

The Modeling and Simulation for the Filter Circuit of the Emergency Power Supply

【作者】 刘卓贡

【导师】 林建一; 钱文明;

【作者基本信息】 同济大学 , 检测技术与自动化装置, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 EPS也称应急电源,是英文Emergency Power Supply的简称。近年来,EPS供电系统以其特有的优越性和环保性在消防、应急照明等场合得到了日益广泛的应用,但这些场合都不包括精密的电子数字通信设备,对提供的电源质量要求不是很高。现在我们提出把EPS应用到拥有复杂而且精密的设备中,因此相应要求EPS所提供的电源质量和效率就要相当高,这就对滤波技术产生了新的需求。本文介绍了EPS的概念,谐波的产生、危害以及滤除方法,地铁轨道交通EPS电源输出滤波电路的工作原理、拓扑结构、电路组成、滤波性能、滤波电路损耗产生分析以及电路元件中各种损耗的公式推倒和计算方法,并用电路仿真软件对损耗进行分析,从而对滤波电路的损耗能够有更进一步的认识。

【Abstract】 EPS is the simplification of Emergency Power Supply. With the continuous progress of the era, the society has confronted more and more modernization. In recent years, EPS power supply system is widely used in fire protection systems and emergency illumination systems because of its significant performance and good environment protection, but these fields have no equipments complex and precise and are not exigent to the quality of the power supply. Now we want to apply EPS to these complex and precise equipment, therefore we need EPS to be more qualified and a new filter technology. This paper put emphasis on the output filter circuit of the EPS system, and introduces the theory, structure and characteristic of filter circuit, and the calculations methods. Finally, based on the principle analyses, we use computer software to simulate and calculate the equation of circuit loss for the future prediction of the filter circuit loss.

【关键词】 应急电源滤波电路损耗谐波
【Key words】 EPSfilter circuitcircuit lossharmonics
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 同济大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 04期
  • 【分类号】TN713
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】425

