

Investigation and Actualization of Visual Mine

【作者】 任国强

【导师】 杨卫平; 郭银景;

【作者基本信息】 山东科技大学 , 检测技术与自动化装置, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 虚拟现实技术是多媒体技术、人工智能技术、计算机图形学、计算机仿真等多项高新技术的集合体,并伴随着各项技术的迅猛发展日渐引起各界的重视,成为计算机领域研究的一个新方向。虚拟现实技术能够综合利用计算机软硬件及相关技术高度逼真地模拟人在自然环境中的视、听、触等感知行为,给用户以沉浸感较强的环境体验,从而获得沉浸其中的感受和体会。目前,其应用已涉及科研、培训、商业、军事、医学、娱乐等众多领域,将虚拟现实技术应用于煤矿领域尚处在探索阶段。本文采用先进建模工具Creator建模、高级视景仿真工具Vega驱动、VC++为平台对矿井环境、工作设备等进行仿真,设计实现了虚拟矿井仿真系统。具体所做工作如下:(1)利用MultiGen Creator进行静态建模,逼真地构建了包括地面工业广场、井下巷道、硐室等在内的建筑物模型群;并对综采工作面上主要生产设备进行动态建模,实现了生产工艺过程的动态演示。(2)动态人物模型的建立与仿真实现。该环节探讨了人物建模的基本理论与方法;分析了虚拟人物的建模技术及其构造实体几何法;结合实验室所采用的相关技术,归纳了基于Creator的DOF(Degree of Freedom)节点设计方法,并结合实例给出了Vega环境中虚拟人物的DOF节点控制的仿真实现步骤;提出了采用专业人物仿真软件DI-GUY与Vega相结合进行人物仿真的方法。(3)VC环境下的Vega编程实现虚拟场景驱动引擎。建立了一整套可控漫游与自动漫游相结合的漫游系统,使得操控过程更加便捷;采用基于广义包围盒的碰撞检测算法,解决了Vega中碰撞检测方法占用资源大的问题,有效提高了漫游的速度。(4)为满足交互真实性方面的需要,采用三维对象拾取技术,用户在虚拟工作场景中仅仅通过直接点击虚拟设备按钮即可实现对设备的操控。实现了便捷的人机互动。本文在对涉及虚拟现实的几项关键技术分析与综合应用的基础上,合理利用高级建模工具Creator、视景仿真工具Vega等,逼真模拟了矿井复杂的作业环境、真实再现了生产工艺流程,从而为指导现场生产、做好职工安全教育提供了一种崭新模式。

【Abstract】 Virtual Reality is a kind of integrative technology related to many high-tech, such asmultimedia technology, artificial intelligence technology, computer graphics and simulation,and so on. VR has attracted lots of attention going with the development of these technologies,and it becomes a new research orientation in computer field. Virtual Reality technology canvividly imitate people’s feelings such as watching, listening and touching through theintegration of software, hardware and realated technology. So it makes participants have thethe feelingof immersing into a virtual world. By now, VR has been widely used in scientificresearch, training, business, military affairs, medical science, entertainment, and so on. Theapplication of VR in mining is still being explored.This article has imitated the circumstance of mine, work equipment and the like adoptingthe procedure of modeling with advanced modeling facility Creator, driving with high-gradeimitate tool Vega and using VC++ as flat roof, and materialized imitate system of visual mine.The main works contain:(1) Establishes perfect static state models using MultiGen Creator; Erects building modelgroup containing industry square on the top of the mine, laneway and Underground Chamberon the bottom of the mine; Establishes perfect dynamic models of main product facilities onthe mine working face, Actualized dynamic demonstration to production technology;(2) Establishes and resemble actualized character model. Discusses the basic theories andmethods of character modeling; Analyses the modeling technology and it’s construct entitygeometry method of virtual character; Concludes the design methods of DOF node based onCreator combining the correlated technology that adopt in laboratory, and presents theemulational actualization processes of virtual character which was manipulated by DOF nodein Vega; Advances the method of emulating character by combining DI-GUY and Vega whichare Professional softwares;(3) Drives virtual scene taking VC as flat roof based on programming technology Vega;Erects a roam system combining controllable roam and automatic roam which simplifying thecontrol; Solves the matter of huge resources in arithmetic of collide survey in Vega adoptingarithmetic of collide survey in generalized besiege box; Advances the immersion feeling inroam process;(4) Adopts the technology of three-dimensional object collection. Operator can do alternatedoperation just nodding buttons of virtual facilities by operating equipments in virtual working scene.This article has applied the pivotal technology which contain high-tech modeling facilityCreator, imitating tool Vega and the like logically to realistically imitate the perplexingworking surroundings of mine and realized the produce process dramatically. All these workshave offered a brand-new pattern of guiding locale production and safety education.

【关键词】 虚拟现实矿井三维建模交互漫游
【Key words】 Virtual Realityminethree-dimensional modelingroamalternation
  • 【分类号】TP391.9
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】352

