

Study on Typical Structure of Rural Road Pavements for Yudong Mountainous Area

【作者】 段炳俊

【导师】 杨锡武; 周健;

【作者基本信息】 重庆交通大学 , 交通运输工程, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 渝东山区——巫溪县现有农村公路等级水平低、路网通达深度不够、断头路多,行车条件差,严重制约着当地社会和经济的发展。为了合理的发展当地的农村公路,本文对巫溪地区农村公路路面的典型结构进行了系统的研究。本文通过对巫溪地区农村公路的路况、结构形式、路基条件等方面的大量调查,分析总结出巫溪地区农村公路的路面结构形式、路面病害、路面材料、路基状况以及交通组成情况等,为建立典型结构提供依据。然后根据巫溪地区的土壤地质、气候条件、地下水、路基设计高度和路基土的性质,结合现场测试以及室内试验,确定路基的干湿类型以及强度,并在理论分析的基础上对巫溪地区的路基强度进行等级划分。再次对巫溪地区农村公路交通量特性、交通组成作深入的分析和研究,确定巫溪地区农村公路的交通设计参数,划分出巫溪地区农村公路的交通等级。此外,对巫溪地区农村公路的路面材料基层和面层进行研究,确定出农村公路路面材料及设计参数。最后,在得到了典型结构的各项设计参数的基础上,借鉴国内外成熟的经验,结合当地的实际情况,通过理论分析和试验路验证,建立了巫溪地区农村公路水泥混凝土路面的典型结构,并提出了农村公路的施工工艺和质量控制标准。本论文的研究成果针对性强、合理可靠、经济实用,对巫溪地区农村公路的建设具有很重要的参考价值。

【Abstract】 Yudong mountainous area------the rural road in WuXi county is very poor, whichseriously restrict the social and economical development. In order to develop rural road properly, this paper has made a systemic study about typical structure of rural road pavements for Wuxi county.The key parts of this paper is the selection of design factors which includes strength of subgrade、traffic volume and strength of materials . So how to define the scope of traffic volume and strength of subgrade of WuXi’s rural roads is the emphasis of this paper. The writer defines these scopes by theory deduction and detailed survey on condition of rural road, structure of pavements, subgrade condition etc. By detailed survey and lots of experiments, strength of pavement materials and base materials are selected.Based on the studies mentioned above, the typical structures are illustrated. Through theory analyzing and experiment testing, this paper has built the typical structure of WuXi’s rural road pavement. This paper also puts forward a standard how to control the technology and quality during the construction about the rural road in WuXi area. So the results of the paper can play a great role in the construction of WuXi rural road.

  • 【分类号】U416.216
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】278

