

Historical Sites of Silla People at China’s Coastal Area

【作者】 王慧

【导师】 曲金良;

【作者基本信息】 中国海洋大学 , 历史地理学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 本文以东北亚海上交流的历史遗产为研究视角,运用历史文献和实地调查资料,对中国沿海地区新罗侨民历史遗迹问题作了比较全面系统地研究。全文分五部分:第一部分:前言。说明本文的研究立论依据、主要内容设计、研究目标、研究意义以及国内外的现有研究状况;第二部分:主要研究中国沿海地区新罗侨民历史遗迹的空间分布,作出中国沿海地区新罗侨民历史遗迹的空间分布图,并通过论述新罗侨民历史遗迹不同区域的不同类型、内容和性质,揭示出新罗侨民在唐代中国的社会生活和唐朝政府对他们的管理状况;第三部分:主要研究中国沿海地区新罗侨民历史遗迹形成的历史过程及历史因素与地理因素。历史因素主要包括:唐朝的多元文化政策、新罗自身的政治经济与文化需求、不断变化的唐罗关系;地理因素主要包括港口海路的便捷等。中国沿海地区新罗侨民历史遗迹,就是在这样的历史因素与地理因素条件下,随着大量新罗人入唐侨居的时间不同而在各个不同的历史时段积累形成的;第四部分:主要研究中国沿海地区新罗侨民历史遗迹的多重价值及其开发、保护与利用问题。阐明中国沿海地区新罗侨民历史遗迹的历史认识价值、文化传承价值、旅游鉴赏价值、中韩友谊价值等,分析这些历史遗迹的现存状况,指出目前存在的问题,提出开发、保护与利用的措施建议;第五部分:结语。总结揭示出中国沿海地区新罗侨民历史遗迹研究的重要意义。中国沿海地区新罗侨民历史遗迹既是古代中国与朝鲜半岛友好交往的历史见证,又是今日中韩之间保持和发展亲密友好关系的历史基础。对其进行系统地研究,有助于对中国沿海地区新罗侨民历史遗迹的挖掘开发和价值利用,为沿海各地历史文脉的承继和区域发展,为中韩两国人民更好地了解中国与朝鲜半岛密切交往的悠久历史,更好地增进双边的友谊感情,更好地促进双边的政治、经济、文化交流与合作,更好地建构和发展21世纪的东亚文明,奠定更为丰富系统、具体翔实的历史文化遗产资源基础。本文的创新点主要有三:(1)对中国沿海地区新罗侨民历史遗迹的区域分布状况及其历史形成过程作了比较全面系统的勾勒梳理;(2)对以往国内学术界关于中国沿海新罗侨民在东北亚海域历史作用因缺乏研究而人云亦云的说法作了合于史实的辨析;(3)全面揭示了中国沿海地区新罗侨民历史遗迹的价值,并提出了开发与保护这些历史文化遗产的建议措施。

【Abstract】 This dissertation is a general research on the historical sites of Silla people at China’s coastal area during the Tang Dynasty. Using historical documents and archaeology materials on the spot. The main content of the dissertation composes of five parts:Chapter One: Preface. Explains the research basis, main content design, the research object and significance, domestic and international existing research state about this field.Chapter Two: Mainly studies the distribution of historical sites of Silla people at China’s coastal area, and make the distribution map of it. Through the description of the different types, content and nature of historical sites of Silla people at China’s coastal area, describing the social life of Silla people in Tang Dynasty.Chapter Three: Mainly studies the historical process, the historical factors and the geography factors which the historical sites of Silla people forms. The historical factors mainly includes: the policy of opening to the world by Tang Dynasty, the interior reasons of Silla and the relationship between Silla and the Tang Dynasty; The geography factors mainly includes the convenient sea route and so on. Under these historical and geographical factors, the historical sites of Silla people at China’s coastal area formed in different historical period.Chapter Four: Mainly studies the multiple value and questions of developing, protecting and utilizing of the historical sites of Silla people at China’s coastal area. According to the present situation of the historical sites, points out the existing problem, proposes the development, protection and utilization measures.Chapter Five: Conclusion. Reveals the vital significance in which the historical sites of Silla people on Chinese coast.The historical sites of Silla people on Chinese coast not only is the historical witness of friendly association between ancient China and Korea Peninsula, but also the drive of keeping and developing the intimate and friendly relations between China and South Korea today. This research contributes the development and value- utilizing of historical sites. It is good for inherit and development of the culture and history of these areas. It is also much more helpful for Chinese people and Korean people to understand each other better with the study of communicating history of China and Korea. Moreover, it can increase the exchange and cooperation opportunity of politic, economic and culture between two countries, can promote the constructing and developing civilization of Eastern Asia in the 21st century.This dissertation has three innovations: (1) This research systematically exhibits the distribution and the historical process of historical sites of Silla people at China’s coastal area ; (2) This research that has made the historical facts about the historical function of Silla people in North-East Asia sea ; (3) Fully reveals the value of the historical sites of Silla people at China’s coastal area, and proposes the suggestion measures of developing and protecting these historical legacies.

【关键词】 中国沿海新罗侨民历史遗迹
【Key words】 Coastal area of ChinaSilla peopleHistorical sites
  • 【分类号】K872;K289
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】315

