

Distribution and Ecological Risk Assessment of PAHs and NP in Sediments from Yangtze Estuary and Its Adjacent Area

【作者】 王波

【导师】 李正炎;

【作者基本信息】 中国海洋大学 , 环境科学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 近年来,随着全球海洋环境质量的恶化,近海环境中持久性有机污染物(Persistent Organic Pollutents, POPs)的环境地球化学行为已引起了国际学术界的高度重视和密切关注,并已在一些典型的城市岸带/河口湾开展了其空间分布和富集规律研究。长江口是重要的运输和商业枢纽,也是高度城市化、工业化的地区,近几十年来,该地区环境日益恶化,多种污染物以不同来源和方式输入。目前在该地区开展的研究结果表明,长江口已经受到了严重的有机污染,对该地区的生态环境及人体健康存在巨大的隐患。多环芳烃( Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons , PAHs )、烷基酚(Alkylphenols,APs)等有机物是一类对环境和人类有极大危害的物质,属于持久性有机污染物(POPs),具有生物累积性、难降解性和“三致”效应,它们可从污染源进行远距离输送并对人类健康及生态环境产生严重影响。多环芳烃(PAHs)和烷基酚(APs)同时又是环境荷尔蒙,亦称环境激素、环境内分泌干扰物(Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals, EDCs),这些有机物是由于人类活动而释放到环境中的有害化学物质,它们在生物体内发挥着类似自然荷尔蒙的作用,能够扰乱内分泌系统,使生物体的生理、发育和生殖等机能失常。本研究以气相色谱-火焰离子检测(GC-FID)和气相色谱-质谱联用(GC-MS)方法分别测定了长江口及其邻近海域表层沉积物中持久性有机污染物——多环芳烃和壬基酚的含量,并对其组成特征、污染来源和生态风险进行了较为系统的研究,并以长江冲淡水的运移方向为主轴将所研究区域分为东西、南北两个断面,又将南北断面分成三个区域,即前三角洲泥质区、浙江沿岸软泥区、长江口东南软泥区三个区域。结果表明:长江口及其邻近海域表层沉积物中16种多环芳烃总含量的变化范围为99.6-684.4ng.g-1 d.w.,平均值为395.7ng.g-1 d.w.。多环芳烃的最高值出现在前三角洲泥质区。多环芳烃的总含量在东西断面上从近岸到远海基本呈现逐渐减少的趋势,表明距污染源的距离是制约多环芳烃含量高低的重要因素。在南北断面上,多环芳烃的平均含量表现为前三角洲泥质区(449.1ng.g-1 d.w.)>浙江沿岸软泥区(436.6ng.g-1 d.w.)>长江口东南软泥区(395.4ng.g-1 d.w.)。不同泥质区多环芳烃的分布主要受控于离污染源的距离、沉积物粒度、有机碳含量及海洋环流体系等。长江口沉积物环境中多环芳烃来自热解源和石油源的混合源,其中以化石燃料的不完全燃烧为主。壬基酚在表层沉积物中的浓度范围为0.73-11.45 ng.g-1 d.w.,平均浓度为4.43ng.g-1 d.w.,总体浓度水平较低。浓度最高的两个站位分别位于浙江沿岸泥质区和长江口东南泥质区。长江口及其邻近海域表层沉积物中的壬基酚在东西断面上不像多环芳烃那样严格按照从远海到近岸逐渐增大,但是总体变化趋势是近岸高于远海海域。在南北断面上,壬基酚在两个泥质区的含量变化不大,总体趋势是长江口东南软泥区>浙江沿岸软泥区,与多环芳烃的变化趋势不尽相同,这可能与物质的性质有关。与国内外其它地区相比,长江口及其邻近海域表层沉积物中多环芳烃和烷基酚的污染程度为轻度水平。但已有少数站位的个别多环芳烃(芴和二氢苊)超过了生态效应区间低值(ERL),可能对当地的海洋生物产生一定的有害效应,其他海区的潜在生态风险则很小。

【Abstract】 With the increasing worsening of the global oceanic and coastal environment, the chemical behaviors of the environmental Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) in the coastal environment have attracted much attention from the academic society. Studies were carried out in some typical urban coastal and estuarine areas in terms of the distribution and accumulative laws. The Yangtze River Estuary is a major carrying and commercial hinge, lose to highly urbanized and industrialized area. In the last decade, its environment becomes worse and worse, many kinds of contaminants from different sources are inputted. The previous studies have shown that the Yangtze Estuary have been polluted by many kinds of organic contaminant, including alkylphenols (APs), and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs).PAHs and APs are organic pollutants which are harmful to environment and human health. They are persistent organic pollutants that can be transported long range from source areas. They can be accumulated by organisms and are resistant against biodegradation. Particularly, they can induce cancer, gene mutation and hereditaria malformation. PAHs and APs are also environmental hormones, also called environmental estrogens or endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs). They are mainly released to the environment by human activities. They perform similarly to the natural hormones in the human body, so they can produce fault signals and thus interfere with the endocrine system, causing abnormality of the metabolism and endocrine and regeneration system.PAHs and NP are quantified by GC-FID with external standard and GC-MS with internal standard, and the distributions, composition, sources, biologic risk assessments in the surface sediment is studied. The studied area is divided into east-and-west section and south-and-north section by the Yangtze River diluted water, the south-and-north section is divided into three parts: the Yangtze prodelta mud area, the mud area to the southeast of the Yangtze Estuary, Zhejiang coastal mud area.The paper presents that: the concentrations of 16 PAHs in surface sediment varied from 99.6-684.4 ng.g-1 with an average of 395.7ng.g-1. The highest sampling station is in the Yangtze prodelta mud area. At the east-and-west section, the concentration of PAHs in the Yangtze Estuary and its adjacent sea area becomes smaller and smaller gradually from coast to offshore. This suggests that the distance from their sources is the important factors effecting the concentrations. At south-and-north section, the distribution pattern of average concentration of PAHs is: the Yangtze prodelta mud area(449.1ng.g-1)>Zhejiang coastal mud area(436.6ng.g-1)>the mud area to the southeast of the Yangtze Estuary(395.4ng.g-1). The distribution pattern of PAHs in the study area is controlled by the distance from their sources, grain-sizes and TOC of surface sediments which are closely related with the circulation system of the Yangtze Estuary and its adjacent sea area. The PAHs in the surface sediments are mainly pyrogenic.The concentrations of NP in surface sediment varied from 0.73-11.45ng.g-1 with an average of 4.43ng.g-1. The two highest sampling stations is in the southeast of the Yangtze Estuary and the Zhejiang coastal mud area. At the east-and-west section, the distribution pattern of average concentration of NP in the study area is not clear, but the concentration of NP in the coast is higher than that of the offshore generally. At the south-and-north section, the concentration of NP in the two mud area is similar to each other, the distribution pattern of average concentration of PAHs is: the mud area to the southeast of the Yangtze Estuary >Zhejiang coastal mud area. The distribution of NP is not similar to that of PAHs. This is relate to the property of the substance probably.The overall level of PAHs and NP in the study area is light compared to those of the other areas including some estuaries, bays and shallow continental shelves. However, Fluorene and Acenaphthene of one station exceed the effects range low (ERL) values, which might cause adverse effects on halobios, and other sea area had a low risk.

  • 【分类号】X55
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】696

