

Verification of Workflow Model Based on Petri Nets

【作者】 任荣升

【导师】 徐建良;

【作者基本信息】 中国海洋大学 , 计算机应用技术, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 工作流过程建模是一个复杂且容易出错的过程。目前对工作流模型的验证与分析还是一个比较薄弱的环节,若过程定义在投入运行之后被发现有错,则修复的代价是相当高的。因此,在建模阶段进行有效的过程验证是非常有必要的。特别是最近几年,工作流技术在业务过程重组(Business Process Re-engineering BPR)中的作用更为突出,对复杂流程的分析与验证研究的需求也越来越迫切。完善工作流过程建模理论已经成为工作流管理系统的一个重要发展方向。本文主要研究基于Petri网的工作流模型验证方法,并将验证方法适用于JBOSS JBPM建立的工作流管理系统。本文首先在参考了大量工作流系统研究的基础上,利用Petri网结构分析理论,分析了现有合理性验证方法的优点以及不足,然后根据工作流网的特点,给出符合自由选择网结构的工作流网的合理性验证方法。论文在第四章介绍了JBOSS JBPM工作流管理系统。JBPM是一个基于J2EE的轻量级的工作流管理系统。JBPM是开源项目,它的一个最大特色就是采用了自己定义的流程定义语言(JPDL),在详细分析JPDL的基础上,给出了将JPDL映射为Petri网的算法,以方便运用Petri网的验证方法。论文最后将本文提出的工作流合理性验证方法运用于JBPM建立的工作流系统上,以验证方法的实用性。

【Abstract】 The modeling of a workflow process is a complicated and error-prone procedure. However, the process verification in modeling phrase is comparatively weak at present. The cost will be very high if errors are found after the workflow is carried out in practice; therefore, the process verification is essential in the modeling of workflow phrase. Especially in recent years, with workflows plays a more and more important role in business process reengineering, there is an urgent demand for verification research and analysis of complex process. Therefore, to improve the model theory has become an important research direction.The dissertation tries to make contributions to the research of workflow verification; the research is focused on Petri Nets analysis theories. In order to demonstrate the theory the dissertation proposed, it is applied to a JBPM workflow management system.By studying many available researches on workflow verification and using the Petri theory on structural and behavioral properties, the dissertation analyses the good qualities and defects of the available achievements, and proposes an algorithm for the soundness of the workflow model according to the characteristics of Wfnet. JBOSS JBPM management system is introduced in Chapter 4 of the dissertation.JBPM is an open source and lightweight workflow management system. The most important feature of JBPM is JPDL; JPDL is a process language to implement BPM and workflow in java. An algorithm for mapping JPDL to Petri Nets is given on the basis of Alast’s task structure and JPDL language, it will facilitate the use of Petri Nets in workflow model verification process.A JBPM instance is made in the end of the dissertation, the instance attempt to demonstrate the right and soundness of the theory proposed in chapter 3 and chapter 5 of the dissertation.

【关键词】 工作流Petri网合理性工作流网JBPMJPDL
【Key words】 workflowPetri NetssoundnessWF-NetJBPMJPDL

