

Self-Rescuer Simulation Experiment System

【作者】 员玉良

【导师】 徐乐年;

【作者基本信息】 山东科技大学 , 测试计量技术及仪器, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 针对目前自救器使用培训方面的现状以及存在的诸多问题,我们设计了一种集传感器技术、信息处理技术、无线数据通信技术和互联网技术的自救器模拟实验系统。该系统可以在实验室里模拟发生在煤矿井下的突发事故,并采集井下作业人员在突发事故来临时的心率、呼吸频率、体温等生理参数以及反应时间,以反应被检测人员的身体状态以及遇到突发事故的应变能力。同时,对他们进行自救器的使用培训。系统采用生物医学传感器采集被培训人员的心率、呼吸频率以及体温等生理参数,用铁电存储器FM31256记录被培训人员的反应时间并暂存生理参数和时间,然后这些数据经过单片机LPC932处理后通过无线射频技术传输给上位监控计算机软件,并由上位监控计算机软件对数据再进行筛选、比较并决定哪些人员已经符合井下工作,哪些人员还需要继续接收培训。另外,如果需要还可以通过Internet实现对数据的远程浏览或参数的远程设置和修改。本文着重阐述了系统软、硬件设计方面的思路以及实现方法,并详细介绍了相关硬件电路以及软件工作流程的设计。本系统填补了目前自救器模拟实验系统的空白,一旦推广,必将会减少由于不会使用自救器而造成的不必要的人员伤害,这对于降低我国煤炭生产的百万吨煤死亡率具有十分重要的意义,具有较高的社会价值。

【Abstract】 Considering the status quo of the training use of self-rescuer and the existing problems, we designed the self-rescuer simulation experiment system, which integrates sensors technology, information processing technology, wireless data communication technology and Internet technology. The system can simulate the sudden accidents in laboratory in order to collect heart rate, respiratory rate, body temperature and response time to reflect the physical response and flexible ability of people tested when the sudden accidents come about. Meanwhile, the system also trains the people working underground how to use the self-rescuers. The system uses the biomedical transducer to collect heart rate, respiratory rate and body temperature, etc. At the same time, the system remembers the response time of the people trained, and stores the physiological parameters and the response time by ferroelectric memory FM31256 temporarily. Then these data processed by the single chip microcomputer LPC932 are transmitted to the upper monitoring computer software by wireless radio frequency technology. The upper monitoring computer software filters the data and decides who are suitable for the jobs under mines and who should continue to receive training. Besides, we can browse data or set and correct parameters remotely by Internet if necessary.Thoughts of hardware design, software design and implementation approaches were mainly introduced. The related hardware circuits and the design of the software working flow were also introduced in detail.The system fills in the self-rescuer simulation experiment system gap. Once promoted, it will reduce the unnecessary injuries for wrongly using self-rescuer. It has very important meaning for lowering the million tons death rate and has very high social value.

  • 【分类号】TH789
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】106

