

Liu Wen Jin and His Erhu Work

【作者】 郑颖

【导师】 贾纪文;

【作者基本信息】 西北民族大学 , 音乐学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 二胡艺术这一极富民族特色的中国传统音乐艺术,历经了百年历史舞台的演练与洗涤,发展到今天,成为世界音乐舞台上的一颗闪亮、耀眼的恒星。在以代表“学院派”的一代宗师刘天华先生和代表“民间派”的演奏艺人阿炳(华彦钧)等艺术大师的继承与发扬下,造就了许多经典的传世之作。经典需要时间,刘文金先生又以他深厚的艺术功底和对西洋作曲技法的传神演绎将二胡艺术提高到了一个新局面。在他的创作中,《豫北叙事曲》、《三门峡畅想曲》、《长城随想》这三首大气磅礴的乐曲以其非凡的民族气概和丰富深邃的思想内涵成为了二胡艺术发展过程中的又一里程碑。经典藐视时间,以《长城随想》为代表的作品作为弘扬中华民族精神、争取民族独立、英勇不屈的战斗气概的历史见证而成为了新里程碑中永远发光发热的不朽音乐篇章。经典是颠峰,但绝对不是不可跨越的,不断超越也是一代代二胡人的信念。本文期待通过对《长城随想》这部作品的分析与研究,呼吁一代代二胡人对经典曲目更好的继承与发扬,更好的演绎与突破,为弘扬民族艺术作出自己的贡献。愿二胡艺术长青!

【Abstract】 Erhu art, the Chinese traditional music art, with quite distinctive national and folk features,has undergone hundred of years of drilling and washing in the historical arena. Today, it has become a brilliant and sparkle star in the world music arena. With the succession and promotion of the two great masters: LiuTianHua, the academism artist and ArBing the folk artist, they have created a lit of classic words handed down from one generation to another. The Classics demand time, and LiuWenJin puts the Erhu art to a new position with his deep artistic foundation of basic skills, and the western composing music technique. In his creative works,《Yu Bei narrative tune》、《San Men Gorge imagination tune》、《The Great Wall capriccio》the three brilliant stars become the milestone with the development of Erhu art with their national spirit and rich profound thought connotation. The classics despise the time.《The Great Wall capriccio》, as the representative work, carrying foreword the national spirit, striving for the national independence, and with its heroic and unyielding fight spirit, become an immortal music chapter in the new milestone with shining and glowing forever. This article wants to analyses and studies the work of《The Great Wall capriccio》, with the succession and promotion of classical music. I hope to make contribution to the national art. Ever green The Erhu Art.

【关键词】 二胡刘文金《长城随想》
【Key words】 ErhuLiuWenJingThe Great Wall
  • 【分类号】J632.21
  • 【被引频次】10
  • 【下载频次】623

