

On Art of Film Influence on Writings by the New Period of Writers

【作者】 李波

【导师】 张卫中;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 从20世纪初期开始,电影艺术开始渗透到小说中,并对小说的创作产生越来越深刻的影响,国外出现了象杜拉斯一样集作家、电影编剧于一身的人物。在我国,电影对小说创作的影响大致经历了启动、发展、高潮、复兴和成熟五个阶段。本文重点分析了后两个阶段,即电影艺术对新时期小说创作的影响。通过对新时期一些既从事电影编剧、又从事小说创作的两栖作家,如莫言、刘恒、苏童、王朔、杨争光、林白、东西等人作品的分析,论述了新时期小说在语言视听化、人物造型化、结构空间化、情节戏剧化、现时性与共时性,以及蒙太奇和长镜头等方面的特点。

【Abstract】 From the early 20th century, the art of film begins to permeate the novel and has more and more influence on the production of novel. People like Dulas who is a novelist as well as a film writer appear in foreign countries. In China, the influence which film put on novel goes through five stages: starting, developing, pink, renaissance and mature. This article will put emphasis on the last stages, which can also be said as the influence film put on the production of novels in new period. According to the analysis of the works of some people who write novels as well as films, such as Mo Yan, Liu Heng, Su Tong, Wang Shuo, Yang Zhengguang, Lin Bai, Dong Xi and etc., this article makes comments on several features of novels in new period, for example, the visualized sounds, stylized person, roomed structure, dramatic plots, Montage and the use of long camera zoom, and so on..

【关键词】 电影艺术新时期小说影响
【Key words】 art of filmnovels in the new periodinfluence
  • 【分类号】I207.42
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】438

