

A Case Study of National Identity in Social Change

【作者】 唐胡浩

【导师】 田敏;

【作者基本信息】 中南民族大学 , 社会学, 2007, 硕士


【摘要】 我国是一个多民族国家,各民族在历史发展的长河中形成了互相包容的优良传统,总体关系是和谐的。但我们也必须清醒地认识到随着我国改革开放的逐步深入,社会主义现代化建设事业的快速发展和精神文明建设的不断加强,特别是西部大开发战略的实施,各民族的交流和互动得到空前的发展。虽然各民族文化异质性逐渐减少,同质性逐步增加,但是民族间的差异并没有消失,相反随着外部环境的变化,各民族出于发展本民族政治、经济、文化的考虑,在资源、经济等领域的竞争可能会更为激烈,在一定时期和范围内,民族间的摩擦和矛盾不可避免。对民族认同深入的剖析不仅仅关系到一个民族的生存发展,对整个中华民族的生存与发展也具有重要意义。作为我国少数民族成员之一的土家族,广泛分布在湘鄂川黔边境,在同各民族长期交流融合中,该民族的语言、服饰、经济活动等同汉族的差异基本消失,但该民族成员依然保持着强烈的民族认同。其民族认同受原生性和工具性因素的综合影响,表现出认同的层次性、场景性和灵活性。强烈的民族认同有利于增强其民族的凝聚力,但同时也容易使民族成员眼中只有“我族”,而不顾及其他民族成员的利益。因此在我国现代化建设进程中既要激发土家族成员的民族认同,为本民族的发展贡献力量,同时又要把土家族成员和其他民族成员凝聚在一起,加强土家族成员作为中华民族大家庭一员的整体意识,避免各族间的冲突和矛盾,营造一个和谐的社会氛围。从认知、情感、态度、行为四个维度来分析土家族成员对本民族和对中华民族的认同,有利于从各个层面引导土家族民族成员,把他们的民族认同和中华民族认同有机的整合起来,形成强大的精神动力,为中华民族屹立于世界民族之林,为实现中华民族的伟大复兴而奋斗。

【Abstract】 Being a multi-national country, China has developed the excellent tradition that is being tolerate to each other in the long history, manifested with an overall harmonious relationship. But what we must soberly realize is that the disparities between different ethnic groups, with the gradual deepening reform and opening up to the outside world, the continuous moral civilization construction and the rapid development of the socialist modernization construction. Especially when the strategy of developing the west regions of China has been carried out that there came the unprecedented development of communication and interaction, so much so that the heterogeneity was gradually reduced and homogeneity increased, but the discrepancies between the ethnic groups did not disappear. On the contrary, with the changing of the external environment, each ethnic group may have more ferocious competition in fields such as resources and economy for the sake of developing their own politics, economy and culture. The disputes and conflicts between the ethnic groups is unavoidable in certain period and scope. Deep analysis of national identity not only relates to the survival and development of the nation, but also play an important role for those of the whole Chinese nation. Tujia nationality, as one of the many ethnic groups of China, is extensively distributed on the boarders of Hunan, Hubei and Sichuan provinces, whose language, costumes, economic activities have basically eliminated the differences with those of Han ethnic group during the long process of communication and assimilation with other ethnic groups. But the members of this group still retain strong national identity that bears the comprehensive influence of originality and instrumental, showing the features of strata, situation and flexibility. A strong national identity is conducive to the unity of the ethnic group; and on the other hand, easy for it to be self-centered, not thinking of the benefit of other groups. Therefore, in the process of constructing China modernization, the national identity of Tujia nationality should be aroused to contribute to its development, and its members should also be united with the members of other groups to strengthen the consciousness of Tujia people as a part of the big family of China and to avoid the disputes and conflicts between different groups, thus creating a harmonious social atmosphere. Analyzing Tujia people’s identities of Chinese Nation and of their own nationality from the four dimensions - cognition, emotion, attitude and behavior is conducive to guide Tujia people on different levels, integrating their Chinese Nation identity and their own nationality to strive for the great rejuvenation of Chinese nation and for Chinese nation standing out in the world, with the strong spiritual drive produced.

  • 【分类号】D633
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】1256

