum development and requirements according to the theory of "Curriculum and Teaching",the author has demonstrated a series of states of study on Chaoshan local culture,such as:the historical transformation,the description and the characteristics and the typical contents of Chaoshan culture,especially focusing on the merits of traditional culture,like:elaborate cultivation in the farming and handcrafts,the spirit of endurance;the key meaning of drinking "Gongfutea";and even the harmonious neighbourhood and relatives;the special forms of folk music:Chaoshan opera,Chaoshan dancing and other entertainments;and the struggling spirit in the trade and living of the old generations.Meanwhile the essay also criticizes and abandoned the backward thoughts and out of date beliefs among the humanistic cultures and customs such as superstitious activities and the multiple marriage shackles to women and the rude forms of Chaoshan dialects. So from the view of carrying out the curriculum reform,the study on how to sufficiently search and develop the Chaoshan culture resource as the local curriculum and school-base curriculum is of great significance to the modern schooling.In this way,can the curriculum provide the students with living experience and community knowledge linked to their own life,which surely help students understand social knowledge to enrich their living experience,so as to set up full confidence in learning and development. Not only due to the requirement of curriculum,but also thanks to the transition to the later generation as the culture heritage,it’s necessary to completely study the Chaoshan traditional culture and develop them as the school-base curriculum.With the execution carried out at schools, the students will benefit themselves by learning the culture curriculum and accelerated the improvement of their complicated qualities by further understanding the connotation of the traditional culture as well as to love the homeland and contribute them to the construction of Chaoshan area, and foster the prosperity of the hometown, and finally pass the merits of the traditional culture from generation to generation.

【关键词】 地方课程开发文化弘扬
【Key words】 local curriculumdevelopmentculturepromotion
  • 【分类号】G632.3
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】909

