
养殖刺参(Apostichopus japonicus)的生态习性及代谢生理的初步研究

Primary Studies on the Ecological Characteristics and Metabolic Physiology of the Sea Cucumber Apostichopus Japonicus

【作者】 薛素燕

【导师】 方建光; 李赟;

【作者基本信息】 中国海洋大学 , 水生生物学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 本文主要针对我国北方沿岸广泛养殖的刺参的生态习性、代谢生理以及对沉积物中颗粒有机物质的利用能力做了一些初步研究,期望为刺参的人工育苗、养殖及对底质环境的净化提供可借鉴的基础资料。本文主要内容分为以下四个部分:1.不同光照强度对刺参幼参生长的影响采用室内受控的实验方法研究了不同光照强度对刺参幼参生长的影响,以期为刺参的生态学研究和人工育苗及增养殖技术提供参考。实验设暗光、微强光、强光三个光照处理,同时每个光照处理组分别投喂两种饵料(人工配合饲料、人工配合饲料加底栖硅藻)。研究结果表明,不同光照强度下,幼参的生长差异性显著(P<0.05),相同饵料条件下强光处理组幼参的特定生长率和日增重明显高于暗光处理组,而相同光照强度下两种饵料处理对幼参生长的影响差异不显著(P>0.05)。三个光照处理下幼参的特定生长率(%·d-1)平均分别为0.26、0.63、0.98,日增重(g·d-1)为0.53、1.39、2.26。2.高温下不同盐度对刺参幼参和1龄参呼吸和排泄的影响采用实验生态学的方法,研究了25.3~26.5℃水温条件下不同盐度对1龄刺参和幼参呼吸和排泄的影响,探索盐度影响刺参生长发育的机制,为开发利用有效的养殖资源,建立合理的养殖模式提供理论依据。实验用1龄刺参规格为22.73±9.46g,幼参为0.03±0.00g,分别设置五个盐度梯度(1龄参16、20、25、30、35和幼参20、23、26、30、35),研究盐度突然和逐渐改变对刺参呼吸、排泄的影响。实验结果表明,盐度变化对刺参的呼吸排泄影响显著(P<0.05)。两种规格刺参耗氧率[Rwr,mg/(g·h)]和排氨率[Rwe,μmol/(g·h)]在盐度23~30(幼参)、20~30(1龄参)范围内随着盐度的升高而降低,当盐度升高至35时,二者都明显升高,当降至其所承受的最低盐度20(幼参)、16(1龄参)时,刺参单位体重耗氧率和排氨率均降低。盐度对刺参O∶N比的影响不显著(P>0.05),各盐度条件下,两种规格刺参的O∶N比平均在14左右,表明本实验条件下该刺参代谢所需要的能量主要由脂肪和碳水化合物提供。3.刺参对附着基的选择性本实验采用常规统计方法研究了刺参与附着基的关系,以期找到最有利于刺参养殖的附着基,为刺参的人工池塘增养殖技术补充相关的基础资料和技术参考。实验于2006年4月在烟台开发区常飞海产品养殖有限公司的养殖池中进行。养殖池内放入底面积相等(800~900cm2)的三种附着基(扇贝笼、石块和瓦片)并且分别置于同一规格的开放型矩形筐(90cm×65cm)内,设三个平行组。本实验结果表明,刺参对三种附着基具有选择性,其中对扇贝笼的选择几率占43.85%,石块占21.48%,瓦片占13.93%。4.刺参对沉积物中颗粒有机物质的利用能力本试验采用实验生态学方法,通过刺参对自身粪便的重复利用,研究刺参对沉积物中颗粒有机物质的利用能力。试验用刺参分为大参(78.51±5.19g)和幼参(2.45±0.35g)两个规格,试验期间水温范围为11.2~8.8℃,投喂的沉积物为生产上常规养殖刺参的粪便。试验设清理刺参粪便(清底组)和不清理刺参粪便(不清底组)两个处理。试验结果表明,不同处理组刺参的粪便有机物含量总体趋于下降水平。其中,不清底组大参粪便的有机物含量由6.33%下降至4.53%,幼参由7.26%下降至2.88%;清底组大参粪便的有机物含量由6.87%下降至4.84%,幼参由6.10%下降至2.95%。不同处理组的大参日增重(DWG)和特定生长率(SGR)均为负值,幼参不清底组的DWG和SGR为负值,而清底组的DWG和SGR为正值,各处理组刺参清底组的DWG和SGR均高于不清底组,说明刺参能够摄食利用沉积物中的颗粒有机物质,在饵料食物缺乏的条件下,可以重复利用自身产生的生物性沉积物,由此可见,刺参在净化底质环境方面有非常大的潜力。

