

Research on Development Mechanism and Control Principle of Dangerous Rock

【作者】 王蓉

【导师】 陈洪凯;

【作者基本信息】 重庆交通学院 , 港口、海岸及近海工程, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 本文基于对国内外危岩研究现状分析,以国家十五攻关项目“基于3S的地质灾害灾情评估体系研究”(2001BA604A02-3)为支撑,以重庆市万州区太白岩危岩治理工程为依托,进行危岩发育机理与防治原理研究。主要包括下述几方面内容:①危岩形成机理研究本文从促使危岩体形成和发育发展的各种因素入手,基于各因素在危岩体发育过程中所起的作用,提出危岩形成的链式机理,达到充分认识危岩体的目的,为确定正确的危岩稳定性计算方法提供前提条件。②危岩稳定性研究基于危岩体形成机理的研究,将危岩体破坏模式分为滑塌式、坠落式和倾倒式三类。详细分析了静水压力和地震力对危岩稳定性的影响,并对危岩体中裂隙水的分布提出估算方法。构建了每类危岩体稳定性计算方法。运用Adina有限元软件对危岩进行了数值模拟,比较不同破坏模式危岩和危岩在不同荷载组合下的位移场和应力场,明确了关键部位应力及位移的发育趋势。③落石路径及其冲击力研究危岩失稳后成为落石,其路径与初始位置、失稳方式及下垫面有关,本文将落石的运动分为碰撞、滑动和滚动三阶段,建立了各阶段的运动方程。并根据力的扩散原理,计算落石作用在拦石墙上的冲击力计算方法,为优化防治结构设计提供依据。④防治原理危岩体的工程防治措施可以分为主动防治、被动防治和预警措施三种类型,本文主要针对主动防治的锚固和支撑措施,研究锚杆和支撑对危岩体稳定性的影响,建立了锚固计算方法,将落石路径和冲击力的研究用于被动防治结构设计,从而达到优化设计的效果。

【Abstract】 On the base of analysis to investigation status in quo on dangerous rock nation and abroad, founded by the ten-5 Year key found of the nation, i.e: "the Research on Evaluation System of Geologic Disaster Using 3S Technique" (2001BA604A02-3), taking the Taibaiyan Gangerous Rock Project of Wanzhou in Chongqin as an example, the author makes some studies on development mechanism and control principle of dangerous rock. In this paper, results include four parts, i.e:①Research on the development mechanism of dangerous rockBased on action for various factors to control formation and development of dangerous rock, the author puts forward the unload mechanism in the paper, so as to cognize dangerous rock deeply and make certain foundation to stability analysis.②Research on stability of dangerous rockBased on the research on development mechanism, the author classes dangerous rock into three types from fracture, i.e: slip dangerous rock, fall dangerous rock and revolved dangerous rock. According to influence for ground water and earthquake to steady feature of dangerous rock, the author sets fissure water distribution in structure plane and found stability calculation methods to every type dangerous rock, then makes some numeric analysis to displacement and stress variation under various loads in ADINA software.③Research on route and impaction rockfallIt is well known that rockfall comes from unsteady dangerous rock. Route of rockfall is controlled by original position and unsteady mode of dangerous rock and ground features. The author divides rockfall movement into three stages, i.e: colliding, slipping and rolling, and founds movement equations every stages, so sets up impaction calculation method for rockfall to structure using force conduction theory.④Control principleMeasures to control dangerous rock can be classed into active control, passive control and forecast system. Taking anchorage and bolster as examples, the author puts forward anchor calculation method.

  • 【分类号】TU457
  • 【被引频次】15
  • 【下载频次】454

