

The Research and Application of Distributed Workflow Based on EECA

【作者】 李忠星

【导师】 张春海;

【作者基本信息】 中国海洋大学 , 计算机应用技术, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 工作流技术是近年来随着Internet和Intranet的日益普及而迅速发展的技术研究领域之一。工作流管理系统是业务流程管理的重要基础,主要目标是通过调用有关信息资源与人力资源来协调业务流程中的各个环节,是指按照一定的顺序依次进行,从而实现业务流程的自动化。随着企业的全球化和网络技术的迅速发展,现代企业信息环境的分布、异构和自治等特性越来越明显。在这种客观背景下,基于广域网技术、分布式计算技术,支持企业之间及企业内部跨地域的分布式工作流系统成为工作流技术发展的必然趋势和当今研究的热点。然而大部分分布式工作流管理系统都采用集中式管理结构,即在分布式工作流执行中有一个主控工作流引擎来负责从属工作流引擎的控制与协调,这种结构在兼容性、可扩展性、可靠性等方面都存在缺点。在分布式工作流管理系统中还有很多关于时间方面的问题没有解决,限制了其描述能力。本文是在分析现有分布式工作流系统的基础上,提出一种基于扩展ECA规则和事件驱动机制的分布式工作流系统实现方案,它通过工作流引擎上的扩展ECA规则来完成工作流中的任务执行。首先将ECA规则在时间上进行扩展,解决了ECA规则在描述与时间相关的复杂过程时能力不足的问题,并将事件重写为事件发生时刻,使事件表达式具有更强的表达能力,使之有丰富的可用性。利用UML活动图进行建模,并增加空活动和带触发条件的转移这两种建模元素,丰富了UML活动图的语义,提高了工作流模型描述能力。在最后给出集装箱物流管理系统中的应用示例,并结合具体业务流程对实现过程作了简要描述。

【Abstract】 With the increasing prevalence of Internet and Intranet, workflow technology is one of the fields developing most rapidly. Workflow system is the most important foundation of business process. The main target of workflow system is the automation of procedures where documents, information or tasks are passed between participants according to a predefined set of rules to achieve an overall business goal.Distribution, Heterogeneity and autonomy of modern enterprise’s information become more and more remarkable with the fast development of IT technology and enterprise’s globalization. On this objective background, the distributed workflow system, that supports distributed computing and collaboration among departments or enterprises, becomes the focus and future trend of workflow technology study. But most of the distributed workflow management systems have made use of centered management system, namely in the distributed workflow execution, there is only one primary workflow engine in charge of controlling and cooperating the subordinate workflow engines. As a result of some time problems within the workflow system not settled, the area of its description is limited.So, under the analysis of former distributed workflow technology, we bring forward a distributed workflow system based on Extended-ECA rule and event-driven mechanism, and it completes tasks in workflow by Extended-ECA rules of the workflow engines. First of all, extended ECA rule which extends in time, resolves the problems of ECA rule’s deficient in describing complex process related to time, and rewriting the event into the occurrence time of the event makes the event expression have more expression semantics; define the workflow process by UML activity diagram, and add model elements to activity diagram, enlarge the describing ability of workflow model. This technology is applied in Container Logistics Information System, and the implementation of a process instance is also described.


