

Choosen and Optimiation of Spraying System on Support for Dust-Laying in Fully-Mechanized Caving Face

【作者】 刘向升

【导师】 程卫民;

【作者基本信息】 山东科技大学 , 安全技术及工程, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 由于综放工作面的产尘量较采用其它生产工艺的采煤工作面的产尘量要大,因此,从保护现场作业人员职业安全健康以及企业安全生产的角度考虑,必须将综放工作面的粉尘浓度控制在可容许的范围以内。本文在雾化机理研究、喷嘴喷雾粒径测量实验、现场粉尘浓度测定以及喷雾前后粉尘迁移规律模拟的基础上,提出了优化的支架喷雾降尘系统,现场应用取得了较好的降尘效果。本文根据雾化破碎机理以及两相流体力学理论,分析得到了雾化影响参数、雾滴初始速度、雾滴在空气中的存活时间以及液滴的降尘效率。在比较多种光学测粒仪的基础上,选择Winner313系统测量不同孔径喷嘴在不同供水压力下喷雾雾场的粒径分布。通过分析比较喷嘴在不同压力下喷雾雾场的粒径分布和Ansys模拟得到的喷嘴内部及出水口速度场,建议现场应用1.5mm喷嘴、供水压力为8MPa进行喷雾。在测定现场喷雾前后的粉尘浓度分布的基础上,分析得出了综放工作面现场的粉尘分布规律,通过对采煤机处和放煤口的粉尘迁移规律模拟,得出了采煤机工作时下风侧支架喷雾开启的位置、架数等。在上述研究的基础上,提出了东滩煤矿1303综放工作面支架喷雾降尘系统,通过比较不同的喷雾降尘系统的布置方式及其现场应用效果,得出了最优化的支架喷雾降尘布置方式、喷雾供水压力等参数。现场应用表明,本文设计选择的最优化的支架喷雾降尘布置方式具有较好的降尘效果。

【Abstract】 Compared with other caving faces which are not using the fully-mechanized caving method, the fully-mechanized caving face produces much larger amount of dust than others. Therefore, in consideration of mine workers’ occupational safety and health, and the enterprise’s safety management, we must ensure that the dust concentration in the working face is controlled under the allowable range of our regulations. On the basis of the mechanism research of nozzle spraying, the measurement of the particle size of droplet which produced by nozzle atomization, the dust examination on the working face and the simulation of dust along the whole working face, the author puts forward a optimized dust-laying system of support spraying, and it has obtained a good dust-laying effect dust-laying work.Based on the mechanism of atomization broken and two-phase flow theory, the influent parameters of spraying, the equations for calculating the velocity of the liquid jet, the survival time of the particle in the atmosphere and the efficiency of the dust-laying by liquid droplets were obtained. Then, by comparing a number of modern laser measurement equipments, this dissertation chose Winner 313 system to measure the particle size distribution of different nozzles under different water pressure. Therefore, by comparing particle distribution of the spraying under different water pressure, and the nozzle’s outlet velocity simulation get by Ansys, which is a software for mechanical simulation, a proposal of the application of 1.5mm nozzle, 8Mpa water pressure on the spot was put forward.On the basis of the measuring of dust distribution in the working face before and after spraying, this dissertation analyzed and elicited the regulation of the dust concentration along the fully-mechanized caving face. Depend on the simulation of the dust around the shearer and drawing opening, the starting number of the support spraying system in the leeward of shearer was confirmed.Based on this study, a support nozzle spraying system which suited the Dongtan coal mine’ situation was put forward. By comparing the different arrangement of the dust-laying system, some optimal parameters, such as arrangement, water pressure, etc. were determined. By the experiment of the dust-laying efficiency on the working face, the optimized spraying system has a good efficiency in dust-laying work.

【关键词】 喷嘴雾化粒径分布粉尘支架
【Key words】 nozzleatomizationsize distributiondustsupport
  • 【分类号】TD714.4
  • 【被引频次】17
  • 【下载频次】834

