

The Analysis of Electronic Bicycles Traffic Current Situation and Countermeasure Reasearch

【作者】 石臣鹏

【导师】 邵毅明; 刘玉增;

【作者基本信息】 重庆交通大学 , 交通运输工程, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 进入21世纪以来,电动自行车交通得到我国普通工薪阶层的青睐,电动自行车产业飞速发展,产量和保有量均急剧增加。同时,电动自行车交通的快速发展也给城市道路交通带来严重负面影响,致使不少大中城市禁止电动自行车上路行驶。因此,加强对电动自行车交通问题的研究,对于政府决策管理者客观对待电动自行车交通的现状和未来,促进电动自行车交通的合理发展具有重要意义。论文客观分析了我国电动自行车交通迅速发展的原因及存在的问题,分析了电动自行车的交通特征和对交通流的干扰。电动自行车交通具有灵活、方便、节能、不污染环境、经济耐用等优点,但由于电动自行车的二轮简单结构,而且骑行者没有防护设施,使得自行车在安全性、舒适性、稳定性方而比较差。混合交通中电动自行车所占比例越高,对机动车流和非机动车流干扰就越大。该论文从力学角度研究了电动自行车的行驶稳定性、碰撞特性和人机工程特性。速度越大电动自行车运行稳定性越差,速度和质量是导致电动自行车交通事故严重程度增大的主要因素。论文总结分析了我国道路交通法律法规对电动自行车的规定,电动自行车交通事故现状。《道路交通安全法》将电动自行车定性为非机动车,应遵守法律法规对非机动车的通行规范和交通事故处理规定,但在我国部分大中城市以存在安全隐患为由限制或完全禁止电动自行车上路行驶,电动自行车的发展方向引人深思。电动自行车交通事故迅猛上升,电动自行车质量不高、运行安全性能差、驾驶人安全意识差是导致事故多发的原因,而保险制度的不健全是导致部分事故处理困难的主要原因。论文将力学和法律知识结合起来对电动自行车交通进行分析,科学分析了电动自行车的安全特性和法律对电动自行车规定的不足以及管理存在的问题。提出不能完全禁止电动自行车上路,而是要针对目前电动自行车交通现状出台相应管理措施,规范电动自行车行业,严格依法管理,实行牌证管理、准驾制度和强制保险制度等,对促进电动自行车交通的合理、健康发展提供一定的理论依据。

【Abstract】 Since the arrival of the 21st century, electronic bicycles have been favored by sala-riats of China. The electronic bicycles industry is developing rapidly and there has been a sharp increase in both production and quantity of tenure, which, however, brings severe negative effect on city’s traffic. Thus many big or medium-sized cities have banned the use of electronic bicycles. Therefore, it is of great significance, for the objective perspective of electronic bicycle transport’s status quo and future by government administrators on one hand, as well as the promotion for the sound development of electronic bicycle transport on the other, to further research the issue of velocity transport.The paper made an objective analysis on the reasons and the existing problems for the rapid development of China’s electronic bicycle transport, and its transport features as well as its disturbance to traffic flow. Electronic bicycle transport has such advantages as flexible, convenient, energy-saving, environment-friendly, economic and durable, but because such bicycle only has a simple structure and no prevention facility for cyclers, it lacks security, comfort and stability. The higher the proportion of electronic bicycle transport in mixed traffic is, the more disturbance it will impose on the flow of motor vehicles and non-motor vehicles. This paper has made research from mechanics perspective on the driving stability, impact feature, and human engineering characteristics. The higher the velocity is the worse the stability of the electronic bicycle will be. Velocity and quality are the main reasons which lead E-bicycle accidents degree to go up. The paper has also summarized and analyzed the regulation of China’s road traffic laws, and the status quo of the electronic bicycle’s traffic accidents. The Law of the People’s Republic of China on Road Traffic Safety has ruled that electronic bicycle is non-motor vehicle and should adhere to the regulations and laws for it. But in some big or medium-sized cities, motor-assisted bicycle transport has been restricted or totally prohibited because of its hidden security threat. Thus the development of electronic bicycle transport really needs thoughtful consideration. The accidents of electronic bicycles have been increasing rapidly these years. The main reason which causes accidents includes the poor quality, performing capability of security and the lack of safety consciousness, meanwhile the incompleteness of insurance system leads to the difficulty in dealing with some of them.The paper has analyzed the electronic bicycles’ traffic by using both mechanics and legal knowledge, the security characteristic scientifically, and the shortage of regulation of the bikes, as well as the problem in administration. By putting forward that it’s wrong to banned all the electronic bike running on the road, but ought to make homologous administrate measures, normalizing electronic bicycle industry, administrating strictly, performing license plate and driving licence management、drving permission system and constraint insurance system, some basis in theory is explored to promote healthy development of electronic bicycle transit system with reason.

  • 【分类号】U491.225
  • 【被引频次】19
  • 【下载频次】1688

