

Study and Application of the Near-IR Heat Reflecting Coatings

【作者】 孟庆超

【导师】 葛圣松;

【作者基本信息】 山东科技大学 , 化学工艺, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 近红外反射节能涂料主要的节能途径是对近红外光线起反射作用,在不消耗能量的情况下抑制涂层表面温度上升(被动降温),从而起到节能和隔热作用。其应用广泛,如储罐、船舶、建筑和车辆等物体外表面的降温处理。本文首先研究了近红外热反射材料的制备工艺。采用均相沉积法将TiO2从TiCl4溶液中水解沉积并均匀的包覆在空心陶瓷微珠上,并对其工艺条件进行了研究。根据金红石相TiO2高折射率的特点,利用化学诱导法的诱导作用将TiO2薄膜转化为金红石相。对TiO2用量、SnO2用量、反射材料焙烧温度和时间等影响因素进行了研究。最后,确定了近红外热反射涂料用乳液、助剂和颜填料,并制备出性能优良的近红外热反射涂料。采用XRD、电子探针和紫外-可见光-近红外分光光度计对反射材料表面TiO2薄膜晶型、包覆情况及其反射比进行了表征。结果表明:当SnCl4与TiCl4质量比为1∶10时,TiO2薄膜全部转化为金红石相;制备的反射材料表面TiO2薄膜均匀致密;当反射材料在涂料中的添加量为10%时,近红外热反射涂料对可见光(400nm-700nm)反射比高达88%,对近红外光(700nm-2500nm)反射比高达77%。对制备的近红外热反射涂料的其他性能进行了测试,结果表明本涂料适合用于起红外反射和隔热节能作用的特殊用途涂料。研究了Ti4+水解行为、化学诱导法的作用机理以及反射材料的反射性能。通过化学分析法对Ti4+水解行为进行了研究,结果表明:Ti4+水解反应经过水解、聚合为多核钛离子,并在电解质的作用下(如Cl-、Na+等)凝聚。当凝聚钛多核物的粒度达到1μm时,开始产生TiO2·nH2O沉淀。根据XRD测试结果对化学诱导法的作用机理进行了研究,研究发现SnO2作为金红石相的晶种诱使TiO2在较低温度下定向转化为金红石相,当SnCl4与TiCl4质量比为1∶10时,反射材料表面TiO2薄膜完全转变为金红石相。结合粒子散射理论,对反射材料的反射性能进行了研究,当TiO2理论包覆厚度达到0.44μm时,反射材料的反射效果最好,经过计算可知该反射材料可以有效地反射波长在2500nm以下的光波,即太阳光能量集中的光区。近红外热反射涂料的研究与应用对于有效的降低被涂敷物体表面及内部温度、改善生活工作环境、节省大量空调降温费用和提高安全性有重要的意义,具有重大的经济效益、环境效益和社会效益。

【Abstract】 Near-IR heat reflecting coating is a kind of functional coatings that have a highreflectance on the near-IR wave band that centralize most of the energy of the sun’s rays,thereupon it can prevent the surface temperature of coatings as well as the enclosed interiorsurroundings from being heated up without the consumption of energy, attain the function ofeconomy energy and heat shielding. It exhibits great potential in the application as coatings forships, vehicles, exterior wall of buildings and oil containers to prevent excessive internaltemperature rise by keeping the surface cool.This paper studied the prepare technics of the near-IR reflect-material. It was titaniumdioxide (TiO2) deposited on the hollow chinaware min-ball and doped with Sn4+ ion, using ahomogeneous precipitation method, and studied the condition of the method. Bases the highrefractive index of rutile-TiO2, adopt the chemical inducing process and using the inducingfunction of SnO2 to transform all of TiO2 thin film to the rutile-phase. In addition, this paperstudied the influence factor, namely, the mass of TiO2, mass of SnO2, the torrefy temperatureand time of the reflect-material, on the capability of the reflect-material. Eventually, this paperconfirmed the latex, additives, the pigment and the stuffing that was used in near-IR heatreflecting coating by contrast, and prepared excellent near-IR heat reflecting coatings.The characterization of the reflect-material was studied by X-ray diffraction (XRD),electron probe and UV-visible light-IR spectrophotometry. The results showed that all of TiO2thin film transform to rutile-phase when the quantity ratio of SnCl4 and titanium tetrachloride(TiCl4) was 1:10; TiO2 thin film that was on the surface of the reflect-material was uniformityand compact; The reflectance of the near-IR heat reflecting coatings was 88%and 77%onvisible light (400-700nm) and near-IR (700-2500nm) wave band when the content ofreflect-material on the coatings was 10%. In addition, test the rest capability of near-IR heatreflecting coatings, the result showed that the coatings was fit for the outer wall coatings.This paper studied the hydrolysis of Ti4+, the function mechanism of chemical inducingprocess and the reflect capability of reflect-material. The hydrolysis of Ti4+ by chemicalanalysis method, the result showed that: after hydrolyze and polymerize, Ti4+grew tocoenocyte-Ti-ion and could agglomerate in the function of the electrolytical (Cl-, Na+). Thedeposition of TiO2·nH2O was produced when the granularity of the coenocyte-Ti-ion reach1μm. Base the XRD result, the function mechanism of chemical inducing process was studied,the result showed that SnO2 could cause the TiO2 phase transform from anatase-phase to ruitle-phase at low temperature. And all of the TiO2 thin film transformed to the rutile-phasewhen the quantity ratio of SnCl4 and TiCl4 was 1:10. Integrate the particle dispersion theory,the reflect capability of reflect-material was studied, the result showed that the reflect impactof the reflect-material was the best when the cover thickness of TiO2 thin film was 0.44μm.The calculation showed that the reflect-material could effective reflect the light wave between400nm-2500nm, it could also said that the visible light and near-IR wave band that centralizedenergy of the sun’s rays.Based on the preliminary study and test results, the following concluding remarks can bedrawn: near-IR heat reflecting coatings provides an effective way for controlling surface andinternal surrounding excessive temperature rise of structures and containers; Wide uses ofneat-IR heat reflecting coating in urban areas maybe a resolution to urban heat island problem,in addition to improving work environments and save energy.

  • 【分类号】TQ630
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】1007

