

The Development Dynamic State Characteristic Research of Tahe 4th Area Oil Field

【作者】 杨全疆

【导师】 姚军;

【作者基本信息】 中国石油大学 , 油气田开发工程, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 塔河油田四区奥陶系油藏属于非均质性极强的缝洞型碳酸盐岩油藏,在塔河碳酸盐岩油藏中具有代表性,由于综合含水的上升造成产量递减大,加上大部分高含水停喷井后期措施难度大,使得油藏的采收率较低。因此需要在提高油藏采收率方面有一些基础的关键性问题仍需要研究。本文针对塔河油田四区奥陶系油藏进行了地层压力变化特征研究、油井水淹特征及含水变化规律研究、产能变化、递减规律及其影响因素研究。通过研究,分析出该区水淹机理和含水上升机制,弄清了不同储集空间中油水流动规律,系统的理清了影响含水上升的各种因素及其作用大小,最终建立不同的油水关系及含水上升模式。分析并预测了不同缝洞单元、不同类型油井停喷时间、停喷含水、停喷流压等,研究预测了不同储集体枯竭开采条件下最低流压和地层压力的界限值。总结出各个缝洞单元在不同的开发阶段的油井产量递减规律;系统分析了影响产量递减的主要因素,并研究了各个影响因素的作用关系。通过对塔河四区开发动态特征的研究,在总结分析稳产增产措施的应用效果基础上,提出了该油藏导向性的措施实施方向。进一步确立了注水、压锥、堵水等控制含水上升措施的主导措施。本研究也在动态分析的手段、方法上有所提高,对塔河其它类似油藏的开发具有借鉴意义,形成的研究方法也可应用于相似油田的研究。

【Abstract】 The Ordovician reservoir of Tahe 4 area oilfield which buried deeply is a representative in carbonate rock container which has the characteristic of high anisotropic fractured vuggy type in the Tahe carbonate reservoir. Because water ratio arises, the yield production decrease is hudge, the oil recovery is lower. Therefore, how to raise the oil recovery need some base studying.So far as the Tahe oil-field 4th area Ordovician reservoir is concerned, the main research concludes: the study of vatiety of stratum pressure, characteristic of water flood and the variety regulation of water ratio of the oil well , the regulation of productivity variety and decrease progressively for the geologic strata pressure and its effecting factors research. Through these research, analyze the mechanism of water flood and water ratio arising, made it clear that the regulation of water and oil flowing in different formation , the reason of the system clearify various effecting factors and its function of water ratio arising, finally build up the different relation between water and oil and the mode of water ratio arising. Analyzed and predicted quit flowing time, containing water and flowing pressure of dissimilarity fractured vuggy unit and different type oil well etc. Studied and predicted the threshold of minimal flowing pressure and formation pressure under the condition of exhausted production in different formation. Summarized production decrease regulation of oil well of each fractured vuggy unit unit at the different development stage; Analyzed the main effecting factors of production decrease regulation, and study the function relationship of each effecting factors.Through the four research of the area development dynamic characteristics to the Tahe, put forward that oilfield to head the measure implement direction of the direction in analysis steadily producing applied resul. the measure of boost production. We formed a main measure to stop water ratio from rising, such as inject water and press an awl and block up a water further etc. It also have an exaltation on the dynamic means and method, for the other similar reservoir to Tahe oilfield , which can use this analyzing method in development. The research method can also be applied in the research of the simile oilfield.

  • 【分类号】TE331
  • 【下载频次】758

