

The Optimal Design on Multi-laterals Well Configuration of the Bohai Marginal Oil Field

【作者】 王金波

【导师】 孙宝江;

【作者基本信息】 中国石油大学 , 油气井工程, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 根据油气藏的渗流特点,从渗流力学基本微分方程出发,利用加权余量有限元法的Galerkin方法推导了二维单相流体渗流、二维油—水两相流体渗流的有限元方程,在此基础上利用FEPG 6.0平台及Fortran PowerStation 4.0编译器编制了计算多分支水平井产量的有限元油藏模拟器,并利用该模拟器对多分支水平井形态参数分支长度、分支夹角、分支数目、分支数、分支井间距及油藏渗透率和原油粘度对产能的影响进行了研究,得到了不同形态参数和油层物性对多分支水平井产量影响的规律,研究结果对于多分支水平井形态参数优化设计具有重要参考价值。结合渤海边际油田多分支井的钻井技术经济特点,引入净现值NPV概念,建立多分支水平井长度的优化模型。最后,应用VB.NET语言编制了多分支水平井形态优化设计软件,针对渤海一口四分支水平井进行了优化设计研究,并与现场实际生产数据进行了对比,本研究对分支水平井形态参数优化设计具有一定指导作用。

【Abstract】 The design of configuration parameters of multi-laterals well plays an important role in petroleum reservoir engineering & drilling engineering. Combining with the infiltrating fluid, this paper made an in-depth research on the theory and methods of utilization of FEM in reservoir based on the basic theory and characteristics. According to the FEM theory, we figure out single-phase fluid flow & two-phase fluid flow formula from infiltrating fluid. Based on that formula and using FEPG 6.0 and Fortran Powerstation 4.0; we developed an analytical reservoir simulator with which the production of multi-laterals well can be easily calculated. Furthermore, we made a further imitation research on production effect according to the configuration parameters and physical properties of reservoir. The outcome of this research and the various form of the physical property of oil layer is a substantial direction to an advanced parameters design for multi-branch well.With the numerical simulation model and based on the FEM numerical technique and economic feature of drilling multi-laterals, we exserted numerical value and factor theory and developed a multi-laterals well model to advance configuration parameters in a broader perspective. Finally, we formulated a software about the parameters of the configuration optimal design of the multi-laterals well which is beneficial for Bohai marginal oil field application.

  • 【分类号】TE22
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】567

