

The Seismic Identification of Igneous Rock of Shanghe Region

【作者】 盖永浩

【导师】 姜效典;

【作者基本信息】 中国海洋大学 , 地球探测与信息技术, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 火成岩油气藏是断陷盆地内经常遇到的隐蔽油气藏类型之一。火成岩的研究现在已经成为一个新的勘探热点,国内外对火成岩的勘探研究已经有了不少的成果。本文研究的工区-商河探区位于商河油田最南部,属于临南洼陷的一部分。该区块位于中央隆起带的主体部位,地势北高南低,地层向西南倾。从构造背景上看,该区以发育近东西向断层为主,这些东西向大断层与近南北向或东北西南走向的次级断层配合形成小型的构造圈闭。火成岩在该研究区内大量分布,其严重影响了该区地层的分布,制约了该地区的油气勘探工作,加强该地区的火成岩分布及形成演化研究非常有必要。作者阅读了许多前人的成果资料,并在别人研究的成果基础之上,总结了该区火成岩的各种特征。分析火成岩的岩性和物性特征及火成岩在测井和地震上的各种响应特征,将该区火成岩归纳为五种地震反射形态,这些是常规识别火成岩的基础。利用K-L变换和神经网络技术相结合的方法进行多地震属性分析识别火成岩是本文的重点。根据研究的实际情况,总结了一套适合该工区的工作流程,首先是确定提取属性的层位,新层位的生成最好选用层间插值的办法;第二步是沿层提取各种地震属性,采用沿层位设定固定时窗的方法提取;第三步是属性数据预处理(去异常值、平滑、归一化);第四步是基于K-L变换和BP神经网络结合进行火成岩识别;第五步是检验识别结果,圈定出火成岩。经过对火成岩横纵向识别结果的分析研究,该研究区的火成岩大致分为三期:孔店组至沙四段沉积时期为第一期;沙三段至沙一段沉积早期为第二期;沙一段沉积晚期到东营组沉积时期为第三期。

【Abstract】 Igneous reservoir is one of the elusive reservoir which can often be found in rift basin. The study on igneous rock has become a new hot spot, and there has been a lot of achievements home and abroad. The study area is located in the south of Shanghe oil filed, subjected to the Linnan Depression. This area is situated on the main part of the central uplift terrain, higher in the north and lower in the south, and the layers is slope to southwest. From the tectonic setting, the faults in this area mainly extend from east to west. These main east-west faults coordinated with north-south subsidiary fractures form some small structural traps. The igneous rock distribute in many places of this study area, impact the stratigraphic distribution, restraint the oil and gas exploration in the region. It is necessary to study the formation, evolution and distribution of igneous rock in this area.The author read a number of previous literature, and summarized the characteristics of igneous rock based on the fruits of pioneers. The analysis about the lithologic character, physical property and the response character in log and seismic profile. The seismic reflectance signatures in this region belong to five types. All of these constitute the base of igneous rock identification in routine methods. The emphasis of this paper is the seismic multi-parameter goals prediction based on the K-L transform and BP neural network.Based on the real situation, in this region the author developed the research procedure in 5 sections: first, to chose the favorable horizons, the new horizon had better be generated in the method of interpolation between datum horizons; second, to extract the attributes belong the new horizons, third, preprocessing include anomalous value rejection, smoothing and normalization; forth, the author studies the seismic muti-attribute’s depressed dimension mapping method based on K-L transform and its optimizing forecast strategy based on BP neural network for the igneous rock; fifth, to check the result, and block out the igneous rock.By analyzing the distribution of igneous rock in this region, the development of igneous rock in this region can be divided into 3 stages: the first stage is from Kongdian to Shasi, the second stage is Shasan to early Shayi, the third stage is later Shayi to Dongying.

  • 【分类号】P631.4
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】227

