

Research on the Countermeasures to the Fair Education of Secondary Vocational School

【作者】 赵中玉

【导师】 涂艳国;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 教育管理, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 现代教育是普及性、民主化的教育,必然要求体现公平。社会主义市场经济的发展和深化决定了中等职业教育的地位和作用将越来越重要。而当前中等职业学校在教育公平问题上面临的困境主要是:政府对中等职业学校的投入明显不足;教师队伍的质量影响到中等职业学校的发展和学生的教育;招生秩序混乱,严重侵犯了学生家长和学生的切身利益;学生教育和管理上,手段单一,隐患严重;中等职业学校心理健康教育工作重视不够,心理咨询基本是空白;校园文化建设重视不够。以上问题造成了中等职业学校教育的条件、机会、过程和结果上的不公平。中等职业学校教育公平问题的原因有:政府及社会重视不够,学生整体素质不高,缺乏中等职业教育质量监控和评估机制中等职业教育综合素质欠佳,办学环境和体制有待改善等。应设立和落实中等职业教育办学条件执行标准,建立中等职业教育的投入分担机制;各中等职业学校应采取不同的办法加强师资队伍建设,切实依靠学校办学实力和办学质量吸引学生并完善招生政策。目前中等职业学校学生的素质普遍不高且不平衡。要坚持厚爱严管,处理好教育与管理、服务与管理的关系,抓住后进生是这一学生工作的难点,加强和健全学生心理健康教育。邀请学生家长到校协助学校做学生的教育和管理工作、督促学生学习是当前做好学生教育和管理工作的一个极其有效的切入点和结合点,是实现中职学校教育微观公平的有效途径。

【Abstract】 Modern education is a kind of universal and democratic education with an inevitable requirement of fairness.Secondary Vocational Education is becoming more and more important with the development of the socialist market economy. The current fair education of Secondary Vocational Schools is facing some major difficulties.For example,the government’s input on Secondary Vocational Schools is inadequate, the quality of the teachers in the schools influences on the improvement of the vocational education ,and the enrollment is lack of order, which all violate of the students and and their parents’ vital interests. Moreover,the single means of the students education and management will bring out some serious hidden dangers , the mental health and the campus culture is paid little attention in Secondary Vocational School. The above problems caused the unfairness of the secondary vocational education in the aspect of conditions, opportunities, the process and the results.Fair education of the secondary vocational school follows some problems . The government and the community attach sufficient importance to it, the quality of students is not high, the lack of the secondary vocational education’s quality monitoring and evaluation mechanisms ,and the poor school environment and mechanism.The establishment and implementation of secondary vocational education school conditions,implementation of the standards, the establishment of secondary vocational education input-sharing mechanisms. The secondary vocational schools should also adopt a different approach to strengthen the building of the contingent of teachers, and students are to be atracted by schools’ good quality, strength. and its improvements.The quality of the secondary vocational school students are not high at present. It is necessary that we handle education and management, services and management relations, strengthen and improve students’ mental health education. In addition,the school hopes to invite parents to assist in students’ education and management, in supervision and student learning,which is currently the combinition of education and management.It is the way to realize the fair education of Secondary Vocational School

  • 【分类号】G718.3
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】309

