

The Research about Living Situations of Manchu in JiLin and Hei-Longjiang Regions in the Qing Dynasty

【作者】 付永正

【导师】 赵学东; 王继光;

【作者基本信息】 西北民族大学 , 专门史, 2007, 硕士


【摘要】 满洲族史作为民族史学的一个重要分支,近年来越来越为史学界所重视。许多满洲族史专家就清代满洲旗人政治、军事、经济、文化生活等各个领域中的许多问题进行了深入地探讨与研究,研究成果蔚为大观。在清代满洲旗人军事生活、经济生活以及婚姻生活等研究领域云集着许多学术巨匠,他们专业知识渊博,成果累累,非我们这些后生所能及。纵观这些研究者的研究成果,以关注京师畿辅八旗和直省驻防八旗的生存状况为主,论及龙兴之地——吉黑地区满洲旗人生存状况的著述很少。本文将研究视角投向这一地区的满洲旗人,通过选取在清代吉黑地区极具代表性的满洲旗人家谱——《吉林他塔拉氏家谱》作为研究中心,从微观领域对清代吉林他塔拉氏族人的军事生活状况、经济生活状况以及婚姻生活状况三个方面剖析该家族族人的生存状况,并结合正史、地方志等相关资料来揭开清代吉黑地区满洲旗人真实的生存状况的神秘面纱,使我们对清代吉黑地区满洲旗人的生存状况有一个直观、具体的认识。在本文的一些章节中,尽可能地汲取学术先贤们的研究成果,并在此基础上力图有所突破。本文创作过程中频繁地使用统计学研究方法,并探讨一下该地区满洲旗人的军事生活、经济生活以及婚姻生活中所呈现的一些特点。

【Abstract】 As an important branch of national history, the research about Manchu history get more and more attentions in recent years. Many experts have done many researches and discussions thoroughly in many areas, such as the politics military economy cultural life and so on, and we have been getting many Research Achievements in these areas. There are many famous academic experts in the research field of Manchu histories. Their specialized knowledge profound, the achievements are countless, we can hardly compare with them. Looks over all of the Research Achievements, They are pay more attention to the living situations of Manchu these lived in Beijing and others provinces. Concerned Manchu these lived in the areas of dragon raised-Jilin Heilongjiang areas are still very few. This article will pay most attentions to the living situations of Manchu these lived in this area. We will select a genealogy of Manchu that has the representative extremely in this area- "Jilin Tatara Genealogy" and analyze the living situations of members of this clan from the microscopic angle in the Qing Dynasty. We will do our research in three aspects: the military living situation, the economic living situation and the marriage living situation. And we will do our research based on the Genealogy all kind of Local Records and local reference material and then disclose the mystical veil of the real living situations of Manchu whom lived in this area in the Qing Dynasty. It will enable us to have a direct-viewing to the living situation of Manchu in this area in Qing Dynasty and form a concrete understanding. In this article, we will do our best drawing the research achievements of others academic experts in this field in some chapters, and have some breakthroughs based on this foundation. We will use statistics research technique frequently when we do the research in this article. And we will discuss some characteristics of living situation of Manchu in this area which present in the military economic and the marriage life.

  • 【分类号】K28
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】387

