

Study on the Properties of Steel Fiber Asphalt Mixture and Its Applicatiion

【作者】 王清华

【导师】 杨锡武; 钟明全;

【作者基本信息】 重庆交通大学 , 建筑与土木工程, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 随着汽车荷载增加和超载车辆的出现,使得常规沥青混凝土路面发生早期破坏,大大降低了路面的使用年限,严重影响了车辆通行并造成不良的社会影响。为了提高常规沥青混凝土的路用性能,减少路面维修费用,延长路面的使用寿命,本文研究了在常规沥青混合料中掺加钢纤维对沥青混合料性能的影响及其在工程实践中的应用。论文通过室内实验,研究了钢纤维沥青混合料的马歇尔物理力学指标,钢纤维沥青混合料的常温和低温抗裂性能;钢纤维沥青混合料的高温稳定性及钢纤维沥青混合料的最佳钢纤维掺量;应用MTS研究了钢纤维和普通沥青混凝土在15℃条件下的疲劳性能,结果表明,钢纤维沥青混合料的疲劳寿命是普通沥青混合料的2.6倍,钢纤维沥青混合料的疲劳寿命最长;根据室内试验结果,在重庆五里店~桂花湾二级公路上修筑了试验路,研究了钢纤维沥青混合料的纤维添加与拌和工艺、钢纤维的防腐方法和实际应用效果,结果表明,钢纤维沥青混合料的添加、拌和工艺与普通沥青混凝土相同,添加纤维不需要增加新的设备,只要多一个工人通过观察孔把纤维倒入即可;利用裹覆在钢纤维表面的沥青即可起到防锈作用。室内试验和现场试验路验证表明,通过研究可知钢纤维沥青混合料具有较好的路用性能,施工工艺与普通沥青路面基本相同,由于其良好的路用性能和较长的疲劳寿命,钢纤维可以减薄沥青路面结构,可以降低工程造价,具有较好的经济效益。

【Abstract】 With the increase of traffic and tracks of overload axle, early breakage in the asphalt concrete pavements takes place often. To prolong the life of asphalt concrete pavements, the steel fiber asphalt concrete is studied in the thesis.In the thesis, it is researched that the mechanic properties of steel fiber asphalt concrete and the stabilities character of steel fiber asphalt concrete under low and high temperature condition in laboratory. The optimal ratio of steel fiber is about 2%~3% is given in thesis. The fatigue life of steel fiber asphalt concrete at 15℃is investigated with MTS, it is proofed that the fatigue of steel fiber asphalt concrete is 2.6 times than un-reinforced asphalts concrete. Based on the results of laboratory test, the steel fiber asphalt concrete field pavement is built in Chongqing Wu-Gui highway to determine the construction arts and rust prevention method of steel fiber and actual application effects of steel fiber asphalt concrete, the results of application show that the construction art of steel fiber asphalt pavement concrete is the same as the common asphalt concrete, and has the better technology properties, and the asphalt can play anti-rust role in the mixture.The result of laboratory test and field application show that the steel fiber asphalt concrete pavement has the good properties, and its construction art is same as the common asphalt concrete, especially its longer fatigue life can reduced the thickness of pavement structure, as a results, the steel fiber asphalt concrete as a new pavement material is a cheap pavement material in the long run.

  • 【分类号】U414
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】197

