

Critical Discourse Analysis of Gender Stereotypes in Chinese Magazine Advertisements

【作者】 冯苗苗

【导师】 彭建武;

【作者基本信息】 山东科技大学 , 外国语言学与应用语言学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 广告中存在大量的性别定型。广告的传播强化了性别定型及其在观众中的影响。通过观看广告,观众慢慢接受了性别定型,并把对性别的理解建立其上。目前,国内外对广告中性别定型的研究主要采用内容分析法,很少有研究是从批评的角度进行的。批评语篇分析旨在揭示语言中服务于权力的意识形态。因此,对广告中性别定型这种充斥着性别偏见的意识形态的研究来说,批评语篇分析是一种很有效的研究方法。同时,我国对广告中性别定型的研究主要关注电视广告,而忽视杂志广告。因此,本文通过批评语言学的分析方法揭示了汉语杂志广告中存在的性别定型,并借此帮助男性和女性读者发现这种隐藏在广告中控制他们的意识形态,提高与其斗争的意识并摆脱大众传媒的影响而独立思考。本文的分析以小句为基本单位,并采用了费尔克拉夫的三向度框架。本分在韩礼德的系统功能语法框架下进行,分析重点包括概念功能中的及物系统和人际功能中的语气系统和情态系统。分析从三方面展开:及物系统、语气系统中的祈使语气和情态系统中能愿动词的两种情态(概率和义务)。在及物系统方面,分析主要考察了不同过程的出现频率及其分布情况以及各个过程的参与者。在语气和情态系统方面,两种广告中祈使语气及含有能愿动词的小句被选择出来,并在数量和比例方面加以比较。通过分析过程中所得的数据,本文研究了男性和女性广告不同的语言特征,并借此揭示了广告中的性别定型:(1)男性客观、理性,女性主观、感性。男性积极、强势,女性被动、易受影响,被压抑、物化。(2)男性充满活力,积极主动,有创造力。女性则相反,她们善于精神和内心的活动,但缺乏行动的能力。(3)男性自信、独立、自律,有责任感。女性在思想和行为上有依赖性,还怕承担责任。本文共分为六个部分:第一章界定了“性别定型”的概念并讨论了本文的写作目的及意义。第二章回顾了中外关于广告中性别定型问题的研究及其不足。第三章介绍了批评语言学中的主要概念及理论并讨论了批评语言学和系统功能语言学之间的关系。第四章讨论了研究方法。首先介绍了语料选择的标准,接着对及物系统、语气系统和情态系统的相关理论和研究方法进行了有重点的介绍。第五章主要从及物系统、语气系统中的祈使语气、情态系统中的能愿动词三方面对语料进行了系统的分析,并总结了发现和结论。第六章总结了全篇的要点,提出了该研究的不足并对以后的研究提出了建议。

【Abstract】 There are gender stereotypes embodied in advertisements. Ads reflect gender stereotypes and reinforce them and their influences on the audiences. The audiences, by watching the ads, gradually form their perceptions of gender which are highly stereotyped.Up to now, most studies on gender stereotypes in ads both at home and abroad are conducted on the basis of content analysis with few having gender stereotypes embodied in advertising language analyzed from a critical view. Aiming at exploring the ideology in language in the service of power, CDA approach can serve as an effective tool for the examinations of gender stereotypes-a kind of sexist ideology-projected in ads. What’s more, most studies on gender stereotypes in ads address TV commercials with few involving magazine ads. Therefore, this thesis is designed to explore gender stereotypes embodied in Chinese magazine ads with Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) approach, in the hope of helping the audiences of both sexes to become aware of the ideology disguised in ads that manipulates them, to raise their consciousness to struggle with gender stereotypes and to free from the influences of the mass media and form their own independent opinions.In the analysis, clause is the basic unit and fairclough’s three-dimensional framework is adopted. The analytical focuses are located at transitivity system in ideational function and mood and modality system in interpersonal function in the framework of Halliday’s systemic-functional grammar (SFG).The descriptive analysis is carried out in three aspects, namely, transitivity system, imperative mood in mood system and two modality types (probability and obligation) of one modality form, namely, can-wish verbs in modality system. In terms of transitivity system, the data is analyzed in terms of the frequency and distribution of different process types with reference to the participants. In terms of mood and modality system, clauses of imperative mood and those with can-wish verbs in the two groups of ads are listed and compared in number and percentage.With the aid of statistics, the differences between linguistic features in men ads and those in women ads are found which reveal certain gender stereotypes in ads as follows:(1) Men are considered as objective and rational while women, subjective and emotional. Besides, men are active, energetic and powerful while women, passive, suppressed and objectified who easily get affected and influenced.(2) Men are vigorous, characteristic of initiative, activity and creativity. In contrast, women are not active in outer activities. They are typically capable of dealing with passive inner activities and mental experience, but lack in the competence in doing actions.(3) With confidence, independence and self-discipline, men are ready to take responsibility for their actions while women, with dependence in thoughts and actions, are fearful of responsibilities.The thesis consists of six parts:Chapter one defines the term "gender stereotypes" and talks about the aim and significance of the study.Chapter two reviews the previous studies on gender stereotypes in ads both at home and abroad with their limitations mentioned.Chapter three introduces the main CDA concepts and theories and discusses the relationship between CDA and systemic-functional linguistics (SFL).Chapter four is concerned with research methodology, including criteria for sample collection and main theories and analytical methods in transitivity system, mood system and modality system.Chapter five deals with the descriptive analysis of the data, which is mainly, carried out in three aspects, namely, transitivity system, imperative mood in mood system and can-wish verbs in modality system. Finally, results and findings are summarized.Chapter six summaries the main points of the study, talks about the limitations of the thesis and brings up suggestions for further studies.

  • 【分类号】H15
  • 【下载频次】543

