

Simulation and Experiment Research of Direct-Expansion Solar Assisted Heat Pump Experimental System

【作者】 赵芳

【导师】 杨前明;

【作者基本信息】 山东科技大学 , 精密仪器及机械, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 直膨式太阳能辅助热泵多功能复合机(DX-SAHPM)是在传统的空气源热泵基础上有机结合了太阳能热利用技术,是一种新型绿色环保的节能装置。它集制冷、供热及制取生活热水多功能于一体,它最大限度的发挥了太阳能及热泵的节能优势,其作为可再生能源在建筑节能方面有效利用的一种新途径,促进了可持续发展的战略的稳步推进。课题组于2005年11月开发了一套小型DX-SAHPM系统实验样机,并设计了一套基于PLC+触摸屏技术的监控系统,用于测试实验系统在各种工况下运行的热性能参数,以期对系统进行性能分析及进一步优化设计。本文以质量守恒定律、动量守恒定律及能量守恒定律三大定律为基础建立了DX-SAHPM实验系统主要部件建立数学模型,在对各个部件进行仿真的基础上,将各个部件进行耦合,完成系统的稳态仿真。用Visual Basic语言设计了稳态仿真程序,可以计算出不同工况下系统运行的状态参数及性能系数,对系统进行理论上的分析预测。通过专门设计开发PLC+触摸屏计算机监控系统,实现对系统运行状态的实时监控,并自动记录存储数据,将测试数据进行处理得出系统运行的各项性能指标,从而直观的了解系统运行特性。通过对DX-SAHPM实验样机冬季和春季阶段供热性能长达两个多月的实验测试,可以得出由于在系统中增设了太阳能集热器,使得系统在供热状态下可以同时吸收来自空气中的热量和太阳辐射能,系统的供热系数和供热量均有较大程度的提高,且系统在各种工况下均显示出良好的运行品质,达到了实验的预期效果。建立了实验系统的火用分析模型,并根据部分春季的实验测试数据计算出了系统供热模式火用损失,计算结果显示集热器与压缩机火用损失分别占了火用损失总量的45.8%和21.4%。,对其产生的主要原因进行了分析,指明了系统节能潜力,为进一步优化系统提供了依据。在对系统进行热力学第一律和热力学第二定律综合分析的基础上,分析指出系统存在两个突出问题:1、集热器面积与压缩机容量不匹配;2、传统节流机构毛细管不能满足流量调节需要,并讨论了相应的解决途径,明确了后续研究方向。通过对DX-SAHPM实验系统运行特性的理论和实验分析,为直膨式太阳能热泵的推广提供了必要的理论和技术支持,加速了其产业化进程。

【Abstract】 Direct-expansion solar assisted heat pump multi-function machine (DX-SAHPM) is to combine organically solar heat utilization technology with the conventional air source heat pump, which is a new type of green equipment with environmental protection and energy-saving. It centralizes the refrigeration, heating and supplying domestic hot water to a system, and furthest display the energy conservation superiority of solar and heat pump. As a new method that the renewable energy effectively uses in the construction energy conservation aspect, it also promotes the steady advancement of the sustainable development strategy.In November, 2005, the project group designed a set of mini-type experimental prototype of DX-SAHPM and developed a set of supervisory system based on PLC+ screen touching technology, which is used to test thermal performance parameter under possible conditions of operating mode, in order to carry on performance analysis and further optimize the design.In this dissertation, on the basis of the three law of conservation of mass, conservation of momentum and conservation of energy, the major components’ the mathematical models of DX-SAHPM experimental system have been established. After the simulation for major parts, the steady state simulation of system was accomplished by coupling of the simulation of components. The state parameters and COP under different work condition can be calculated by the steady state simulation program with Visual Basic language, and the analysis and forecasting in theory can be carried on.The computer monitor and control system based on the PLC + touched screen which have been designed and developed specially for the experimental system can realize the real time monitor and memorize the data automatically. Every performance index for system running can be draw after the process of the experimental data , and the running characteristic of the system can be understand directly. The experimental test to DX-SAHPM experimental system lasted two months during the spring and winter under the heating model. Some conclusions can be draw. Both the COP and heating load have a large scale enhancement for adding solar collector and the system can simultaneously absorb solar radiation energy and air heat. The experimental system shows good operating characteristic under various operating mode, and achieve estimated effect of the experiment.The model for exergy analysis of experimental system has been established. According to the experimental data in spring, the exergy loss was calculated under heating mode. The results show that the exergy losses of compressor and solar collectors account for 45.8% and 21.4% respectively in the whole losses. The reasons were analyzed, and the results indicate the energy-saving potential and provide the credible basis for optimizing system further.On the basis of the integrated analysis to the first and the Second law of thermodynamics, the two evident problems were pointed out: 1.The area of solar collector can’t match the capacity of compressor; 2.the conventional throttle-capillary can’t satisfy the need of fluid regulating. The related solutions were also analyzed and discussed and the further study direction was indicated.The theory and experiment analysis of DX-SAHPM experimental system operation characteristic provide the necessary theory and technology supply for the popularization of direct-expansion solar assisted heat pump technology and accelerate the industrialization course.

【关键词】 太阳能热泵仿真PLC实验测试(火用)分析
【Key words】 solar heat pumpsimulationPLCexperiment testexergy analysis
  • 【分类号】TK511
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】411

