

Integrated Velocity Modeling Based on Density Imaging

【作者】 孙鲁平

【导师】 刘展;

【作者基本信息】 中国石油大学 , 地球探测与信息技术, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 本文在讨论了复杂地表及复杂地质构造条件下静校正及深度偏移处理难点的基础上,形成了一套有效的基于密度成像的综合速度建模的技术流程。详细探讨了流程中关于密度成像、密度-速度转换、静校正处理等关键技术环节。应用该方法对大龙口工区进行综合地质-地球物理建模。结果表明,基于密度成像的综合速度建模方法的实用性。对原有黄金分割算法程序进行了扩充和改进,使其能够进行2.5D位场反演;提出相关系数加权确定反演初值的技术措施,改善宽泛物理约束情况下的反演效果;通过各种模型试算,分析和总结了剖分方案以及反演参数对反演结果的影响,给出了相关参数的选取原则以及扩边方案;总结归纳了密度-速度转换关系的几种技术类型;在上述基础上,归纳总结出基于密度成像的综合速度建模进行地震资料目标处理的具体流程;对复杂地表条件下变速度一次静校正方法进行了研究,推导并实现一种基于地表一致性假设、考虑了近地表速度纵横向变化的一次静校正方法;最后,按照整个技术路线的思想对新疆大龙口地区的实际资料进行了处理,建立了DLK044和DLK052两条剖面的速度-深度模型,利用此模型进行叠前及叠后深度偏移成像处理,验证了整个方法的实用性。

【Abstract】 This paper presented a new integrated method for integrated velocitymodeling after discussing the various difficulties of seismic staticscorrection and depth-migration processing of the complex surface andcomplex geologic structure areas. The new method was based on densityinversion imaging and density-velocity relationship. The technical flow ofthe new method was determined and the several key questions in the flowwere discussed. The inversion result of DLK area demonstrated that themethod for integrated velocity modeling based on density imaging waseffective and correct.The paper expanded the golden section algorithm and made it can do2.5D inversion; Several effective measures were presented to solve themultiplicity problem including related coefficient weighted to determinethe initialized value of the griddings; According to the model tests, theaffect of every interelated parameter was summarized and the principlesof choosing suitable parameters were presented; The relationships ofdensity and velocity were summarized and classified; Based on all ofthese, the technical flow of the method for integrated velocity modelingbased on density imaging was presented. The paper also did some studyon a method of statics correction of complex surface which can treat the transverse velocity varies; Finally, according to the whole technical flow,the actual data of DLK area of Xinjiang province were processed. Twovelocity profile models of DLK044 and DLK052 were established. Thedepth migration processing of these two profiles were carried out. Theimproved results of depth migration demonstrated the practicability ofthis new method.

  • 【分类号】P631
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】190