【Abstract】 The ecological characteristics, metabolic physiology and the capability of particulate organic matter utilization of the sea cucumber Apostichopus japonicus was studied in the paper for the purpose of supplying some useful information on the sea farming of sea cucumber which were widely cultured in the coastal waters of northern China and restoration of the coastal ecosystems. The results of the experiments are showed as follows:1. The effects of different light intensities on the growth of juvenile A. japonicusThe effects of three light intensities (0.77-5.57lx, 650-2900lx, 2700-11000lx) on the growth of juveniles were studied. The juveniles of sea cucumbers in each light intensity treatment were fed with totally artificial diet and artificial diet with benthical diatom, respectively. Results showed that the daily weight gain (DWG) and specific growth rate (SGR) of the juveniles were significantly affected by the light intensity (P<0.05). The SGR and DWG with the stronger light intensity treatments were higher than those with the dark light intensity treatments. However, there was no significant difference in the DWG and SGR when different kinds of feedstuff were used (P>0.05). The SGR with different light intensities treatments were 0.26, 0.63 and 0.98 %·d-1 and the DWG were 0.53, 1.39 and 2.26 g·d-1, respectively.2. The effects of salinities on the respiration and excretion of A. japonicus under the temperature of 25℃.The effects of salinity on the respiration and excretion of A.japonicus at the temperature of 25.3~26.5℃were studied in the laboratory. The animals were devided into two size groups with the body weight of 0.033±0.002g and 22.7±9.46g respectively and cultured with different salinities of 20、23、26、30、35 for juveniles and with salinities of 16、20、25、30、35 for the bigger one. The weight specific respiration rate [Rwr, mg/(g·h)] and the weight specific excretion rate [Rwe,μmol/(g·h)] were determined in the experiment. Results showed that the respiration and excretion were significantly affected by the salinity (P<0.05). At the salinity of 30, the animals respired and excreted at a lower level. The respiration rate and excretion rate increased apparently under the higher salinity of 35 and lower salinity of 20 for the bigger group or 23 for the small one. The salinity had no significant effects on the ratio of O:N (14.21±2.37, mean士S.E.) (P>0.05).The values of O:N ratios were 14.21±2.37(mean士S.E.), which indicated that the sea cucumbers in the experiment mainly utilized carbohydrate and lipid as their energy sources.3. The relationship between the sea cucumber and the adhesion substancesThe study concerned the relationship between the sea cucumber and the adhesion substances was performed by statistical methods. The experiment was carried out in April 2006 in Yantai. Three adhesion substances (scallop lantern nets, rocks gallets, tiles) were used at the same time in each pool. Results indicated that the distribution of the sea cucumber in the adhesion substances was quite different. 43.85% of the animals chose scallops lantern nets as their perch sites while 21.48% and 13.93% of the animals chose rocks gallets and the tiles ,respectively .4. The capability of particulate organic matter (POM) utilization of A. japonicusThe capability of POM utilization of A.japonicus was studied by analysing the animals’faeces in the laboratory. Two trials were designed in the experiment with two sized groups by feeding the animals with the faeces collected from other sea cucumber culture tank. In trial one, the juveniles of sea cucumbers was fed evening and the faeces was collected in everyday before feeding for organic matter analysis. In trial two, the animals was only fed on the first day of the experiment and the faeces produced by the animals was kept in the tank until the end of experiment. Results showed that the content of organic matter in the faeces of animals in both trials tended to decline. In trial two, the content of organic matter of the faeces of bigger sea cucumbers ranged from 6.33% to 4.53% while the juvenile was from 7.26% to 2.88%. In trial one, the content of organic matter of the feces of bigger sea cucumbers declined from 6.87% to 4.84% and the juvenile was from 6.10% to 2.95%. With different treatments, the values of DWG and SGR of the bigger sea cucumber were negative, while the values of the juveniles of trial two were negative and the trial one were positive. It revealed that the sea cucumber could use its faeces to maintain his life if there was no enough food available, and it had the potential of environment bioremediation, which could benefit for the environmental and coastal ecosystems.

  • 【分类号】S917.4
  • 【被引频次】12
  • 【下载频次】703

