

Benefit Study of Supervise and Control System Comprehensive Evaluation

【作者】 吴玲玲

【导师】 张维全;

【作者基本信息】 重庆交通学院 , 道路与铁道工程, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 该文分析研究了影响道路交通监控系统效益的各种因素,以系统分析为基础,综合运用交通工程学、系统工程学、模糊数学等学科的原理和方法,对城市道路交通监控系统效益进行分析和评价。该文从管理者和用路者两方面的需求出发,参阅国内外有关文献资料,以交通监控系统建成产生的实际效益好坏作为评价的准则,筛选出能够反映监控系统运行效果的评价指标,指标的选取不追求精确和量化但考虑到影响监控系统运行产生效益的方方面面,能比较直观准确地评判监控系统产生的效益。运用层次分析法建立了交通监控系统综合评价体系,采用1~9标度法构造判断矩阵,并最终确定各指标权重值。根据模糊综合评判的理论,运用模糊统计方法确定非定量指标的隶属度。对于定量指标,则按效益型和成本型分别确定其隶属度。最后建立交通监控系统效益方案的多级模糊综合评判模型,并进行了实例分析和计算。该文从我国交通系统的特点出发,把模糊综合评价的数学方法同监控系统工程的实际相结合,力求建立一套符合我国城市交通特点的交通监控系统效益综合评价方法。整个方法力求操作性强、实用,能为城市交通管理部门提供一个科学工具,以达到充分挖掘其潜力,提高服务水平的目的,并为今后的决策和投资方向提供科学的依据。

【Abstract】 This paper analyzied and studied all sorts of the factors of taffic supervise and control system which affected the benefits of supervise and control system.It synthesized the principles and methods on Traffic Engineering, System Engingeering,Fuzzy Mathematics,etc,and analyzied and evaluated the benefits of urban traffic supervise and control system.According to the demands of transportation and lots of data ,the comprehensive evaluation indexes system was set up by using the benefits criterions of the traffic supervise and control system . These indexes may not be precise but all-around. The comprehensive evaluation indexes system was founded by using AHP,then the contribution of the evaluation index was determined.According to the Fuzzy Mathemarics,the membership of non-quantitative index was determined by using statistical method of Fuzzy.The benefit index and cost index were applied to define the membership grade of quantitative index.Therefore,the Fuzzy Model for traffic supervise and control system developed.This paper developed a set of methods in traffic supervise and control system by using Fuzzy Mathematics.The methods are practical and can be used in policy decision.

  • 【分类号】U491
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】176

