

Summary of Violin Concerto

【作者】 王薇娜

【导师】 李曙明;

【作者基本信息】 西北民族大学 , 音乐学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 协奏曲最初是指16世纪用乐器伴奏的合唱曲,独奏协奏曲是18世纪形成的。小提琴协奏曲从形成、发展到成熟已经在西方存在了几百年,而小提琴这一西洋乐器传入中国不过百年,但中国小提琴曲的创作却硕果累累,而且有其特殊的创作及演奏方式。《梁祝》的诞生,是中国小提琴曲创作的里程碑,也是中国小提琴协奏曲的经典之作。小提琴协奏曲历来都被作曲家所重视,许多伟大的作曲家在其一生中都会创作一部小提琴协奏曲,莫扎特则共创作了五部。协奏曲对小提琴演奏者的综合素质要求较高,如:演奏技巧的熟练掌握、作品风格的准确把握、对乐谱的清楚记忆、与协奏声部的默契配合。本文将通过对具体作品的分析,探讨研究如何演奏好小提琴协奏曲。

【Abstract】 Content: The concerto was initially referred to the ensemble accompanied by instruments in 16 centuries, while the solo was formed in 18 centuries. It has already been hundreds years for the violin concerto to form, develop and become mature in the west. As a western musical instrument, violin was introduced into China just one hundred years ago. However, it has been very popular in China today and characteristic with active melody writing and special performance. "Beautify Lovers", the most representative violin music of China, is the milestone in the history of violin music creation of China. It’s not an easy thing to play a violin concerto. The performer needs to mastery the performing techniques, deeply understand the style of works, clearly remember the score and understandingly match with help sounds. In this paper, the question about how to triumphantly play a violin concerto will be discussed through the detailed analysis of a melody.

  • 【分类号】J622.1
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】276

