

On the Policies Taken by Government to Promote NGOs’ Development

【作者】 赵斐

【导师】 穆丽霞; 王学栋;

【作者基本信息】 中国石油大学 , 马克思主义理论教育与思想政治教育, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 19世纪80年代以来,在全球结社革命的背景下,非政府组织作为世界上绝大多数国家社会变革中不可阻挡的重要力量,在全球范围内蓬勃发展;20世纪90年代以来,我国的非政府组织也得到了空前的发展。鉴于非政府组织自身的局限性以及政府在非政府组织发展中发挥的重大作用,发达国家或地区政府往往通过设立专门指导与管理机构、确立非政府组织的合法地位、实施行业准入制度、监督管理制度、财政优惠等政策措施促进非政府组织的发展,并积累了一些行之有效的经验。我国政府在促进非政府组织发展方面,也采取了立法、行业准入、管理监督、税收优惠、资金支持等政策措施,但仍然存在法律法规方面有制度性缺陷,双重管理体制及其他规制对非政府组织发展的限制、监督惩罚机制的不力及政府优惠政策的不足等问题。因此,在汲取发达国家或地区发展非政府组织经验的基础上,通过立法明确划分非营利机构与营利机构、明确非政府组织的公益法人资格、调整和制定合理的行业准入制度、完善管理监督机制、合理调整政府财政政策等来改革与完善我国政府的有关政策;同时,按照社会发展和政府改革的内在要求,促进非政府组织理顺管理体制,实现从部门到社会的转变,构建和塑造以社会性、公益性为主要特征的非政府组织运作机制,将是有益于我国非政府组织健康发展的有效途径。

【Abstract】 In the 1880s, along with the global booming, the Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) gradually became one of the most important strengths that can not be impeded during the international reform. Since the 1990s, NGOs in China flourished. Considering its inherent limitations and the important functions that governments exert in the development of NGOs, most of the governments in developed countries or regions pay more attention to planting the NGOs. They form specialized organizations to direct NGOs; establish related laws to legal the status of NGOs, implement professional quasi-into, management and special public financing discount of the system etc. In China, the government also adopts many policies, but some drawbacks still exist: the incompleteness of lawmaking, the irregularity of professional quasi-into system and so on. Therefore, acquiring useful policies of the other countries as well as defining the specific character of none-profit and profit, the legal person qualifications, and adjusting the professional quasi-into system, mean while, rebuilding the public and social character of the NGOs according to the inherent requirement of the reform, will be a valid way to promote the development of NGOs in China.

【关键词】 政府非政府组织政策措施改革完善
【Key words】 GovernmentNGOsPolicyReformPerfect
  • 【分类号】D523
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】512

