

On "Positive Misinterpretation"-Viewed from Skopostheorie

【作者】 肖凤

【导师】 邹卫宁;

【作者基本信息】 中国海洋大学 , 外国语言学及应用语言学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 一般认为,误译指的是译者对原语的不理解、理解有误或是由于两种语言文化背景的不同而形成的对原文的错误翻译,历来为所有译者深恶痛绝。但有时译者对原文能够透彻理解,却也会出现误译。这种误译是译者为了完美再现原文的风韵而进行的创造性翻译,虽与原文在形式上并不完全对等,但却能传达最为重要的信息,并取得功能或语用交际的最大对等。译者心里明白,由于语言表现形式、社会文化、意识形态及思维方式等的不同,该创造性误译在所难免。其实国内很多学者已经注意到了这两种性质的误译,但对其术语并没有进行统一,而且对其研究仅限于笔译方面,与口译的结合几乎空白。本文结合前人对误译的研究及作者自身口译实践,尝试将误译拓展到口译领域,并根据其所达到的实际效果或功能,将口译中的误译归纳为两大类,创造性地提出“积极性误译”和“消极性误译”两个全新的概念;指出口译中的“积极性误译”是由于口译员有目的的努力而造成的译文与原文的偏离,是一种目的性行为,可以认为是译员发挥主观能动性采取的一种翻译策略。译员的目的,即译员试图通过“积极性误译”实现的译文功能,起到了关键的作用。兴起于20世纪70年代的德国功能派翻译理论为翻译学研究提供了新的理论视角。在其奠基理论----翻译的目的论中,翻译被视为一种目的性行为,决定任何翻译过程的最高准则是整个翻译行为的目的,即翻译目的决定翻译手段。根据目的论,译者可以为了达到特定目的而采用任何其认为适当的翻译策略,在实现译文预期功能的前提下,可以对译文进行适当的调整。因此,目的论为“积极性误译”的必要性和合理性提供了充分的理论支持,并对译者主动灵活的误译起着巨大的指导作用。从目的论的角度研究口译实践中的“积极性误译”,不但对促进该领域相关研究的进一步完善与发展有一定借鉴意义,而且有利于帮助译员解脱束缚,充分发挥主观能动性,从而使其地位得以尊重及提升,同时对指导口译实践、提高口译质量,尤其在当今国际交流日趋频繁、口译量日益增大的形势下,更具实用价值。本文共分七章。第一章为全文总述,引出作者力求解决的几个重点问题。第二章介绍口译概况,包括其定义、特点、评价标准、译员的基本素质等,特别指出译员素质是其发挥主观能动性和创造性的基础和必要条件。第三章在回顾翻译学中对误译的有关研究的基础上探索口译中的误译及分类,提出“积极性误译”的概念并大胆对其定义;之后详细阐述其产生原因以及译员在该过程中的角色,突出“积极性误译”与译员主观能动性的关系。第四章从目的论的发展、核心思想及意义出发,探讨其对“积极性误译”的理论指导作用,并利用其解释“积极性误译”存在的必然性及合理性。第五章通过大量实例与分析,研究“积极性误译”的四个主要表现形式,即增补、省略、转换和重组。第六章结合目的论探讨“积极性误译”的质量评估标准。第七章为本文结论,指出研究发现与局限性的同时,预示今后的研究方向。

【Abstract】 Mistranslation is normally described as handling translation incorrectly or improperly as a result of translators’inattention or misunderstanding of the source text, or inadequacy of background knowledge. However,“mistakes”are made on purpose and with creativity in certain circumstances—notwithstanding that translators well understand the original texts or discourses—to best convey the message in line with the audience’s cultural background. Despite the variation in the form of the target text from the original, the message gets across and the maximal equivalence is attained in both the function and pragmatic communication. Professionals are well aware that such creative mistranslation is more often than not inevitable due to cultural differences. Regretfully little effort has been made in introducing it to the realm of interpreting, nor are the technical terms unified in the relevant researches that have been merely confined to written translation.This paper attempts to reclassify misinterpretation (the integration of mistranslation and interpretation) into two general categories in light of their actual function and effect, and proposes such fresh terms as“positive misinterpretation”and its counterpart“negative misinterpretation”, in a bid to introduce mistranslation into the area of interpreting. The author views“positive misinterpretation”as the deviation from the original message as a result of interpreter’s purposeful endeavor or an effective strategy to tap his/her subjective initiative, which is preceded and dominated by the target text function that the interpreter intends to fulfill—the very purpose of the interpreter.Skopostheorie, the core of German functionalist approach, holds translation is a purposeful activity and that translation end justifies the means, which endows translators or interpreters with due freedom to take the initiative for any appropriate strategies if their particular purposes could be attained, and make any readjustment if it is needed to realize the intended target text function. It provides a sound theoretical support to“positive misinterpretation”and its application.Studying“positive misinterpretation”from the perspective of Skopostheorie will inspire related research and help set free interpreters by rendering due respect and attention to their status and creativity. The significance of this tentative study is to offer some guidance for better interpreting performance, which is under constant challenge.This paper falls into seven chapters. Chapter One, a brief introduction, draws forth several research questions the author tries to answer. Chapter Two is a general description of interpretation, regarding definition, characteristics, criteria, as well as qualities expected of interpreters, etc. Chapter Three, based on previous studies of mistranslation, delves into misinterpretation, brings forward the definition of“positive misinterpretation”, as well as elaborates on its causes and interpreter’s roles in this process, with particular emphasis placed on the relationship between positive misinterpreting and interpreter’s subjective initiative or creativity. Chapter Four presents a framework of Skopostheorie, its development, essence and significance, serving as a theoretical guideline to positive misinterpreting and its justification. Chapter Five discusses the four basic manifestations of addition, omission, alteration and reorganization, while Chapter Six focuses on the Skopostheorie-based evaluation. Chapter Seven, by eliciting the merit and demerit of this study, orients the future research—studying misinterpretation from the actual effect it achieves under the guidance of Skopostheorie.

  • 【分类号】H059
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】589

